Latent Syndrome

Chapter 281 280 Promised Land

Chapter 281 280. Promised Land

Di Wei saw this cold-blooded and brutal scene at the end of the warehouse, but did not take any action.

As the electric light disappeared, Di Wei disappeared into the darkness again.

The cook thought it was just an illusion caused by his first taste of the knife. He picked up the knife and continued to kill people. He could earn tens of millions of alliance coins for each order at the port. There was no more cost-effective sale in the world.

Running off the boat is equivalent to killing several K's.

Just as the cook attacked a woman holding a child, thunder flashed in the sky again, and Di Biao had already appeared beside him. It was hard to imagine what kind of force it was.

One hand clamped the cook's shoulder, and the other hand actually tore off his arm. As the bones shattered, the skin and flesh broke with a crunching sound, and blood flowed profusely.

When a person is about to die, there is no pain. It's just that the cook looked at the missing hand and let out a disobedient scream.

Di Wei held the broken cook's wrist as if using nunchucks. As the joints were whipped, the cook's big arm hit his own head and was directly smashed to pieces.

He pulled off the cook's thicker thigh, and in a moment, he subdued all the sailors, including the captain, and quietly turned on the lights in the warehouse.

Under the illumination of incandescent lamps, the entire warehouse has become a plasma hell. The people closest to the front of the warehouse died the most miserably. It is impossible to distinguish the original appearance. There are only red broken limbs and bright broth on the ground.

And the people at the back end of the warehouse were not completely spared. In the commotion just now, everyone squeezed back as hard as they could, using all their strength to crush the people at the back until their bones were crushed. But the cause of death was still suffocation. His face was ashen and his eyes were wide open.

All the sailors had their legs removed by Di Zhu. They were unable to walk and lay prone on the ground. However, Di Zhu did not take their lives. They were covered in blood and looked at these people expressionlessly.

The stowaways in the cabin trembled as they looked at this hellish scene. Even the unconscious baby was crying. The baby's mother covered his eyes, even though she herself was trapped in this unforgettable scene.

The sailors' legs were removed, and the surviving stowaways were so frightened that they collapsed to the ground.

They also saw it, and the one who saved them was the only man standing among all the people at the scene. He was wearing a dirty white vest with holes, and his hair was shaved to less than a centimeter.

The captain couldn't figure out why there was such a person among the stowaways.

"Are you also infected?"

The other sailors were frightened into silence by Di Biao, but the captain still managed to remain calm.

Di Wei did not answer, but just picked up the knives they used from the ground. These knives were originally used to cut some sea fish, and they were in contact with some soft tissues, so they would not be worn so badly.

There is only one answer. They often chop down big guys with bones, and this is when these big guys are still alive and kicking.

None of the stowaways dared to speak. They just watched the confrontation between Di Zhu and the captain with great concentration. Those sailors... were all infected. The legs chopped off by Di Zhu had begun to grow tendrils.

The captain always felt that Di Biao had seen this face somewhere before, but it was different. Under the overwhelming power, the captain had no choice but to throw it away alone.

"I can give you the position of captain."

"You don't know how profitable this business is. It is one of the most profitable businesses in the world today."

"Everyone who smuggles across the border will pay a sky-high price just for a spot in the Freedom League."

"You know, you paid for it too!"

"There are people like this in every port, and there is no end to the cargo."

"Every time you go to a place, pick up a group of people, kill them all, pick up another group of people, and soon you will be as rich as the enemy!"

The captain tempted Di Bong. No one in this world could refuse this condition. From the first moment he became an infected person, he was already different from ordinary people. This is equivalent to saying that this is completely a business without capital.

All the stowaways felt their scalps tingling and sweating. What a terrifying ship this was. They thought they had left the hell ruled by the infected with hope.

But infected people are already everywhere, maybe even the Free Alliance...

The fire in their hearts was completely extinguished by these words. Apart from this world, there is no place that can be called hell.

But Di Wei was not moved at all.


Something he once said.

"It's just a piece of paper, and people have given it a strong symbolic meaning and taken it as truth."

"I don't need this kind of thing."

Di Wei said coldly.

The captain's heart suddenly dropped to freezing point. If Di Biao refused, he would definitely die.

"I don't just give you this ship..."

"My men and I will work for you unconditionally, and all profits will be yours."

"all of them……"

The captain shouted with all his strength, seeing that Di Biao had already picked up the knife and was about to kill him.

"You can't kill me!"

"You don't know how to operate this ship at all. There must be professional personnel, me, the chief engineer, and seamen who are familiar with the equipment on the ship!"

The captain racked his brains to think of ways to survive.

"Is there a way to sail..."

But Di Wei was unmoved. When he was a thief, he studied some methods of opening safes, including bank vaults, and he knew something about electrical matters.

At this time, a crew member recognized Di Wei and it was related to the movie that was popular all over the world.

"You're DB! You're the guy in that movie!"

The words just fell.


Di Wei directly chopped off the captain's head and rolled several times on the ground. Amidst the turbulence of the ocean, he rolled to the corner of the warehouse.

When all the remaining crew members saw this, they desperately begged for mercy, even though they already knew their fate in their hearts.

All the stowaways were shocked. Even though this place turned into a bloody hell, they were still frightened to see such a medieval beheading-like scene with their own eyes under sufficient light.

That monk was right.

But it's also wrong.

"You don't have to be afraid."

"When a person abuses a weak person, he has already acquiesced. He may allow himself to be abused by a stronger person."

"This is complete justice."

"Totally fair."

After Di Wei finished speaking, he killed all the remaining sailors with a squid knife, and all the blood splashed on his face.

"it is a pity that."

"This ship will not sail directly to the Free Alliance."

"I will go to port after port, take every ship full of human life and blood, and take everyone with me."

"Let's go together."

“A paradise without abuse.”

He said truthfully and left the warehouse.

All the stowaways followed him and walked through the deep passage. Some went to the cold storage to look for food, and some who were already exhausted walked onto the deck.

The violent lightning is so exciting, and the wind, waves and raindrops swaying on the sea are so enjoyable.

This hearty rain is filled with the fragrance of freedom.

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