Latent Syndrome

Chapter 292 291 Weili

Chapter 292 291. Wei Li

After hearing of Harris' death.

Sean was disturbed because he assisted Harris in killing the High Command inspector.

After Luca became the head of Section 4, he always had an ominous premonition.

Sean sat on a bench outside Liberty City's Supreme Court.

Fine pieces of ice and snow were flying in the air, and the road was covered with a thin layer, which was pushed to both sides of the road by snow plows.

At No. 60 Central Street in Manhattan, in order to ensure that tomorrow's trial goes smoothly, many ace agents from the first department, and Sean led the elite agents from the fourth department to turn the court into an impregnable fortress to prevent criminals. Invade or carry out explosions.

The building of the courthouse is extremely grand in appearance. The main entrance door is modeled after the Temple of Athena. Roman columns support this majestic and gloomy palace, which is extremely solemn.

In a sense, it is located in the center of the world economy and is the supreme court of the most powerful country in the world. It symbolizes the highest order.

Because it was a public trial and occurred during a special period of stock market crash, social depression, virus outbreak, and raging terrorists, this trial received unprecedented attention.

Countless media outlets set up cameras outside the court, waiting for the latest progress of the incident. They are all tabloid reporters. Only mouthpieces loyal to the government have the authority to broadcast and record inside the court.

The outer square outside the cordon was already overcrowded. In addition to the media, there were also many idle people, most of whom looked gloomy.

The job of Sean and the agents of Section 4 is to drive away some people with abnormal mental states and potential infections, as well as fanatics who are always watching here, ready to carry bombs and prepare to die together.

At this moment, there is no one more famous than Di Bong in the world. He first became an idol for all those who were treated unfairly, and then was accused of multiple murder bombing cases with conclusive evidence, and fell from the altar. Those things are It does happen.

Sean didn't understand that even though so much powerful evidence had been presented, many people still placed some kind of faith in him and would never give up until they saw the end of everything.

This trial will be different from all trials. It is not a trial where the evidence speaks for itself, but a trial between thoughts. It is really mysterious.

Sean crossed his fingers, put them on his forehead, closed his eyes and made a praying gesture.

In Harris's original words, if the original strategy is maintained, the whole world will only collapse a little bit. If it continues to develop as it is now, it will reach a turning point. After that point, the symbolic world will be impregnable and will never be able to do so again. No one will be infected anymore.

Maybe this is the point.

Although Harris is dead, Sean hopes everything goes well. His child has autism and is vulnerable to infection, and he is eager to end this as soon as possible.

Just when he was thinking wildly, the sound of dull and powerful footsteps came, and a slightly stooped figure walked behind the bench.

"This is more lively than Christmas."

"The impact of this trial is probably no less significant than the Yalta Conference."

Luka's weird and sinister fingers put their hands on Sean's shoulders from behind, in a gesture of complete control.

Sean put down the hand on his forehead and opened his eyes.

"Human beings are quite wonderful creatures."

"Everything must pay attention to the so-called reference object, stillness and motion, relative and absolute. The so-called science must be falsifiable in order to be called science."

"It's the same with people."

"If you don't identify a crazy person."

"People can't even tell..."

"Are you normal?"

Luca rubbed Sean's shoulders like a physical therapist. Although the rest of the preparations were complicated, they were all handled by professionals. He came over to inspect the situation here and it must be flawless.


"That's right."

Sean didn't know what to say. Luca's behavior made him extremely uncomfortable. He was in a completely controlling and passive situation.

"The biggest threat to SCT is."

"They always appear in abstract forms and spread with ideas. Even if someone catches them, it is meaningless and not enough to open up people's wisdom."

"Just as invisible slavery is the most terrifying, this invisible madness is also unstoppable."

"The difference now is that we have a specific person who has huge influence."

"It's like a brain surgeon peeling off the cocoon and identifying one..."

"the wicked."

Luka rubbed Sean's shoulders, just when Sean was about to say something.

"I can feel people's subtle emotions. You are nervous."

"Don't worry."

"In fact, there is no such thing as human beings. Society only exists with spiritual concepts, and only individuals exist in the real world."

"I have severe obsessive-compulsive disorder, and having two jelly beans of different colors in a bottle is enough to drive me crazy."

"What you did was correct. You just erased a symbol and eliminated the unclean things."

Just follow what Luca said.

Sean understood the profound meaning, the stone in his heart fell, and he exhaled uncontrollably.

"I have a job for you."

"Leave it to me to take charge here."

Luka withdrew his hand, walked around and sat on the bench, opened the silver suitcase and inspected the rifle, special bullets, and some necessary props to kill the transcendent.

"Are you in charge?"

"As deputy..."

Sean was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"You still don't understand the importance of this matter. There must be no mistakes and it must be more precise than machinery."

"I'm even willing to have all the forces of the Countermeasures Bureau stationed here."

"Did you see the longing eyes of those people in the square?"

“Everyone is on the verge of collapse, eager to be freed from the shackles of their own ego.”

"This kind of thing... is never allowed."

"The intelligence services identified some restless individuals online who questioned whether the evidence against Di Bong was fabricated, even though all physical evidence was genuine."

"But that movie had such a profound impact that they will only be attracted to things that are essentially the same as themselves."

"I want you to take all the Fourth Section personnel and kill them."

"The first department will be fully responsible here."

Luka said extremely calmly, as the deputy director of the Countermeasures Bureau, his orders cannot be disobeyed.

Sean was stunned.

Even if it means killing susceptible people, he has no objection at all.

Watching Luca take out a long list of names from the suitcase, even tens of thousands of names, asking Sean to take all the agents of Section 4 to go out and kill all these people.


"It's just the wrong thing to say, just...a word."

Sean retorted bravely, even though he knew how serious the consequences of disobeying Luca would be.

Luka's expression turned completely gloomy, and he put a hand on Sean's shoulder again.

"You know...what are the characteristics of a market economy."

Luca asked a completely bizarre and out-of-the-box question.

Sean shook his head.

"That's the price of everything."

"It's all caused by a..."

“What is guided by the Supreme Being transcends society and the human spirit.”

"They're all the same."

"Guided by invisible power."

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