Latent Syndrome

Chapter 296 295 Reporter

Chapter 296 295. Reporter

Inside a high-end loft apartment in Manhattan, Liberty City.

The floor tiles made of obsidian and jazz white are incomparably gorgeous. Under each step of the semi-suspended indoor staircase, there are grooves embedded with sensor light strips. Each step will be captured with subtle force, flickering and flowing soft light.

The kitchen island is made of precious slate, and the wall-mounted electronic stove is beating with three-dimensional and realistic flames. A woman with a haggard face is cooking.

But to her surprise, she just opened one can of cheap lunch meat and poured it into a porcelain plate that could be called a handicraft.

Only then did I realize that there was a corner of the kitchen that was incompatible with all the luxurious decorations in the house. There were piles of various food cans, drinking water, and some bottles of vitamin tablets.

The most striking thing is that there is still some gasoline.

"How about... let's go back to the countryside?"

The woman said to her husband.

Anton is a well-known reporter from the largest media in the Freedom Alliance. The emergence of super-powered terrorists and various increasingly fierce conflicts in society today have completely broken through the social system that was already on the verge of collapse. The crisis caused by high inflation, as well as the gradual decline of the all around the world.

He realized that this phenomenon was irreversible, and used most of his property to replace these things that had seemed completely shabby before.

Anton, who was already a little anxious, endured the woman's kindness.

"No, those places lack control and are completely outside the law. If you stay in the city, you can at least have some protections."

Anton sat on the dining chair and saw the dish which was completely filled with sauce and paste mixed with luncheon meat. He didn't say anything more and just planned to finish it quickly.

He has more important things to do. Tomorrow's hearing of the Supreme Court at No. 60 Central Street will be broadcast live. After eating, he will go to do some preparations.

Recently, an organization called the Countermeasures Bureau appeared and replaced the government. He received an order to attend a meeting. He must arrive before three o'clock and give some precautions to the reporters responsible for broadcasting.

"After this trial is over."

"This will all be over, right?"

His wife asked with longing, she was really fed up with this kind of life with nothing, everything was restricted, and there were fierce sergeants checking every day. They had hoarded more supplies, but some of them had good moral character. Bad sergeants will steal supplies, and any feedback and reports will be useless. The military, police and military police are walking sideways in the city, completely unable to disobey.

Now they have learned to be smart. In order to prevent these military police from conducting a comprehensive inspection, they deliberately took out a part. They had obtained the upper limit of what they could take away, and they were no longer interested in searching more places.

Because too many people have been incited by the so-called Di Bo, all factories have stopped and almost all social functions have come to a standstill. Natural gas and drinking water have been stopped, but the power supply is still barely maintained.

The gas station only allows people from government departments to enter. If Anton hadn't had the foresight to stock up on some gasoline, he could have driven more than a thousand kilometers, otherwise he would have been trapped in Liberty City.

To be honest, Anton doesn't know the answer to this question. At least there was once a Berlin Wall that could be torn down. No one knows...

Where is the current wall?

In order to reassure his wife, Anton replied bravely: "Of course, as long as the negative influence of this person is eliminated, everything will be fine."

However, Anton did not hold out hope. As early as half a year ago, there were many cases of monsters injuring people in Liberty City. In the first week, there were more than a hundred cases.

Under the operation of modern machines, those horrific monsters, or madmen, were photographed. Every tortured corpse was horrible to look at, and something terrible was spreading.

But an organization called the Countermeasures Bureau suddenly appeared and suppressed all incidents without leakage.

Whether it was the Countermeasures Bureau or the SCT, Anton had no hope and just tried his best to keep himself and his family alive.

"I gotta go."

Anton looked at his watch and stood up. He must not miss the three o'clock meeting.

The woman took the coat off the hanger, put it on Anton, and picked up the tie to tie it for him.


"This kind of thing is useless now, it's so scary."

Anton held the woman's hand, put down his tie, and seemed to have thought of something. He ran to the bedroom on the third floor and took out a Glock pistol from the bedside table.

Originally, he was going to put it in his arms, but on second thought, he returned to the first floor and gave the gun to his wife.

The woman's eyes flashed and she looked at Anton in disbelief.

"How could you have...such a thing?"

The woman's hands were trembling and she didn't dare to take it.

Under the influence of the Second Amendment, a person with a gun license can carry a gun, regardless of whether the person belongs to a militia or otherwise, and can use it for legitimate reasons.

But pistols are different. Because they are easy to carry and can be concealed, they are far more dangerous than rifles. The difficulty of purchasing and registering them is extremely high, and they can often only be purchased through illegal channels.

But in this special period, all weapon shops have been closed. If such a thing is discovered by the military and police, it will be executed immediately.


"protect yourself."

"I am leaving."

After that, Anton left the house, entered the elevator, and arrived outside the apartment building.

The streets were extremely depressed, there were no people around, and all the shops were closed. Even if there were good people, they all went to the Supreme Court on Central Street.

Military police with live ammunition patrolled the streets, and police cars drove through the streets with their sirens blaring.

Although only slightly.

Anton could faintly hear gunshots and screams coming from far away from time to time. Anton knew that it was the Countermeasures Bureau executing sick people.

Everything has been made public, there is no need to hide it, and Anton is used to this kind of thing. In the past few days, there have been gunshots everywhere. Except for the bold, almost all ordinary citizens have stayed behind closed doors.

The immigrant population in Liberty City accounts for the vast majority, but they have no intention of returning to their hometowns. Too many people can't get through even if they call home. In the Liberty Alliance where infected people are raging, they may have died.

Anton did not drive to attract attention, as that would be tantamount to suicide. After walking to the subway station patrolled by the army, he went to the Supreme Court to prepare for tomorrow's matters.

Just when he arrived at the subway station and stood outside the cordon, he suddenly felt an unpleasant sense of déjà vu.

In addition to a few scattered people, there were several people waiting for the subway with him, wearing black jackets, with shaved heads and fierce expressions.

Anton vaguely remembered where he had seen it. A piece of news was reported to the Freedom Alliance. He was also dressed like this. A criminal was wanted and was classified as a cult terrorist organization. He was a guy with a birthmark on his face.

Just as the train roared past.


There was a burst of gunfire.

Anton quickly squatted down, held his head and crawled under the billboard.

Immediately afterwards, these short-haired men faced the army's bullets, took out their daggers, stabbed all the soldiers wildly, and even stabbed their heads mercilessly, causing blood to drip from them.

The scene was very chaotic.

These people seemed to be immortal and could not be killed no matter how much bullets were fired. After more than half a minute, all the soldiers in the subway station were slaughtered.

Anton's legs were trembling a little, and he pretended to be dead on the ground, praying that they wouldn't come over.

But a man with a short hair still found him and put his hand on his shoulder.

Anton couldn't control his fear, gasped, and slowly turned around.

It was a face splattered with blood, completely like a cold-blooded animal.


"Everything is under control."


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