Latent Syndrome

Chapter 304 303 Madman

Chapter 304 303. Madman

The face was too terrifying, the muscles at the corners of the mouth were stiff and twitching, half of the face had been gouged out, and the white molars were faintly revealed.

Like a wild beast in the shadows of the ancient jungle.

The personnel of the Countermeasures Bureau in charge of the broadcast were stunned by the ferocious appearance, but they quickly recovered their emotions. When the switchboard's perspective was switched, the broadcast camera was cut to Luca's position.

Faced with Di Biao's sudden attack, many dignitaries and representatives of civil society groups in the audience were frightened. However, looking back, people from the Countermeasures Bureau blocked the entrance to the main hall and the temporary fire escape. No one is allowed to leave until the trial is over.

Jessica remained silent from beginning to end. With so many horrifying cruelties, have Colin and Eugene been dealing with such devils?

Luka pinched his chin. Di Bong had admitted all the crimes. No matter what he said next, he could not reverse the results of this trial.

it's all over.

"Your Honor, please pronounce the verdict."

Luka said calmly, and motioned for Di Bo to put on a dog muzzle. After the verdict was announced, Di Bo would be escorted to the court square for public display, and then he would use the second department's research efforts, the highest strength brain fluid extract, to It is burned to death.



As the gavel struck twice, there was a deafening echo in the court, in every home, in the pub, and on the car radio.

"The criminals have confessed to all crimes, including almost all criminal charges, and have been found guilty."

"Di Zhu."

"The crime is extremely heinous and his actions have caused heavy damage to the entire human civilization and the entire human world."

"He has seriously challenged the administration of justice and must be severely punished."

"Sentence Di Yi to death."

"Immediate execution."

As the gavel fell for the last time, the two ace detectives from Section 1 walked towards Di Biao, preparing to escort him to the execution ground. Hao dragged the sitting Di Biao up and picked up the jaw-restricting device. The steel mask was ready to be put on Di Bong again.

McConaughey stood up, and the communicator in his breast pocket vibrated. Before he had time, Arnold was already less than three kilometers away, and at his speed it was only less than a minute.

Anton's fingers were trembling, the blood circulation in his whole body was accelerated, his back was covered in cold sweat, and his heart was beating as fast as a drum.

Just when the mask was about to be put on Di Bong's face.

"If you dare to put that thing on my face again."

"I will let people from all over the world be buried with me."

Di Wei looked gloomy and spoke calmly, as if he still had some trump cards.

As soon as these words came out.

It was broadcast to all parts of the world, and the people in the Countermeasures Bureau responsible for broadcasting the finals had an extremely ominous premonition, an intuition.

Latent abyss syndrome can always give people extraordinary experiences. In addition to the five senses, there is also a mysterious and mysterious feeling that connects to the truth of the universe and the entangled causal destiny.

He seemed to feel himself screaming in his heart that he had to cut off the broadcast immediately, but he couldn't do so without Luca's signal.

Everyone was worried. Is he talking crazy, or is it true?

"No need to fight to the death."

Hao and Luka had already understood clearly the actions of Di Bong's men. Through the arrested SCT members, Rocket and Tank, they not only knew that McConaughey was trying to initiate a city-wide riot using hints from his lover. .

However, Luka was not a kind person. He would rather kill three thousand people by mistake than let one person go. This suggestion was too weird and impossible to accurately locate, so he had to kill all the disobedient people.

This ended the riot perfectly and efficiently.

They also found various strongholds of Di Biao's men in the city and discovered Di Biao's hidden and roundabout blasting plans.

Luka stretched out his hand and asked Hao, who was wearing the mask on Di Bong, to stop.

Even though Di Wei died today, those weirdos with shaved heads still exist, and they must give the whole world a warning.

"In that movie, Di Wei was portrayed as a completely perverted heroic figure DB."

"But today all the truth came out."

"In fact, yesterday, Di Bong prepared to blast all buildings with a height of more than 200 meters in Liberty City."

"This is what drives him crazy."

"However, all these violent terrorists have been arrested by the ruling officials."

As Luca gave instructions to the walkie-talkie, the real-time communication picture was displayed on the projection screen.

One after another, people in uniforms with shaved heads were arrested and detained by the police. No less than 300 people were all subdued.

"Of course, these people are the same as Di Biao."

"Will be punished by justice."

Following Luka's order.

In the scenes broadcast around the world, extremely bloody and brutal content appeared. These short-haired men were tied up in a row on the wasteland, and the orderly and solemn troops also stood in a row and picked up automatic rifles.


After less than ten seconds of random gunfire, blood and flesh flew everywhere, red liquid overflowed, and the camera lens was spattered with blood spots and flesh foam.

Throughout the world.

For those who still had a glimmer of hope in Di Yi and prayed that he could once again create miracles, in the face of this bloody truth and reality, all their incited manic delusions were wiped out and they succumbed to this tyrannical authority.

At this time, a message came from the hazy intercom, saying that there was a commotion outside.

McConaughey locked eyes with Hazy, and the real battle was about to begin now.

But before that, Di Yi must be dealt with first. The verdict has been handed down. Before Di Yi can be dragged to the outer square and burned in public, he must die now.

Anton took out something like a USB flash drive from his pocket with trembling fingers. Did he really want to do that?


"Put Di Yi to death."

Luca said.

The scene in the court became slightly turbulent, and an uneasy atmosphere was permeating the air. A fight to the death at the top of the world was about to begin, and all ordinary people present would not be spared.

From the perspective of the Countermeasures Bureau, they are not people who need to be protected. What the Countermeasures Bureau protects is the absolute rule of civilization, not these symbols.


When Hao was about to activate the brain fluid capsule in Di Wei's body.

Di Wei spoke.

Like thunder on the earth.

Like a bolt from the blue.

It’s like tearing Hongmeng Taikoo apart.

Even in such a chaotic scene, it became completely silent, you could hear a pin drop, and everything was completely still.


"You can't kill me."

"Because my vital signs are tied to nuclear warhead launching bases around the world."

"Once I die, there will be irreversible serious consequences."

Di Wei's tone was calm, as if he was recounting an insignificant matter.


Everyone present had stiff faces and stayed in place.

No one knew whether Di Biao's words were a lie, but Hao still didn't dare to press the activation button of the brain fluid capsule.


No one in this world, maybe not even God, can bear such consequences.

The television broadcast continues.

The person in charge of broadcasting matters in the darkroom behind the scenes had his throat slit by one of his assistants without warning. The blood on his neck continued to flow, and he fell to the ground, unable to speak a word.

Their people are everywhere.

This assistant is also one of them. Although his appearance is no different from ordinary people, the beard and hair in his heart have been completely removed, and his face is completely cold-blooded and empty without any emotion.

The assistant looked at the eyes of the person in charge of the broadcast that slowly dimmed.

"Everything is under control."

He sat in the position of deciding which camera to choose for broadcast.

There was an uproar in the courtroom.

The majesty of justice was gone, because the judge presiding over the trial was trembling and slumped in his chair at a loss.

McConaughey was shocked, because those stormtroopers did control most of the global transportation network and were doing things that were completely secretive and unknown.

Could it be that what Di Wei said was true?

Luka's expression remained unchanged, and he had many thoughts in his mind.


Only he knows.

Di Wei came to vote on his own initiative.

"Don't listen to what he says."

"Nothing can be proven."

"Di Zhu."

"You're just bluffing!"

Luka bit the accent in an extremely rare move, because he was indeed a little frightened.

"47 degrees 44 north latitude, 122 degrees 43 west longitude."

"41 degrees 35 north latitude, 71 degrees 24 west longitude."

"39 degrees 63 north latitude, 76 degrees 46 west longitude."


"Including all nuclear bomb bases in the world and all submarines lurking in the ocean."

“Our names don’t represent us, our identities don’t represent us, and our looks don’t represent us.”

"We are invisible."

After Di Wei finished speaking.

It's Luca.

Rao, this terrifying, extraordinary, extremely cruel and extraordinary figure, was speechless, and there was something on his forehead...

A drop of cold sweat broke out.

Inside a nuclear weapons base.

A fortress that is extremely tight, with rough and large instruments, and a silo control room that controls the launch of intercontinental missiles.

From a physical perspective.

This place is impregnable.

But everything has loopholes.

The madman is the loophole in the symbolic realm.

Let latent disease creep into the mix.

And an invisible control is a loophole in the entire universe.

Let all the crazy people with shaved heads mix in.

A group of well-trained soldiers who were originally defending the base began to kill everyone in the control room of the launch silo. Their movements were extremely fast.

It's like I've rehearsed it in my head a million times.

Looking at the commander whose pupils were gradually dimming and whose chest was shot by a bullet.


"Everything is under control."


These madmen repeated in unison.

And this kind of thing is happening in every nuclear warhead base and every nuclear submarine in the world, or it has already been controlled.

It attracted a lot of attention and the whole world was in an uproar.

The sun was shining brightly, burning all the fine flying snow.

The tall man wearing a large black fedora hat was too powerful.

His face was covered in shadows, and only a rough beard, unkempt long hair, and facial tattoos with unknown meanings could be seen. It was unknown whether they were some kind of language or a spell.

On the square outside the court.

All the ace agents who went to stop that man were just meeting each other.

The bullets of the revolver were like a curse that slaughtered and destroyed the fate of the world. Every bullet that passed through was a huge hole, and people died violently without any reason.

The square outside was in chaos, everyone waiting for the results was exhausted, Di Biao's crazy remarks during the broadcast, and this.

The third place in the combat catalog.

Someone who is close to God.


He had witnessed everything in Antarctica. These crazy people just wanted to watch the world burn.


Arnold kicked open the court door, followed closely by Augu and Heinrich, with the muzzles of their revolvers pointed directly at Di Bong.


"You must not kill him!"

"Absolutely not!"

McConaughey shouted with all the strength of his life that no one could bear the consequences.

Fine cold sweat had covered Luka's entire face.

At this moment.

Broadcasting, influence, and symbolism are all no longer important.

Luca loaded the rifle with cerebral ammo and pointed it at Arnold.

The whole person froze in place.

He used communication terminals to contact almost all the nuclear weapons bases of the Freedom Alliance.

However, there is always only a cold and similar voice coming from the other party.


"Everything is under control."


Everyone in the courtroom did not dare to take a breath for fear of irritating Di Biao.

He holds the fate of the entire world in his hands.

Arnold had known about this for a long time. Those madmen not only controlled various existing nuclear weapon bases, they had already developed and mass-produced them in Antarctica. They also had extremely sophisticated launch methods that could reach every place in the world through power.


All human horrors arise from the early onset of destruction.

Because this was unplanned.

"I plead guilty."

"A total of eleven thousand three hundred and eleven nuclear warheads."

"Enough to hit all major cities in the world more than ten times."

"This will 100 percent lead to that as well."

“The arrival of nuclear winter.”

Even though there were people present who could make the world vibrate just by stamping their feet, at this moment, they all seemed so small and powerless in front of this man named Di Biao.

At this moment.

Opal and Hoshino Manatsu took the car radio in the car and relayed all the contents.


A greater crisis has arrived, and neither the Countermeasures Bureau nor the SCT will be able to protect themselves.

Inside the circular staircase.

The light flickers, and although no blood is shed, the form here is enough to rewrite the ending.

"Di Wei..."



McConaughey stood closest to Di Bong and tried to persuade him with a trembling voice.

Arnold's voice was as cold as winter, and he also warned Di Bong.

It was Luca instead.


Luka started laughing wildly, his eyeballs became bloodshot, such a useless person? Are you kidding me? The Countermeasure Bureau has a backup plan, even if the world is destroyed, there is a backup plan.

"Di Wei..."

"Just try it."

"I don't care about the public at all."

"You think so."

"Can...power be brought to its knees?"

"Even at the end of time, power will not disappear!"

Luca pointed his rifle at Di Bong.

Everyone was nervous. They never expected that Luka, the deputy director of the Countermeasures Bureau, could be such a crazy person.

Di Wei was silent for a while.

Luka didn't dare to shoot for a long time. As he said that, his fingers were trembling.

"There should be someone at the scene..."

"Carry that thing."

"It's time to use it."

"Go ahead."

"No one in the world dares to stop you at this moment."

Di Wei said calmly.

Anton clasped his palms tightly and felt a chill running down his spine.

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