Latent Syndrome

Chapter 311 310 The Third Destruction Zone

Chapter 311 310. The Third Destruction Zone

The third destruction zone.

It used to be a port city, because there were many abandoned and rusted ferry boats moored on the bumpy roads. As for what it was called, no one knows, because the cities all look the same.

Not to mention being scorched by the heat wave.

No one knows which continent they were in. In the third month after the Day of Destruction, based on a power beyond human imagination, all continental plates drifted and merged to form a supercontinent. In the process, the earth shook and the sky shook. Trembling, many more people died, but no one cared anymore.

Without the denunciation of the fighters, without any condemnation, the human rights granted by the symbolic world have been deprived of people.

Some people say that it is because of the battle between the transcendent beings left over from the previous era. Those who were the first to suffer from the disease have unparalleled power that is comparable to God.

Some people say that this is because the person behind the underlying disease is a will, coming from God.

But no one knows the truth.

On the Day of Destruction, the video of the culprit Di Bong is still preserved.

What he predicted came true.

The world has become a state of natural endowment. Everyone's spirit is exchanged with the abyss, and weak and incompetent people are swallowed by it and turned into wild beasts.

And powerful people must kill each other.

But where there is basic logic, there is a group. The Salvation Army is such an organization, plundering supplies under the pretext of destroying monsters.

Special ammunition, beer, and gasoline, these three supplies have become hard currency. Each camp must hand over a specified amount of supplies to the Salvation Army on a regular basis, otherwise it will be massacred.

But it is completely different from the society of the past. All whitewashing has been erased. No one will believe anyone. It is just a confrontational relationship. This is a naked and dark world.

[Radiation value: 463 roentgen. 】

[Within the normal range. 】

【accessible. 】

Garner returned to Camp No. 7 in the Third Destruction Zone. The detection device at the entrance broadcast a neutral electronic voice. The person on duty let Garner in after confirming that his identity was OK.

Said to be camps, they are actually some abandoned and dangerous mines, with some abandoned large-scale mining equipment placed outside. These drilled holes range from a few hundred meters to a thousand meters underground. After the destruction of the day, the surface radiation is no longer enough to make people In order to survive, ordinary people without strength could only hide in these mines to live. After living for a long time and strengthening and expanding, they also became settlements.

Those military-level air-raid shelters or shelters are all occupied by groups such as the Salvation Army. Many people are still waiting for the countermeasures bureau to come back. Although those people are protecting something deeper than human beings, they are still better than those. It's much better to be an infected robber.

"Did you gain anything this time?"

The infected person guarding the entrance asked. Infected people like him and Garner cannot join the Salvation Army because they have not reached a certain level. Due to the constraints caused by various latent diseases, their individual soldier abilities are not as good as those of ordinary people, so they have to stay. In a camp like this.

Everyone fears the Salvation Army, but everyone longs to be them.


"For such a long time, everything left in the outside world has been looted."

"It's difficult without unprecedented luck."

Garner rolled up his sleeves and everyone who went out had to have their radiation levels tested when they came back. This is used to detect the degree of control of infected people.

A rational infected person will not let the radiation defeat him or her, but will draw strength from another space to resist the harm of nuclear contamination to people, eliminate cell activity, and cause total organ failure.

And out of control, the radiation level in the body is extremely high, and he is not far from going crazy.

It is said that the symptoms of infected people before the Doomsday worsened faster as the number of infected people increased, but the strange thing is that now, when the global population is shrinking sharply, and there are more infected people than ordinary people, this This phenomenon disappeared, and it seemed that a certain balance had been reached, and the abyss had absorbed enough nutrients.

This kind of mental torture has become more distant and prolonged.

"The camp is running low on supplies."

"You went out the day before yesterday and didn't know that several sets of chemical protective suits in the warehouse were stolen."

"In a few days, it will be the day for the Salvation Army to collect supplies."

"You better be careful."

"If the worst happens..."

The infected person on duty did not continue.

But Garner also understood what was going on. Ordinary people with special bullets and firearms were not afraid of ordinary infected people at all. The only difference was that they needed to wear chemical protective clothing when going outside.

This means that some people are preparing to flee or plot other things.

"Anyway, there's a meeting at the camp tomorrow morning."

"Discuss some next strategies."

"Don't be absent then."

The watchman said that Garner was definitely a loyal supporter of the camp because he also had an ordinary sister who was also in the camp and there was no way he would take her on an adventure.

Ghana currently has few assets, only twenty-seven rounds of special ammunition left, which can be exchanged for twenty-seven liters of beer, or equivalent cans.

There is still half a month left in front of him. The infected person does not need food very much and can draw strength from the alien space. However, the feeling of empty stomach or lack of chewing will make him feel like he is not alive and accelerate the worsening of the disease. Occasionally, he needs to eat. But his sister is different. Although she can eat two cans a day now, there will be no guarantee in half a month.

Garner walked to the small elevator illuminated by red emergency lights in the mine. Due to the extreme shortage of electricity, it only provided necessary lighting. The elevator was composed of pulleys and iron cables and required manual control.

He held an iron rope with both hands and pulled downwards with force.

Garner's eyes were extremely cold. Maybe the remaining bullets could be put to better use. He just had to kill other people in the camp, take away their supplies, and then seize other camps. But to accomplish this, one person is far from enough. .

Unable to stop himself from thinking, he had already arrived at the main passage of the mine. Next, he had to go to the tavern to buy some cans. The ones he left for Diana were almost finished.

at this time.

Entrance to the campground.

The infected person on duty only felt a strong wind passing by quickly and saw a black shadow, but after rubbing his eyes, he found nothing and suspected that his eyes were dazzled.

Because those most powerful infected people with all-powerful means only existed in stories from the previous era.

Underground in the camp.

Garner pushed open a simple wooden door and entered a larger mine room, which had been transformed into a tavern and was illuminated by iron-grid sodium lamps similar to those from the 19th century.

It is said to be a tavern, but it is actually a place for exchanging supplies and a place for survivors to chat and talk.

The walls are all chamfered and uneven, and there are still minecart tracks that have been preserved on the ground. The furnishings are extremely simple, with crude wooden tables and benches. The only means of entertainment are some worthless items left over from the past. books and newspapers.

There were about a dozen people sitting scattered in the tavern, discussing extremely funny things.

It's a scam.

At that time, some young people from various places were handing out flyers, saying that they had discovered some ancient tunnel. As long as they paid two thousand yuan and left their mobile phone numbers, they could enter and take refuge at the end of the world.

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