Latent Syndrome

Chapter 320 319 Cobra Effect

Chapter 320 319. Cobra Effect

The three motorcycles soon left the city and came to the road in the gray forest area.

Even on these roads, there are still many cars left, but they are much better than those in the city, but those that are still usable have been driven away by people who are still alive, and the rest is scrap metal.

Even if you are lucky on the day of destruction and stay away from the main area where the nuclear warhead strikes, it is still difficult to avoid the spread of radiation and the flow of people fleeing.

There were dead bones sitting in many of the wreckage, and many of them contained a family.

"Close your eyes."

Garner said to his sister in the back seat.

She has not left the mine for about two hundred days, and she is not even as good as those who were once in prison. Those people at least have time to look out and see the sky every day, and can also play ball and so on. She has always been in the dark underground. .

Due to the lack of order, the outside world has become completely barbaric, and no matter how barbaric things are, it is not uncommon. Thanks to the progress of civilization, the degree of human perversion has also been greatly enhanced.

I saw more than a dozen people hanging with ropes on the steel frame of the billboard in front of me. They were hanging upside down, with their legs tied to ropes swaying gently in the wind. Their heads were chopped off, and then they were hung with some ugly tools. The mad monster's head was sewn back together.

The original content of the billboard was an advertisement for furniture, but due to lack of maintenance, the paint had long since faded away, and the bored person who hung the people upside down had spray-painted oversized words on it.

【FURRY lovers are welcome to enjoy. 】

It says so.

Even with Garner's mental strength, it's a bit embarrassing. People today, blessed by the apocalypse and latent disease, have an outrageous degree of perversion. Even if someone really climbs on the billboard and enjoys those pieces of food put together with monster heads. Garner didn't find it strange that the body was rotting.

"What is FURRY control?"

Ghana's sister asked very naturally.


"You didn't listen to me, right? Didn't I tell you to close your eyes?"

For a girl, Garner thought that was a bit harsh, and at her age she would be playing with Barbie dolls in a pink-walled bedroom.

"How is this possible?"

"It's like telling you not to think about the things you're afraid of, but just to think about them."

The girl retorted.

Because I haven’t been out for a long time, everything I look at is strange and fresh.

Garner has nothing to say. He just prays that there will be no accidents next. He is already alone. Even if the camp is safe now, if the supplies run out, he will inevitably enter a vicious cycle. If the Salvation Army does not come, he will have to fight with him. People from other camps fought.

Having said that, who is this rickety man who does not want to be named?


"This involves the dissemination of obscene materials."

Luka glanced at the billboard and said subconsciously.

Garner was speechless again. What a fucking obscene thing. Whoever sees this kind of thing can be interested in it and is an asshole. It is true that this person is powerful, but there are some problems with his brain.

"Can you tell me what your name is?"

"I don't know anything about you yet."

"I have to know more so I can help you better."

Garner stepped on the accelerator, shifted into a higher gear, and drove forward with Luka. Although Luka drove away the Salvation Army for free from the camp, and the level of a good old man could be said to be a bit too much, he still didn't trust him very much.

Luca made it up for a while.


"Just call me Colin."

Luka was talking casually. He couldn't reveal his identity. He had appeared all over the world on the day of the public trial, and many people knew him.

And the most important thing at the moment is to find Colin. If his identity is exposed, the SCT people will never let him go.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. The fact that SCT and the Countermeasures Bureau have not appeared in today's world does not mean that they have disappeared. This is absolutely impossible. They have just changed their strategies and are not so active. They are preparing for something earth-shattering. thing.

After that battle, he was excluded from the countermeasures bureau because of his battle with Obscurity. They must be executing the final plan, which is to piece together all the true pages of the original manuscript and gain supreme power.

Luca thinks this is quite ridiculous. A group of people place their hopes on illusory legends. He is always an activist.

"I do not understand."

"Even if you want to restore some kind of order, like you said."

"With your power, you just need to continue to integrate and integrate a strength that can rival the Salvation Army."

"If we implement the kind of management you mentioned, wouldn't the purpose be achieved?"

Garner asked. He was not familiar with the name Colin.

Just like all the top figures, their names are not important, only their code names are more important.


"A useless person will always remain a useless person."

Luka mocked mercilessly.

"Feel sorry?"

Luka's insults left Garner quite confused.


He considered the words for a moment. These little characters wouldn't know that much. The symbolic world is a kind of world that has gone through thousands of elements including primitive society, slavery, feudalism, pluralism, globalization, war, etc. The trusting relationship created by years of constant grinding is a powerful force, something that can even survive for several years under such a terrifying curse of latent disease.

If it weren't for the completely crazy lunatic, it would even be possible to survive for a long time, until the latent syndrome is completely eliminated.

It cannot be restored with simple slogans.

"Do you know the Cobra Effect?"

"Although there are differences, they are mostly similar."

"The original allusion is that there is a place where cobras are infested, and every time a wild one is caught, you can get a bounty."

"But many people have discovered that the cost of breeding cobras is very low, much higher than the bounty, and the more they catch, the more they catch."

"Just like in the last era, terrorists in the Middle East were rewarded with bounties for every captured one. But over time, more and more soldiers killed good people and took credit for their merits, so many civilians had to join the so-called jihad and become terrorists. .”

"It's the same thing in today's world."

"The fragile trust relationship, even if we eliminate the Salvation Army here, it is meaningless. Do you understand? More Salvation Army will appear. If anyone will join us, it must be because of violence and profit."

"The world we once had is gone forever. If we have to rebuild it, the time we are still alive will not be enough."

"Only place your hope in great power."

Luca sees Colin as his last hope.

Garner was speechless for a while, not knowing what to say.

But his sister was a little excited to hear it.

"Wow, more and more, isn't that great?"

"Is it the same with cans?"

“The more you eat, the more you’ll get. In this case, wouldn’t everyone stop being hungry?”

Although the girl thinks it goes against common sense, maybe this is really the case in the adult world.

Luca: "..."

Then the three mountain bikes crossed the hilly area and a wilderness, and the city cluster was on the skyline.

The Ranger Captain's eyes flashed, thinking about it.

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