Latent Syndrome

Chapter 352 Chapter 351 Blade of the Void

Chapter 352 351. Blade of the Void

"You should know that space and time are discontinuous and can be penetrated by gravity."

"When a powerful force travels in a curvature, exceeding the speed of light, it will flatten the three-dimensional space just like an iron."

"Making the speed of light decrease in this space, even close to zero or equal to zero."

"My power has already transcended this universe."

"Even Arnold wouldn't dare to say such a thing in front of me."

"You don't want to finish me off for even a second?"

"Within these black threads, space still exists, but there is no time inside."

"Even if the center of the galaxy begins to collapse and all the spiral arms are destroyed, under this absolute defense, it will not be able to hurt me at all."

"Can you control time?"

"But unfortunately, this is the absolute realm of three-dimensional space. Even if you are in a higher dimension, you cannot break it."

Luka looked at Colin at his wits' end, and a sneer curled up at the corner of his mouth.

"This is the ultimate violence."

"Stock brokers are the most hypocritical and two-faced profession. They seek personal gain from society, but use some dark laws and the like to soothe their conscience."

“It’s really dirty to be neither the one who inflicts the violence nor to be affected by the violence of redistribution.”

"Now it's time to test whether you are a cripple or not."

Luka gave up the rifle, sucked his hand, held a stone in his hand and played with it.

Colin was facing a formidable enemy. An enamel bone shield grew on his elbow. Gold and iron were poured into it to strengthen its hardness. At the same time, countless thorns and vines spread out from under his feet and entangled in all directions, preparing to resist Luka's next attack. , no matter what, that kind of attack will never be simple.

The last time he met Luca in Liberty City, Luca didn't use his full strength at all. Was this the deputy director of the Countermeasures Bureau? He was even able to defeat Arnold in that public trial and survive.

"You're such a loser."

"Gray actually has high hopes for you."

"I'm not on the same level as you at all."

Luka was a little sad. Next, it was time to try his skills.

Just like playing marbles, Luka Feng Qingyundan flicked the stone in his hand with his thumb.


The huge startling sound even overshadowed the countless thunderbolts in the gloomy sky. The pebbles burst out with a power that transcended cognition. No matter how Colin drew hints from different spaces, all kinds of power were spurred out. , but still can't resist this stone.

That is an extreme force.

The group of people, including Heller and Galilei, who were shrouded in the power barrier, were already stunned. The research institute was located halfway up the mountain, with hills nearby.

Just the strong wind generated by the stone breaking through the air caused the air to be torn into two sides along the path of the stone and blown around.

Just prestige.

That scene was too amazing.

Because of the extreme force, it can even annihilate matter and crush everything into dust. The trees, soil, giant rocks, and mountains are all evaporated.

As for Colin, who was hit by the stone, there was no accident. All the power and all the visions exploded into powder, spraying red and white all over the ground under the huge force, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

"Is it over?"

Since there was no sound within the power barrier, Galilei asked Nikolai blankly, this kind of power, let alone a chain saw, please go quickly to quell the chaos, eradicate the abyss disease, and save the world.


Nicholas was completely stunned. It was so amazing. Just being smashed by the stone, the powder spray that scared Scarface also exploded the mountain behind him. Although there was silence in the barrier, even this Waiting for silence, you can also imagine the world outside at this moment.


"That Scarface is not dead!"

"Turn into a fucking monster!"

Galilei screamed, this scene was too horrifying and disgusting, dense and endless centipedes rolled out of the red slurry on the ground, and in an instant they were all over the mountains and plains, as if all the centipedes in the world had gathered together.

Some are only as thick as a finger, and some are even as tall as an adult.

Luca frowned. He restrained his strength and did not destroy the lift shaft leading to the ground. The research institute must be below the sea level and he could not destroy it. But if the lift shaft collapsed, it might cause some internal disasters. Danger, mountain vibration may have damaged some equipment and made the instrument unable to operate.

It must be preserved, and research on the chainsaw is vital, as are his researchers.

In an instant, everything around Luka turned into twisted and rolling dark brown, and these weird bugs swarmed towards him without fear of life or death.

"This kind of trick..."

Luka was shocked at random. Although these insects could not enter the Absolute Defense, they still interfered with Luka. After exerting force at will, thousands of centipedes exploded into disgusting and sticky slurry, which was everywhere.

But after the field of vision became clear again, dozens more furious demon dogs with splitting eyes came to attack him. Even though they were just doing useless work, they blocked Luka's sight.

Although all changes within the range can be detected through the field of force, it is not the most intuitive after all. In a situation where there is no spatial structure and shape recognition, subtle deviations will inevitably occur. In this kind of battle, even if Small errors can also have a decisive effect.

"That's enough, devil's suggestion. Speaking of which, such an ordinary and useless suggestion can be developed to this extent by you. You are the first one. It gives you the vitality of a cockroach. It seems that you are very busy."

Luca became fierce and turned the surrounding area into a strangulation field of force, tearing apart all objects and pushing away all the evil spirits.

The entire surface of the bunker turned into a slaughterhouse, with only the invisible stirring edges, and the constantly breaking bugs and devil dogs. These were all transformed by Colin's vision. Every time they were slaughtered, Colin's power continued to be depleted.

Colin had no choice but to hide in the sea of ​​monsters with that absolute power, thinking about how to defeat Luca.

I must not fall here. I still have unfinished business. Even if I die, it will have to be after that.


"He is also a useless person, isn't he?"

"If I were asked to go to Luo City, even if I am a person with a slightly deviated mind."

"They will all be cleared up."

"She was too indecisive and a woman's kindness led to all this."

"Let trash like Di Bong succeed."

"The reason for this day."

"It's all because of her incompetence."

The hills were annihilated by the strong wind, and the powdery fragments flew between the sky and the earth. Luca snapped his fingers.

All the powder began to gather, condense, and continue to compress, crazily, until the space was distorted, and every node emitted a sonic boom.

At this moment, the surging and rolling group of monsters suddenly stiffened, paused, and stopped suddenly in a large-scale collective, which seemed extremely strange.

And the powder from those mountains continues to solidify.

Condensed into an incredible density, the mountains were compressed into a weird black substance as thick as a needle thread. Three strips were condensed, and they continued to condense. In the end, they were thinner than a hair, and the altitude of each strip was All close to three kilometers.

"Violence...can cut off time and space."

As Luka said this, he began to slash at Colin indiscriminately, causing the earth to shake.

It is true that Colin did not have any good impression of Gray.

But there is no doubt about it.

She is by no means an incompetent loser.

"I want your life."

The space became dense.

An iron maiden torture instrument burning with bloody karma appeared out of thin air, and then slowly opened, emitting a long and shrill low whistle from the void, and thousands of scarlet chains like irons erupted from it.

Until the eternal violence, rushing towards Luca.

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