Latent Syndrome

Chapter 361 360 Ancient Shadows

Chapter 361 360. Ancient Shadow

Luka originally thought that he was certain to die. His flesh and blood body that had been depleted of strength was too weak. When the sight of death approached, the ice crystal fireworks between white and blue had bloomed in front of him.

In less than a moment, he would be shattered into pieces, and no scraps would be left. This was obviously special ammunition with strange phenomena.

But at this moment, everything was suspended and stopped suddenly. A bright green halo erupted from the pocket of his white coat, which was extremely dazzling, as if the energy of a sun was scattered in it. It was so dazzling that Lu Ka couldn't open his eyes.

When you come to your senses.

Weird lines extend from the emerald, alternately red and green, of unknown texture, crawling like flesh and blood, and at the same time emitting crystal clear light like jade.

This strange line spread out to form a web of flesh and blood, blocking the super bullet with the power equivalent to half a ton of TNT explosive without any pressure.

As if he was outside the universe, Luka felt strongly that he seemed to be dragged into a different space.

"It's that stone..."

Luca was amazed.

In a public trial more than a year ago, more than a dozen excessive nuclear warheads attacked Liberty City at the same time. Everything evaporated into water vapor under the explosion and heat wave. Even S-class infected people would die violently in an instant due to this indiscriminate extermination.

The only ones who can survive are people like myself.

At that time, nuclear warheads were pouring out all over the world. Even if the public trial exposed all the great feats that had been attributed to Di Bong, this man was essentially just a lunatic with intellectual and mental problems. No one worse than him could ever be found. Scumbag.

But even so, people will always be attracted to things that have the same essence as themselves, even if it is a madman, as long as he becomes a symbol of something, a weak, controlled, invisible insult, those wonderful and unparalleled things His meticulous logic has no loopholes. Even at this moment, there are still people who recognize everything he does.

All those who are insulted, ridiculed, ridiculed, and made fun of all long for the destruction of the world. These people's lives are in a mess, and they even long for death.

But if no one is buried with him, cowardly methods such as suicide will only become a laughing stock.

It's like posing in front of a mirror in a room with no one around, it feels silly.

As long as people all over the world travel together and die together, they will have no fear and will not be alone on the way to hell.

Those people still believed fervently in this destruction, and even considered it a form of judgment.

There seems to be a curse on Di Zhu. In the past, others entrusted their lives to him and hoped that he would achieve something, but now it is completely reversed.

Even though he could feel the extraordinary power, incomparable power and terror in Di Biao, the situation completely changed that day. He handed over his life to everyone and suffered the injuries of all believers who suffered nuclear attacks.

In just a moment, he became a cripple, completely disabled, and it was extremely difficult to even move. He was passing on the injuries of all the madmen in the world.

At that time, Luka understood that Di Bo must die. In a city that was already under nuclear attack, the entire Alliance Supreme Court at No. 60 Central Street was vaporized, so he pointed his rifle at Di Bo and almost emptied his bullets. Several rounds were fired. Honghuo's special ammunition hit him.

He was originally going to kill Di Biao, but at this time, the SCT and the Countermeasures Bureau began a full-scale melee, and Luka, who was originally chasing Di Biao, had to give up.

After thinking calmly, Di Wei has completed his plan and put everything into action. Even if he is pursued now, it has no strategic value.

Instead, pay more attention to the movements made by Arnold's SCT. In a heat wave and a sky as black and red as blood, Luca gave up the pursuit, but during the final pursuit.

Di Wei, who was escaping in a hurry, stumbled, and a green gem fell out from his body. Di Wei didn't care about it at all, and just tried his best to escape from here.

The moment he saw the gem, Luca originally thought it was a model or something like that. There could be no such big gem in the world, especially after it was processed and cut to add facets. If it were real, it would be a rare treasure. .

Luca put it away decisively and had to return to the fierce battle with SCT.

"It's that man's thing."

"This gem..."

"What exactly is it?"

Luka murmured to himself, the passage of time around him was extremely slow, as if he had been taken out of the universe.

At the same time, the strange red and green pipelines gradually proliferated and aggregated into a strange insect the size of a human head.

"Are you a catalyst, an invention, or a useless froth in the laboratory?"

"Or maybe all three."

Hoarse and vague human language echoed in the vocal organ of the strange insect, and all the ugly and evil characteristics were vividly displayed on it, including compound eyes, mouthparts, and antennae.

Ao's limbs were rubbed, completely cold-blooded and hollow.

Luca tried to take out the gem from his pocket and throw it away, but the red and green veins of the strange insect grew out of the pocket, as if he had noticed his intention to take off his coat.

The strange insect swam around Luca in mid-air, wrapping around Luca like a python, making him unable to move at all.

"what are you?"

"Di Zhu's pet?"

Luca would never have thought that he would have spent almost a year carrying such a thing. Could there be such an ugly monster hidden in the gem?

The strange insect spoke, and its monstrous tentacles swam in Luka's ear. When Luka looked carefully, the bubbles on the chitin shell and the texture of the tentacles were all twisted and entangled together to form a long dragon. Human beings are dripping and rolling, sticking to each other and intertwined.

Like a canopy.

It's like a huge sky, like a whirlpool of clouds, constantly converging towards the center and falling into the abyss.

When Luka stared at those textures, the symptoms of the abyssal syndrome that had never occurred in his terrifying mind for so many years finally appeared.

The back of his hand was like a scarecrow in a wheat field, and the vision came back to bite him. The dark yellow straw covered a small area of ​​the back of his hand, and there was severe pain on it.

When staring at the abyss, Luca was completely entranced, unable to move his eyes away, as if he was being sucked into it.

The strange insect's overwhelming sound seemed to come from an extremely distant universe.

"Quite the opposite."

"All things are..."

"my pet."

"Including all the past, any kind of existence, and the infinite future."

"It's all part of me."

"All thoughts, real and unreal."

"Even truth, falsehood."

"It's all part of me too."

"You're in trouble."

"You can sacrifice something of equal value in exchange for it."

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