Latent Syndrome

Chapter 368 367 Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 368 367. Kingdom of Heaven

Most of the mechanical and electrical equipment in the sewer system has stopped running, and only the equipment that maintains power supply is still running.

In addition to the main computer room, there are also many branched functional areas and various warehouses. The space is huge and deep, and can accommodate many people.

Due to the severe shortage of fresh water, beer became a hard currency second only to special ammunition.

Inside the shelter tavern.

If you can put it this way, it is actually an electrical and mechanical room that has been hollowed out, with tables and chairs made of iron sheets, and a food warehouse behind it. The environment is extremely eerie under the cold light. It is a place where people in the camp eat.

Sean sat on the iron chair, looking at the can of beer in front of him, a little unbelievable, but he must find the doomsday stronghold of the Countermeasures Bureau, otherwise, he can stay here and spend the last days of the patients with latent abyss syndrome. .

All places are kept very neat and tidy, and it doesn't look like a shelter at all. Although the people inside have gloomy faces and must have some backlogged conflicts, the atmosphere in other camps is far less chaotic and full of abuse. .

"What’s wrong with you?"

Sean's acquaintance asked.

In the past, Sean's work required him to wander around in various official departments. This woman was once a civilian employee of the Free City Government, so it was because of some fate that Sean and the pianist were let in. She was deeply loved by the managers here. Ya trust.


"It's just that I discovered something."

"Here you are."

"There doesn't seem to be a man."

Sean was a little shocked. From the entrance to here, all the people he met were women, and there was not a single man. It couldn't be such a coincidence.

"Is such that."

"People nowadays have become very...evil."

"Boss Zoya took in the girls who were captured in the camp after clearing out all the infected forces in the surrounding area."

"Over time, it became like this."

An acquaintance of Sean said.

Zhuo Ya tapped the table with two fingers, feeling a little displeased. Although this person is someone you trust, you can't say anything, as it will leave clues and be plotted against.

"You go and look at something for me."

Zoya found a reason to send her away and wanted to talk to the two outsiders alone.

five minutes later.

The pianist was a little uncomfortable, because there were all women here, and from time to time there would be strange eyes looking at him.

Zoya also listened to all Sean's appeals.

"There are cans and some reserve water."

"That's all, it's no problem. The special bullets you have are enough."

"But if it's a vehicle."

"We are also in short supply here and cannot leave it to you."

"I can have people prepare these things right away, and you can leave as soon as possible after you get them."

Zhuo Ya talked about the business with an expressionless face.

Sean originally planned to stay one night, but seeing this situation, he had to give up the idea. This is an organization similar to a sorority, and it is impossible to take in men.

In this wasteland where strength speaks purely, if it is better for an incompetent man, he will be tortured for a while and then killed, and then the body may be used as an entertainment tool for sewing or playing.

Sean once saw a scene where two children in a camp were playing around using human tibias as sticks.

If she is a woman and not an infected person, her end will be extremely tragic. Without special ammunition to protect her life and threaten others, and no one to rely on, her body, mind and spirit will be subjected to inhuman and extreme torture. The perversion of people in today's world The extent is outrageous.

Zoya is trying her best to cope with this phenomenon.

"Since you said so."

"I don't have any other requests."

“As soon as I get my stuff, I’ll leave.”

Sean didn't have any extra thoughts, he just wanted to find his daughter, but for the other men, this place was a paradise.

At this moment, a woman came close to Zhuo Ya's ear and whispered something.

Zhuo Ya's face changed a little, and her ten fingers were intertwined together, as if she was worried about something.

"Is there any difficulty?"

Sean asked. It could be seen that she was carrying it all by herself and was under unimaginable pressure.

"Do you know the Salvation Army?"

Zhuo Ya asked in a low voice.

"I've heard of it. It seems to be a large infected organization, and the biggest leader is a man named Chainsaw."

"Their people are coming?"

Sean also considered the safety of his acquaintance. It was not that he couldn't help. Without an organization like the Countermeasures Bureau, guys like this would appear.

SCT doesn't know what it is doing now. If those people take action, it won't be Chainsaw's turn to become arrogant.

Although I really don’t want to say that, at least SCT abides by some self-consistent rules. When someone in the organization dies, a pension will be paid to the family. In order to reduce the official prestige and change people’s minds, at least on the surface, they will not be crazy. .

The Salvation Army is a thing without any principles, just a violent group composed purely of infected people.


"We have found several Ranger spies in a camp near a city."

Even though Zoya believed in her own strength, she didn't think she could deal with those guys. The captains of their rangers were all B-level or even A-level figures. If they were the commander of a certain region, it would only be more terrifying.

She thought for a while.

"You are the ace agent of the Countermeasures Bureau, right?"

"A very powerful person."

"In this's not like I can't give you the vehicle."

"But I have the conditions."

Zoya is going to let Sean help her deal with those people.

The pianist sneered.

"Your condition is that we die for you."

"I'm sorry, this is just a business. As for the vehicle, we can get it by killing a few rangers. There is no need to deal with their army."

"We still have a very important business to find the base of the Countermeasures Bureau."

The pianist guessed Zhuo Ya's thoughts and spoke without mercy.

Zhuo Ya was unmoved.


"This condition alone is not enough."

"Actually, I have something extremely precious."

"Maybe it's what your countermeasures bureau calls a forbidden object."

"It's useless for me to hold it. It has extremely magical abilities."

"I can give it to you."

After a long journey through two destruction zones, Eugene and his party arrived at the place White said.

This is an abandoned town with no grass and only a dozen wooden houses, like some inns in Western movies. It looks extremely desolate under the gray and black sky.

Violet is also very interested in the red gem. I heard Hoshino Manatsu say that with that stone, you can find everyone in the world and visualize his past and future.

"Where's the person you're talking about?"

Pim grabbed White, thinking he was playing tricks on him.

"Fuck it."

"I swear, I asked that bitch to keep it for me."

"She must have left."

"I have a way to find her."

"Just give me some time."

The White people are all stupid, their mother moves so diligently,

"Don't let that tentacle man stay around me."

"As long as I activate the hint, I will definitely be able to find her."


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