Latent Syndrome

Chapter 371 370 Wasteland

Chapter 371 370. Wasteland

The gravel wasteland full of bare rocks and tumbleweeds, the winding yellow sand flowing finely in the dry cracked zone, under the hazy sky of nuclear winter, are like the dark mist flowing upstream from hell.

A tall man wearing a long black leather coat stood in the desert, with a wide fedora hat covering his eyes.

Arnold has the information in hand. He has been away from SCT headquarters for some time, and his work is as usual, eradicating SCT's biggest threat.

The file bag was full of bloodstains, and the photos of Colin Dickson and others were stained with red paste from past bandits. They regarded Arnold as the target of robbery.

The entire wilderness road was littered with corpses. There was nothing flashy about Arnold's killing method. He just pulled the trigger of his revolver, and the shots fired were not even specially-made ammunition, but just ordinary bullets, killing those who could survive at the landmark and resist the radiation. Infected people are killed directly.

Arnold had actually memorized all the information in the file, and the reason why he was checking whether it was damaged was because it was a kind of proof.

Without proof, it’s like not feeling alive.

The unknown metal detector on his wrist suddenly started beeping without warning, and Arnold knew that the target was very close.

This was developed by the SCT Research Institute. It was inspired by the instrument used by the Countermeasures Bureau to detect the dive depth of agents. After some agents were killed by SCT people, all the special items on their bodies were taken away. The physics of the communication terminal The structure is not complicated, but it has top-level information security technology encryption and cannot be broken. However, this detector is purely physical.

SCT quickly developed an improved version, and the one Arnold had was customized for him. This thing has an extremely wide detection range and can even help Arnold track long distances.

Another point is that the bands that this thing can receive from the abyss can only be above 2.9. This will help Arnold find scholars who have experienced the South Pacific incident and get back all the things they stole.

His eyes sharply glanced at the huge rock a few kilometers away. The situation was not good now. If the alarm made such a sound, it was very close. There was the person he was looking for on that huge rock.

But he was in an open area and was passive.

On a desolate rock two kilometers away, Pim spotted Arnold in front of him through a military telescope. The moment he looked through the lens, his eyes seemed to meet, and Arnold was also looking this way.

"Damn, we fell into White's trap."

"He brought us here."

Pim made a decisive decision and must evacuate immediately. Even if all the people on his side were put together, there would not be enough for that person to fill the gap between his teeth.

"How many times should I say..."

"This is all the result of you not letting me activate my abilities."

"Once I'm in the compensation period of my fortune, it's simply unavoidable. It's all your own fault."

There was not a single lie in White's mouth. I don't know why, but he always ran into this person when he was unlucky. Last time, too, because he was so unlucky, he was even directly transported to Arnold by the super sphere, and he froze into a fool in the bitter cold land of Antarctica. Not to mention, there was also a wonderful trip to the earth’s crust.

A group of people were traveling on the road when they heard the sound of fighting in front of the road. They had to stop and hid behind a huge rock to observe the situation.

Opal's purpose is to collect all the original true pages, so that he can hope to defeat those extraterrestrial visitors, and the gems mentioned by Hoshino Manatsu are also a very important part, and the two are inextricably linked.

Part of it has been collected at the lighthouse in the inland sea, and with Opal's own hands, there is already a considerable proportion.

The real pages left in this world are all from the past, but the ones in Opal's hands came from the starry sky and have given a glimpse of the future. Corroded by the contents of the pages and the influence of foreign objects that day, they became what they are now. appearance.

There have always been unwritten rules in the world, truths imprinted in people's blood. When you grow up in a certain land and speak a certain language, you have to fight for them.

He had to collect all the page numbers to get rid of things that were impossible for humans to defeat.

Even if human science and technology develops at the speed of light for a thousand, ten thousand, or billions of years, it will still be unable to defeat the ultimate horrors of the universe. To deal with gods, the only way to deal with gods is to think like ordinary people and only know how to deal with them. Fail like normal people.

This was the only way to go, but I didn't expect the resistance to come so quickly.

The SCT is just dormant because there is nothing worth fighting in the desolation on the surface. It does not mean that they have disappeared.

On the contrary, they will always be a cancer on this land, a cancer of civilization, the opposite of order, advocating secret things unknown to human beings.

"He found out we didn't..."

Eugene asked nervously. The only combat directory personnel he had contact with at a distance was Johnny, the 36th, but that kind of guy also had an index close to 2. He could not be defeated by non-ace agents. , and although the eleven Hugos have never been seen, the ace agents have been killed one after another under their hands, and they are at the end of what the infected can reach.

And this person is the third one.

To use Countermeasures Bureau cliché, this may be the third most powerful person in the observable universe.

"I don't know, but our eyes met just now, but I'm not sure."

Pim had a lot of thoughts in his mind. Is this some kind of ultimate coincidence or something? Logically speaking, there is no communication at all now, and White cannot communicate with the SCT headquarters no matter what.

Maybe it was because of fate. If Arnold had waited ahead, he would not have clashed with the stupid bandits in order to avoid alerting the enemy. Instead, he would have just waited and waited.

"I'm not sure. Can you be more serious?"

"Maybe we will die soon."

Violet said indifferently, but she suddenly froze, because she could always accurately predict the future within a few seconds. Compared with the original true page's omniscience and omnipotence, this was a genuine and accurate future.

"In this case, evacuate those who are more important to the situation first, and keep the remaining people to observe the situation."

"If Arnold doesn't come after us, then he will follow us."

"If he comes, he will be responsible..."

Opal hasn't finished speaking yet.


The crisp sound of the revolver magazine turning was even a little pleasant.

Pim put down the telescope in surprise, because in just an instant, Arnold disappeared from a few kilometers away. When he put down the telescope, it was too late.

Arnold was already standing behind several people.

And he also sensed who was the strongest among this group of people.

The muzzle of the revolver touched Violet's chin from below, and then fired a shot.

Violet's head was so mushy that the group of people were everywhere, and the splattered blood stuck to their clothes, with dyed silver hair still attached.

A hole was opened in the sky, and in the nuclear winter the sky shrouded in soot and dust split open, and a beam of sacred sunlight actually fell.

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