Latent Syndrome

Chapter 376 375 Expansion Strategy

Chapter 376 375. Expansion Strategy

A week later.

"Is there a research institute that has lost contact..."

Chainsaw groaned.

This is the site of an urban ruin, but it was set up as a transfer station by chain saws in the former city hall.

Chainsaw has set up such transfer stations in many places in the wasteland, which are even like official posts in ancient times. They are used to transmit messages through the main roads when there is no means of communication, and are used as places for people to rest and pause midway.

Now that the news has reached here, it means that several days have passed. If I rush over now, it will be very late. Let alone find those who robbed the institute. When I arrive, there may be a third wave. Everyone has finished plundering.

The first thing was the loss of contact at a transfer station. The two S-class infected people in charge there were one named Galilei and the other Nikolai. Although they may have some big nerves, they are both extremely rare strong men.

Were both of them killed together? It seems that the people who came to provoke the Salvation Army are not simple. The weight of these three words, The Salvation Army, in this wasteland, is everything and has all the right to speak.

What worries Chainsaw the most is that the main person in charge of the research there is a senior researcher he recruited from the old SCT department. He is absolutely top-notch and is favored by Chainsaw because she has the legacy of SCT.

Hannah herself is also an infected person with outstanding strength. Whether it is research or combat quality, she has amazing talents. She is definitely stronger than Galilei and Nicholas combined, but even such a person has been Killed.

Chainsaw had to begin to suspect that it was the remnants of the Countermeasure Bureau or the remnants of SCT, because only these two former behemoths would have the courage to challenge themselves.

Don't even think of the worst-case scenario, which is that the group of short-haired men are back again.

"I already know the situation."

"So how is the expansion strategy going?"

Chainsaw asked the person in charge of the transfer station. In addition to research, expansion strategy is also a very important part of his plan. The world today is too chaotic.

Just like Di Bong's metaphor, it's like two sides of a scale, ranking chaos and order from 1 to 10. The current situation is undoubtedly the worst situation.

It belongs to 2, or even close to 1. The remaining human beings still have the sanity after being civilized, but for limited resources, they have been killing each other for a long time, and an environment where they are proud of psychopathy. down, it will only continue to fall towards 1.

Then it fell into the purest chaos. By the time 1 hour came, there were no more humans in the world, only those hungry mindless blood beasts were left. They used the terror bonds issued by the universe to carry out cruel debt consolidation, until they reached pure chaos. .

So for chain saws, a heavier weight must be added to the scale. When the situation has become like this, just acting in a 5 way will not work.

To get everything back on track, we can only use 10 methods, even though that is some kind of totalitarianism.

Chainsaw's Salvation Army actually has a lot of iron rules within it. It cannot burn, kill or loot. Even if it is a reign of terror, it must be in the form of taxation. All people who are about to change or who do not follow this arrangement must be eliminated. people.

He knows that because the area he is occupying is too broad, not everyone can abide by this set of rules. After being recruited, most people just change from ordinary bandits to bandits under the name of the Salvation Army. The only difference is that they must Pay tribute to yourself.

The current Salvation Army only governs most areas by recruiting tax collectors. Chainsaw knows that this is not enough. He must slowly kill the local leaders and replace them with his own people to implement the rules. Everywhere.

Therefore, an expansion strategy is necessary, which is a kind of internal stability and spiritual expansion.

"It all went very smoothly."

"The biggest forces in those areas are slowly being replaced by the people you designate."

The person in charge of the transfer station replied that if anyone else looked at it, they would never guess that this man dressed as an ordinary ranger and looking just like one of the gangsters was actually Chainsaw, the leader of the entire Salvation Army.

He has a strong paranoia of persecution. All he can do is to do it himself without any pomp. Most of the time he rides a motorcycle like an ordinary ranger, inspecting major transit stations, research institutes, and strategic locations.

Because he doesn't believe what others say at all. Even if he says it now, he may believe it a little, but he still has to go to the site to check it himself.

As he expected, the chain saw also had the same plan. No matter whether it was too late or not, he had to take a look, but he also needed to know some other information.

"That's good news."

"Except for the bad news from that transit station and the institute."

"Is there any other bad news?"

Chainsaw thinks that everything can't go so smoothly. Now that the territory is so vast, it's hard to think of trouble. Even if he knows that someone has usurped the throne, it wouldn't be surprising.

It took more than a week to go to the lighthouse in the inner sea to find the legendary stargazer. It was already somewhat out of touch with the real-time situation, and it was necessary to understand it as soon as possible.

"Lord Chainsaw."


The person in charge of the transfer station was a little hesitant, fearing that the chain saw would kill him if he told the truth, because the situation was really bad, and the chain saw did like to kill people, and he also had superb skills that others could not imitate, and he always liked to show off.

That is, after killing someone, the person does not know that he is dead and can still be alive and kicking for a while. It is really fucked up.

But he knew it wouldn't matter if he didn't tell him, the chain saw would find out sooner or later.

"The combat unit taxed by former Section 1 agent Damon was wiped out. He himself is still alive but has no reply."

"It is rumored that Luca, the deputy director of the Countermeasures Bureau, showed up, but I don't know whether it is true or not."

The person in charge said submissively, fearing that the chain saw would kill him.

Chainsaw was stunned when he heard this. Damon is a very important person in the expansion strategy. He is one of the few people in the organization who has discipline and strong fighting qualities. Chainsaw has high hopes for him and treats him as one of his own.

"Deputy Director of the Countermeasures Bureau..."

"anything else?"

Chainsaw doesn't believe that's all the bad news. There must be more.

The person in charge continued to answer.

"There is a killer who came out of nowhere, wearing a large black hat, and came from the Thirty Destruction Zone. He has been killing our people along the way. The final target seems to be you."

"In the expansion strategy, there is another city that is resisting tenaciously. It is an extremely powerful female infected person."


"A group of people with shaved heads, who have the same hairstyle as the guy named Di Biao who was publicly tried, are constantly harassing our various strongholds."

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