Latent Syndrome

Chapter 388 387 Gunfire

Chapter 388 387. Gunfire

The night in the wasteland was completely dead and dark. Except for the dead bodies on the ground reflected by the motorcycle lights, the weak light only illuminated half of the figures of Chainsaw and Arnold.

The other parts have fallen into the pure and boundless darkness.

"the truth?"

"Please do let me know."

In the lighthouse on the rock, there is the mysterious stargazer, the prophet who sees the future. He can influence everything, but he cannot influence his own destiny.

This makes Chainsaw think he is the chosen one.

The astrologer can indeed foresee what will happen in the future, but he cannot foresee himself. He only sees things, but cannot penetrate into his own nature.

This kind of thing has never happened before. He can always see through everything about others, but he can't predict himself.

In his words, he does not belong to this time and space, and is a person outside of destiny.

"I passed by some of your institutes."

"I found out what you were up to."


"You are as prescient as all those who have come before you."

"Like all his predecessors, he was stubborn and stupid."

"We always want to create a paradise without any pain and absolute peace."

"But there are no absolutes in this world."

Arnold said so.

"Is it."

"Isn't what you said absolute?"

"It's really fun."

"It seems that we are stuck in an unsolvable thing, a barren paradox. Absolute and relative cannot exist at the same time. If we say that everything is absolutely relative, we are also in chaos."

"It doesn't make any sense. The two are just man-made concepts that build on each other and establish each other."

"And you seem to have forgotten who you are."

"I can kill a person and keep him alive for a while. Then I can see the person's true nature."

"it is a pity that."

"Although it's just intuition, you don't have this kind of thing innately."

Chainsaw watched Arnold hold the revolver in his hand, and he took out an automatic pistol in a hurry.

Arnold didn't feel offended or offended, not even a little bit, by Chainsaw's sarcasm and sarcasm.

"Yes, you are right."

"So you finally understand where I stand."

"Same as you thought."

Arnold's tone was extremely indifferent.

But the chain saw felt an oppressive force that it had not seen for a long time. The hint of the chariot was activated, like the blue flame that burned the infected. It was purer and bluer than that, and it was refined countless times, as if it had extracted the entire The world's human brain fluid is as blue as the sky, possessing the wisdom of the entire human history.

The pistol began to deform under the influence, possessing extremely powerful power, but he was still the same as Arnold, not in a hurry to raise the gun.

"So what's the truth."

"I'm ready to find out."

"I want to see the cruelty in it."

In order to re-establish order in this wasteland, Chainsaw will do whatever it takes. The Countermeasures Bureau has lost the meaning of its existence, so it is up to itself to complete its unfinished business.

Sometimes he couldn't help but think about what kind of thing human beings are. In the end, he understood that human beings are civilizations, dragging their unevolved bodies from thousands of years ago to the present existence. It is not wisdom that makes human beings not like hair and drink blood. , are just great symbols that have been honed over the years.

When everyone else is dormant, someone must take charge of the overall situation, and the overall situation is at all costs. These symbols are truly precious things.

"You're trying to carve out an independent world without any interference from outside forces."

"But we encountered an unbreakable bottleneck."

"Not for any other reason."

"It's just impossible to do. It's completely ridiculous."

"Because someone has done it before you."

"Before the Doomsday."

"That independent world is called the Symbolic Realm. It is so impregnable that even the ultimate darkness of the universe cannot dismantle it."

"It needs to be gradually subtle."

"And you already know the outcome, and you ended up at this point today."

"You are just going back to doing things that are ineffective and hopeless and fail again and again."

As the motorcycle's fuel bottomed out, the light it illuminated became weaker and weaker.

The chain saw moved a bit.


"Like I said before."

"You can't default to victory."

Chainsaw said calmly.

"I see."

Arnold finished.

The fuel was completely burned out, the motorcycle headlights no longer illuminated, and the surroundings fell into a completely lonely and empty boundless darkness, and at the same time it was suffocatingly quiet.

The two men raised their guns at the same time and pulled the triggers.

the remaining.

Just gunfire.

And those noises roared in their ears for a long time.

Inland sea.

The vast expanse of dark sea water, with weak waves, feebly lapping against a majestic reef.

Fragments of acid rain were floating in the sky, thunder was rolling, and strange green lightning came from time to time. The nuclear winter curtain penetrated by lightning created blood-red ravines.

This lighthouse is already a product of the Middle Ages and is extremely old. No one knows why Rhodes settled here. Maybe it is just because it is difficult to get here and it is relatively peaceful.

Those blood beasts transformed by humans are completely stupid and blind. Many of them have dementia and fall into the sea without knowing where to turn. In this dead sea full of nuclear pollution, they will not drown and evolve into something more... Bizarre creatures.

Unless you are an extraordinary person, you will basically not be able to reach here if you ignore these things and the hell-like Dead Sea.

Rhodes has a female assistant, and she has already spotted a lone boat slowly becoming clear on the horizon.

It's not appropriate to call it a lonely boat. It's just a piece of broken door panels, and it can't even compare to a raft for survival in the wilderness.

The female assistant reminded Rhodes.

But he acted as if he had known it for a long time, and just told the female assistant just like he had received all previous visitors.

Twenty minutes later.

In the attic of Rhodes' dilapidated lighthouse, a man covered in black robes sat across from him. His head was also covered with a monk's hood, as if he didn't want people to see the ugly face underneath.

Because he could faintly see that his entire arm had been backfired by the strange phenomenon, with scarlet blood scales, sharp claws, and weirdly long fingers, completely turning into a demon's hand.

"I heard you are a stargazer."

"Knowing the past and the future."

"It better be this way."

The voice of the man in black robe was low and hoarse, like a living dead.

"It's just what others said."

"Do you need any help?"

"I really don't think what else someone like you could want."

"After all, you've destroyed the world."

Rhodes said calmly.


"Quite the opposite."

"But it's okay if you say so."

"I'm not here to ask for your help, and I don't have anything to ask."

"Because rule number two is."

"There can be no doubt."

"I'm here to kill you."

"Some people, they don't like the word destiny."

“You always talk about it and accept it as the truth.”

The man in black robe took off his hood. His hair was shaved to less than one centimeter, and his face had horrific scars from being scratched by a giant beast. It even penetrated his cheek and could see the ghastly teeth.

It was Di Wei.

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