Latent Syndrome

Chapter 400 399 The Last Wise Man

Chapter 400 399. The Last Wise Man

"Who knows."

"At least in the metaphysical spiritual universe."

"It gives you a little bit of a sense of reality."

"a little……"

The man with the mechanical arm found that the person in front of him was a stranger. Like him, he came uninvited and bypassed the weak security of this so-called final pure land.

The Countermeasures Bureau has been unable to protect itself, huddled in their secret fortress, preparing for the final counterattack.

Although he was not interested in either the SCT or the Countermeasures Bureau, in terms of the results they hoped to produce, he still preferred the latter.

"I know who you are."


"And the things you did, the SCT's most wanted criminal."

"Even compared to the heads on my neck, if they have to choose one, they will definitely still want you."

"Where did you go to get plastic surgery? To avoid being hunted, how could you go to this extent?"

"I'm afraid even the person next to you won't recognize you."

"I'm sorry... I said the wrong thing. It says on the death certificate that she committed suicide by gunshot due to postpartum depression."

"To be honest, I know many women who commit suicide, but this is the first time I've seen one choose this method, at least for a woman."

Due to a facial nerve problem, one of Luca's cheeks was twitching strangely, and his fingers were typing something in the air, as if he was typing on a keyboard.

His brain is like a hard drive. Every time he uses this kind of finger-tapping autosuggestion, he can input information into his brain, and he can also retrieve the information he has recorded and stored.

In all murder cases, if the victim is married, the statistical probability is that more than 90% of them will be committed by the victim's spouse.

Cobain was once accused of being the murderer of his wife, because committing suicide by gunshot was not something a woman could do. He used an old-fashioned Mosingana rifle, put it to his chin and pulled the trigger. There was a big hole in the back of his head and there was blood on the ceiling.


At that time, Cobain had no reliable alibi. According to the testimony of neighbors, Cobain and his wife often had conflicts, making great noises, accompanied by the sound of smashing furniture, and Cobain had a serious drinking problem. He often hangs out in the town's taverns.

The investigators in charge of that case, after in-depth investigation, discovered that the two had a child a few years ago. Unfortunately, due to negligence, he died young in a car accident and was smashed to pieces.

Investigators believe that the conflict between the two stemmed from the pursuit of responsibility for the incident. Under long-term pressure, Cobain blamed all the reasons on his wife. In the end, he was overwhelmed and wanted to break free from the endless torture. So he shot and killed his wife and staged the scene as a suicide.

Because Cobain is extremely smart and knows how to commit crimes without leaving traces, but there are always clues, including surveillance footage of the shower cap and rubber gloves he bought from an unlicensed supermarket, although he called the video outside the laboratory. To purchase materials, these things are indeed included in the list of the research room, but as the person in charge of the research room, this kind of list can be fabricated before the incident.

Cobain was listed as the first suspect at the time, and a trial was conducted, but in the end there was really no evidence, and the autopsy report did not show any defensive wounds. According to the Luminol test, if the rifle was fired in other directions or from a long distance, it would definitely cause damage. Not with such wounds and blood stains.

Since there were no marks of strangulation or defensive wounds, the possibility of being forced to commit suicide was ruled out.

But the prosecution believes that Cobain threatened his wife with a rifle and ordered her to commit suicide or use other methods, such as ending the life of another child.

But if conjecture alone could lead to a conviction, there would be no need for a court of law, and Cobain was acquitted.

It caused a small sensation in that small town at the time.

Everyone believed that Cobain killed his wife, and finally used his connections in academia and influence to settle the matter.

People are always fascinated by the scandals of celebrities or elites, because they are always trying to prove one thing. The essence of people is the same. No matter how knowledgeable or high-contribution a person is, he will still cheat, have an affair, or even commit murder. .

In order to avoid criticism, stay away from right and wrong, and start over, Cobain finally left Los Angeles and moved to Liberty City.

The atmosphere in the underground tavern was a little noisy, with everyone trying to use up all their energy in this last moment.

No one noticed the conversation at all.

Cobain slowly raised his head. His hair was extremely messy and had never been taken care of. One eye was equipped with a prosthetic eye that could not move. Even after multiple plastic surgeries, some scars were still carved with a knife to reduce recognition. Degree, the sound of the rough mechanical arm turning was a bit disturbing.

"how did you find me?"

Cobain's vigilance was at its highest, because he had the ultimate weapon against SCT.

"Not through reasoning anyway."

"What I represent now is the highest will of mankind."

"Just follow the steps as I tell you."

"It could all end there."

"As a former SCT researcher, if you have something in your hands that would make their hair stand on end, they would search for you at all costs."

"And you yourself are like a witness to every South Pacific incident. You are cunning and difficult to deal with. It is almost impossible to catch you."

"The worst part is."

"After the Doomsday, those guys have been caught by SCT one after another."

"Only you and my immediate boss are left."

One of the members of the high command who controlled Luka was also an eyewitness to that incident.

"Then what do you want me to do?"

With the revelation of himself in Luca's words, Cobain also understood who he was, but he was confused as to why the people from the Countermeasures Bureau appeared in this way. Maybe he just didn't want to make a big splash and alert himself.

"It's very simple."

"I want you to hand over what you have."

"Although I don't know if it is a weapon, or a method, or some other form."

"You must leave it to me anyway."

Luca said that as long as Cobain handed over what he had in his hand, he was almost two-thirds of the way done, and he was halfway through all the steps.

So far, so good.

"I don't know where you got the news from, though."

"But in my hands..."

"There is no great thing that can complete any steps like you said."

"It's just a piece of junk."

"It's something I got by chance during the transfer experiment."


"If you want it, take it."

Cobain didn't shy away from throwing something covered with cloth out of his bag and lightly smashed it on the table.

Seeing Cobain's attitude, Luca thought he might be wrong.

"Transfer test?"

Luka asked calmly.

"Similar to latent disorder, it is a kind of ladder to climb up the spiritual world."

“What cannot be accomplished in the physical universe can be accomplished there.”

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