Latent Syndrome

Chapter 402 401 Cheyenne Mountain

Chapter 402 401. Cheyenne Mountain

"So that's it."

"You only use communication terminals to communicate with your headquarters."

"That is to say."

"Even you, the deputy director, don't know the composition of the command."

"It's just an agent, just like the chief of the SCT Summit, and your agent is the director of the Countermeasures Bureau."

Cobain suddenly ignited some fighting spirit again. Is all this struggle basically a game of two deep world projections? Or are they inherently integrated and just incomprehensible to humans?

That green gem contains countless worlds.

After Luka sacrificed everything he had, including everything he didn't know he had, he finally got the correct answer. Only by following the steps can he reach the only world with possibility.

But now I feel a little hesitant.

Because there was a mistake in this link, this extremely critical step, I should have obtained an absolute prop for victory here, but I didn't expect that it was just a piece of junk.

But Luka had already embarked on a road of no return, and could only tell the man in front of him everything he knew, hoping that he would have some clues.

"You said you knew how to fix this."

"Now that link has failed."

"So what's next?"

Cobain asked.

Luca did not give up, but put this item of unknown purpose away. Maybe it could be used at some point, but he just didn't know.

"The next step is."

"I'm going to Turin."

Luka stood up and was about to leave, not putting his hope in Yun. According to Cobain, that kind of power is unstoppable, and Luka himself could only act according to the plan.

However, there was a commotion at the door and the sound of neat steps.

The First Section of the Countermeasures Bureau did not have a headquarters or anything like that. In the past, its members were distributed all over the place and there was no need for a fixed location.

With the defeat of Section 3 on the front line, all military bases were completely abandoned.

After the Doomsday.

Only the headquarters of Section 2 remained, serving as a doomsday bunker.

It is also the final base of the entire countermeasures bureau.

The original site of western North America.

Cheyenne Mountain.

The granite mountain with a thickness of several hundred meters and the maze-like command post provide a complete three-defense survival system for nearly ten thousand people, which can achieve long-term internal circulation.

It is a terrifying product of the Cold War, an underground base built to deal with so-called nuclear attack countermeasures.

Amidst all the strategies and far-reaching considerations, nuclear war developed to the end, giving rise to a concept called a second nuclear strike.

It refers to the ability to still retain sufficient nuclear power to carry out nuclear retaliation against the enemy's economic centers and industrial cities after suffering a devastating blow to the homeland.

This is also one of the few places in Doomsday that has not been invaded by weirdos. It is the nerve center of the Countermeasures Bureau.

With the lack of resources, the second branch of research deep underground has also come to a standstill.

In a laboratory with various precision instruments and glass cylindrical vessels, these researchers wearing sterile suits have focused all their research on the transfer test.

Deep beneath the Cheyenne Mountains, in a hospital room.

A monster that looked like a living dead was lying on a hospital bed. Not only was it wearing an oxygen mask, but the hollow bed board had more than a dozen tubes inserted into its spine, and its limbs were also connected to tubes of various thicknesses. The skin was completely dry, and all the joints and ribs were exaggeratedly exposed, as if a layer of skin was stuck to the bones, and there were even corpse spots in some places.

But he did not die, just venous congestion caused by insufficient power of the heart's blood pump.

This is one of the deputy directors of the Countermeasures Bureau.

Hazy true body.

His clones alone possess near-superhuman power, and his main clone plays the most important role in the countermeasures bureau, wandering in every dangerous action that determines the outcome.

His hazy hair has turned the gray of a dying man, his face is as withered as a mummy, his eyes are completely blind and gray like a blind man, and he can't see anything clearly.

A girl who is not very old, about the age of a high school student, is sitting next to Hagi.

The eyebrows and eyes are very similar to Gray's.

It was at Gray's funeral that the sister of the former Army Rapid Reaction Corps colonel, who was in a wheelchair at the time.

Her face was still childish, but she already had a gloomy look that was not for her age.

Nancy has long been infected with the Abyssal Syndrome and has been affected by visions, but since Gray's death, she may have inherited her legacy.

All her weakness has passed away. In order to eradicate the latent disease, her heart has become extremely strong, and she has even endured until now. With the blessing of strength, she not only lost her wheelchair, but also gained great strength.

But Nancy understands that she can't do anything on her own.

She just hoped that the man in front of her could cheer up and wipe out SCT completely.


The electrocardiogram machine sent an alarm signal, and the medical staff on duty 24 hours a day immediately prepared emergency treatment. The hazy pulse slowly became weak.

Nancy left the room, closing her eyes and praying that he would get through this.

In the ward.

"It's hopeless."

"It's a miracle he's survived this long."


"He can't die yet."

"No matter what method is used, no matter how painful it is, we must let him live."

Immediately afterwards, a group of doctors began emergency work.

Because Hao is the only one who can possibly defeat SCT. For him, even everyone on the so-called combat catalog, even the first one, can be easily defeated.

The reason why it has weakened to this point.

It's because he once faced the chief of SCT, the real chief, not an agent.

As early as less than two months after the start of the solar eclipse, the Countermeasures Bureau had been established, and Hao was the original No. 1 agent.

Among all strategies, the best strategy is undoubtedly to behead the real controller of SCT to eliminate future troubles forever.

The one who performs this task is Hagi.

And he did not disappoint everyone's expectations, killing the first team of SCT one after another, almost leading to the destruction of SCT.

But eventually.

He still failed.

He came back here with a crippled body and never moved a step. The achievements that the second department has achieved so far are all based on Hazy as the material and then extended. Brain fluid bullets, anchor point instruments, everything. His body has infinite mysteries. .

And his clones, as long as he is still alive, can exert terrifying power by virtue of some subtle connection with him.

Hundreds of kilometers away on the surface.

Colin, Violet, and her allies have searched for several places where the Countermeasures Bureau's final base may exist.

Then we arrived at one of the most likely places, the outskirts of Cheyenne Mountain.

"They may be hiding in doomsday submarines or planes like those in movies."

"Absolutely impossible to find."

"I don't have much time to mess around with you anymore, Colin."

The group of people all drove Salvation Army-style motorcycles.

I traveled along the road for almost a week.

They all discovered a horrifying fact.

For some unknown reason, the Salvation Army is in chaos. It is said that their leader Chainsaw has disappeared without a trace. Even the last violent group created by the wasteland has begun to disintegrate.

The current situation is that the last trace of order no longer exists, even the order created by violence.

The world has completely fallen into violent chaos, and everything is irreversible.

All the camps they encountered along the way were littered with corpses. Even at the speed they were traveling, they had not seen many living creatures in such a long time.

If there are some, they are just infected people who have gone completely crazy and can no longer be called human beings.

The problem that has to be faced is.

Humanity is about to become extinct. It may not take more than half a year, a few months, or it may only take the last few weeks.

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