Latent Syndrome

Chapter 408 407 The First Infected Person

Chapter 408 407. The first infected person

four years ago.

The Countermeasures Bureau has not yet been formally established. Its predecessor was a product of the Cold War. It is a mysterious organization that is even more secretive than the CIA and no one knows about it.

There is only a number and no name. Even in Congress, it is rarely known. It is an extremely confidential existence. All work is reported only to the core figures of the House of Representatives Armed Services Committee.

Effective attacks on overseas political events are not limited to assassinations, assisting military coups, and carrying out ideological dictatorial activities with the support of sociology and communication scholars.

The members of the organization will be strictly screened, and under the influence of drugs and psychiatric medicine, they will become the coldest weapons in the world.

Affected by anti-war sentiments, when he returned to China, he was treated like a "hero".

Jungles, thorns, whispering ancient times.

In this hell, there must be no emotions. Even women and children will become dangerous weapons. With the belief that they will die, everyone must be eliminated.

Caution, cruelty, and madness, all qualities are needed here, but compassion and pity are not needed.

As time goes by, in the guerrilla resistance, the situation becomes more and more unfavorable, and in the Congress resolution, it is necessary to get out of the quagmire as soon as possible.

In order to eliminate these dense vegetation and change the situation of the war, TCDD had to be released and sprayed from airplanes to make all plants lose their leaves.

Lymphoma, leukemia, cancer, and chlorosis.

Hagi was once responsible for mixing and assembling the potions in the orange barrels.

After returning home.

The offspring he and his second wife gave birth to also had severe spinal atrophy. In order to prevent the baby from suffering long agony, Hagi personally injected it with a euthanasia drug.

Even all of this did not shake his belief, and he passed the screening as a matter of course.

He became one of the earliest members of that organization, and in the following days, he performed patriotic tasks year after year.

Until the eclipse.

The fall of the Observer.

When Hao arrived at the isolated island in the South Pacific, only the wreckage of the Observer was left. The scholars who were exposed to the original radiation transformed into a kind of monster.

And that was the last substance left there at that time.

Shi Luncheng was the first person infected with Latent Abyssal Disease.

And he seemed to have foreseen his destined death, and understood everything in an instant.

Cheyenne Mountain underground base.

In aisle two.

With the arrival of Gray's sister, Nancy, the tense atmosphere eased a little, but after Colin's words, it seemed that the matter would not stop so easily.

in the system of the Countermeasure Bureau.

The high command is the last line of defense for mankind. In order to eliminate all hidden dangers, only the director of the Countermeasures Bureau has direct access. All agents are not allowed to inquire or conduct private investigations, otherwise they will be severely punished.

Within the Countermeasures Bureau, the minimum standard of punishment is death. If the problem becomes serious, then due to the leakage of information, the people around him will have to be investigated.

From the very beginning to now, only a very small number of two or three people have violated this iron law, and the rest of the agents will not ask anything at all.

The orders of the high command must have been correct, so that they even survived for so many years despite this irreversible disaster.

It is very possible that the command center is some kind of consciousness in the symbolic world, a will to save the earth from itself.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the last foundation of mankind.

The three Section 1 agents who confronted Colin could not agree to his request. Besides, they themselves did not have the authority to do so. In fact, not only the headquarters, but also the director of the Countermeasures Bureau had never met him.

Currently, there is only one person with the highest position in the base, and that is Hagi.

But his condition at this moment is critical. He is lying on the hospital bed and may die at any time.

Today this battle may be irreversible.

What they don't know is that Colin has now completely become a transcendent being, and has even broken through the shackles of 3 to a certain extent.

It's not a trick to sense other people's emotions. Colin can read people's hearts and all their memories.


"He is already dying..."

Colin felt that things were developing far more smoothly than he had expected. This situation was the best. He didn't have any power to resist. He just had to go to his ward and learn the whereabouts of the high command from his mouth. That's the end of it.

The next step is to eradicate latent disease.

Just as Colin was thinking this, a deep and powerful voice came from the end of the passage.

"You all stand down."

"Even if the entire base is put together, they are no match for him."

The one who came was none other than Misty.

He has not changed out of his clothes yet. He is only wearing a blue and white hospital gown and shorts. His feet and upper body are bare. He is over two meters tall. His hair is gray and his eyes are gray-white. He seems to have gone blind and cannot focus at all. .

The extremely rough muscle lines look like a martial artist who has trained his body to the extreme. His body is covered with scars, including bullet marks left by bullet penetration wounds, dagger scars, and whipping with whips and twisted joints with wooden stakes in the forest dungeon. Old wounds left behind.

The whole person is like a war machine that is still executing unfinished instructions, even though the red enemy has disintegrated and even the world has collapsed.

The last deformed directives of the Cold War are still being implemented.

Nancy was surprised by Lu's physical condition. She was still very angry when she saw him half an hour ago, but now he has returned to a strong state that she has never seen before.


Nancy wanted to say something. She didn't want anything to happen to Colin. Someone who could prevent terrorist attacks and kill so many combat catalog freaks could never be a bad person.

But here it was not her turn to speak at all. With just a thought, the three agents and Nancy disappeared on the spot.

Colin felt something, and the surrounding space underwent extremely strange changes.

This white passage instantly expanded to an infinite length, with no end as far as the eye could see. When Colin turned around to look for a way out, he also discovered that the passage behind had also become an infinite length.

It's like being in a strange space that keeps circulating.

"Aren't you about to die?"

"My happiness was in vain."

Because of her own stupidity and irresponsibility, Ingrid is enduring the torture of the abyss. Colin does not have much time to waste on this kind of battle and must fight it quickly.

"Just like you."

"We have all been injected with the stimulant called death to make the final decision."

"I have your information here."

"From the beginning, your file records, your hints..."

"It's the devil."

"It's a very common and ordinary hint, and it's also the hint with the largest base. Almost half or 40% of the infected people have this hint."

"Same as me."

"We are all...malicious, bound, surrendered, lustful."


Hao didn't give Colin a chance to speak at all. He swung his fist lightly, and an infinite dragon of flesh and blood burst out from it.

I don't know if it's an arm or a beam of some kind of giant tower. The infinite muscle tissue is bloody and exposed, and the red and green blood vessels and tendons are violently proliferating. The hand is already thicker than the person who is bigger than him, and That cell division constitutes the rate of regrowth.

As fast as light, just like light, pouring towards Colin.

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