Latent Syndrome

Chapter 412 411 Must Kill

Chapter 412 411. Must Kill


this number.

It is oneself and all things.

Each person is a whole, a world in itself, rather than some isolated character trait or allegorical abstraction.

When the human spirit is strong enough to break through this shackles and tear apart external entities.

It can be extended to things called fields.


This is a possibility.

Spirit, will, and ideas all exist in two forms.

The idea has a dual nature, namely the conceptualization of the idea and the actualization of the concept.

Taken together, the two are the objectification of concepts.

Objectification includes formal objectification and absolute objectification.

In formal objectification.

Concepts are expressed or realized in thinking and present in consciousness, and the presentation of such thinking not only constitutes the "existence" of the concept itself, but is also a process in which an idea rises to a concept.

And absolute objectification.

Concepts not only require themselves to be concepts, but also to manifest themselves, and to actualize themselves, constituting the reality of the concept itself, which is expressed in the experience of the concept itself. In this reality of the concept, on the one hand, the external nature of the concept The spontaneous return of itself constitutes the "absoluteness" of the concept itself.

simply put.

If you just want to break through the shackles of 1, as long as the person is strong enough, the spirit, the mind, and the tenacity are enough.

It's a so-called...

"Real man".

can be achieved.

But to break through the shackles of 2.

It must also be required to be a...

"Wise Man".

The wise man here does not represent profound knowledge, but a kind of self-consistency and a stable identity.

No matter how perverse and absurd the argument is, it only needs to be self-consistent.

can be reached.

Therefore, people like Randy, Seka, May, and Johnny cannot reach this level.

But Hugo and Luca have already exceeded this level.

As for White, he is only a level A infected person.


Through the understanding of 2, then...

Concept, there are three ways.

The first is the external realization of the concept. And as far as this externalization is concerned, it is letting nature achieve its own conceptual form.

That is natural philosophy.

The second is the internal realization of the concept, and this internal form is a return to itself from the external form. As far as this return is concerned, it is the internal realization of the concept itself, internalized in the spirit itself. What is within is the pure conceptual form that allows the spirit to reach itself.

That is spiritual philosophy.

Thirdly, all that is the idea itself that returns to itself constitutes the idea itself.

This is logic.

Natural conceptual forms, spiritual conceptual forms, and logic.

All three in one, that is.

The shackles of 3.

But no one in the world can reach it, because it is already... God.

And as long as it's still within 3.

Whether it is human beings, infected people, or all things, even if they annihilate reality, embody fantasy, or even step on the sun and moon, pick up stars, and swallow the universe, they are just...ridiculously miserable lives.

In the pure white passage filled with rivet joints, two such tragic lives were fighting.

It's just that they are the most powerful among them.

Especially hazy.

The power he displayed and all the mighty power he unleashed were unparalleled in ancient and modern times, overwhelming everyone in the infected pyramid.

If Arnold is at the ultimate pinnacle of the pyramid.

Then Hao is already beyond the pyramid.


Lost half a day.

The clanging sound of gold and iron could be heard endlessly. In the game of blood blades, Colin frequently lost and was struck by the bloody guillotine again and again. Even though he was transcendent, he was still at a disadvantage. Gaps were cut on his body and he was vomiting in his mouth. Blood.

And hazy.

From the beginning to the end, even if his breath was not disturbed, Colin was already overwhelmed before he showed his true power, and he was already coping with the offensive with some reluctance.

All the fancy and superb techniques are useless, only power, pure power, pure source of life.


Hao slashed down with his sword, condensing it into the ultimate brilliant blood sword, even approaching... The strange scarlet color of the red gem directly cut Colin in half, and his upper body flew out upside down.

Until then.

It was only then that Hao truly showed his power beyond 2, and wanted to completely crush Colin.

No one knows where his cruel spirit comes from.

It was an interrogation in a jungle dungeon.

Or the confusion when mixing Agent Orange.

Or maybe it's all proxy wars.

Or maybe it’s the inner contradiction of the human world.

Maybe just.

He was completing the final directives of the Cold War product that would become the Countermeasures Bureau.

He finally found a way to end everything, his way.

With Hazy liberates the power of further restrictions.

His exaggerated body shape began to condense to the extreme, and the abyssal alien space that could no longer be subdivided was finally refined to the limit that could be achieved in the three shackles.

It's as if the entire world's cores are overclocked and overloaded.

As a result, his whole body was evaporated with a weird heat wave that was enough to evaporate the universe. That kind of terrifying invisible steam, as he moved forward, wiped out the time, space, dimensions, and existence behind him.

Evaporation ablation into abstract chaos.

Luka was wrong in one thing. Hao was not the ultimate weapon of the Countermeasures Bureau. He had reached the highest limit in this life, but...

Lost half a day.

It just happened in an instant. When Colin's injuries healed, Hagi was already close.

"I could kill so many people."

"More than you think."

"The most powerful group, the predecessor of the SCT Summit, the Council of Elders, were all slaughtered by me."

"It's not just brute force."


"Maybe because I am the first infected person. As you know, some infected people have abilities."

"My ability is."

"Make everything...certain to kill."

“If you can actually get away with this.

"Maybe you really don't exist..."

"Death that is destined."

This is Hagi's ability.

If he wants anyone to die, no one...can resist, even if that person is the master of the entire universe.


It was just a punch that hit Colin.

"After these people gain abilities, their temperaments often change drastically. They are manipulated by their subconscious and invisible obsessions in the imagination, and choose to commit crimes because they go against mainstream society."

Gray's face was expressionless, and her expression became increasingly cold.

At the same time, she unzipped her jacket, quietly took out an exaggerated large-caliber pistol from her waist, hid the pistol in her clothes, and pointed the muzzle at Colin's head.

"I'm going to do some tests on you and ask some questions to determine your controllability. You have to answer them seriously. I can blow your head off at any time."

Gray pulled the bolt of the gun and loaded the bullet without any intention of joking.

Colin looked at Gray in front of him blankly.

Just now... he was clearly facing off against the Countermeasures Bureau's strongest weapon, Haro.

here it is?

Colin looked around blankly. It was a very familiar pub. He remembered it because it was very close to the police station in St. George District. Gray always set the meeting place here.

At that time, the Countermeasures Bureau kept secrets from the police officers in the police station because Latent Syndrome was still in its early stages, the SCT had not taken any action, and the spread of the infection was within a controllable range.

And the person in front of me is actually a woman who has died long ago. Is this a dream?

At this moment, there was a bang in Gray's suitcase, and the instrument for detecting the anchor point exploded.

Gray's expression became increasingly grim. Even as a mortal, he did not show any fear when facing someone who might be an S-class infected person.

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