Latent Syndrome

Chapter 416 415 Island

Chapter 416 415. Island

The active River of the Undead entangled itself around the dripping and rolling dragon of flesh and blood, carrying the power of imminent death, even as if it had opened the door to Hades.

With all the killing intent, he rushed towards Colin.

Even with...

Some kind of power from heaven.


No disobedience.

Unless you break through the shackles of 3, you have a chance to survive in this style.

four years ago.

A week passed after the eclipse.

An isolated island in the South Pacific.

When the remains of the Observer fell here, some time had passed.

The water is blue, and you can even see the bottom in the shallow sea. Through the sparkling waves, you can see the sand and rocks below.

The sun is blazing, there is no winter here, and shorts are worn all year round.

The countermeasures bureau has not yet been established.

What is here to investigate at this time is a secret organization that evolved from the Cold War. Although its nature has changed a lot with the disintegration of hostile forces, it is still engaged in related work.

The earliest group of members also died and retired. To be honest, Hao is the last one who is still serving and has been working here since before the disintegration.

The confidentiality of this mission is extremely high. No one wants to work with a stubborn person like Hao. He is a person without a name, only a code name.

I heard that he admires a mythical creature called dragon, but unfortunately he doesn't understand the language. Dragon is a mysterious and powerful thing.

The meaning of hazy is vastly different, vague and hazy.

This time, some of the more tolerant people in the organization came, including a newcomer who had just emerged. He was said to be a newcomer, but he was already quite old. The youngest people in the organization were all thirty years old.

A small diesel-powered fishing boat was parked on the shore of the isolated island, and several agents were on standby.

"It's been so long...Did something happen to Yuri?"

An agent asked, the location here is too remote. If you don't register in advance and die here, it will take at least half a year for the news to reach civilized society. But the more likely situation is that no one will notice it at all.

Because this situation is extremely special, it is a first-level alert initiated by the space agency. This situation has never happened before. When looking through the secret documents, even in the past space race, when each other stumbled, the highest number was only two. level, or even lower, level 1 alert... It's like the end of the world is coming.

"It's okay."

"Mostly to cover up some scandal."

"Astronauts are in space... you know, they have nothing to do and they mess around all day long."

"I don't want to be found to have syphilis after landing."

"So we were asked to handle it."

"What a loser."

Luca aimed his rifle at a seabird in the sky.


It is unimaginable that across a diagonal distance of several hundred meters, and under the influence of the sea breeze and the scorching sun, Luca also blew out one of the wings of the seabird, spiraled down like a kite with a broken string, and fell into the If you fall into the sea, you will definitely die.

Luka didn't know what kind of bird it was, maybe it was some kind of protected animal, but he didn't care at all. The cripple was just like that. Luka thought that it was already very difficult for him to just protect the cripple, but the cripple actually still thought about it. ANIMAL CROSSING.

"It's been almost half an hour."

"No news came back either."

"Maybe we encountered aliens."

One of the agents said this, but he also made it clear that everyone would be on standby until he came back. For this man who once lived a life of licking blood in the jungle hell, these people were more or less afraid to disobey orders.

They are just the advance troops, because due to the special geographical location, the mobility of the subsequent large forces is low, so they can only wait.

"Are they aliens..."

Feeling very amused, Luca ignored Hagi's orders and left the ship with his rifle.

The remaining detectives wanted to warn him, but although this man was a newcomer, his resume was very impressive. He was once an armed policeman specializing in dealing with cultists and terrorists. It was said that he had been hit by a hijacked Wuzhi missile, although not directly. It was blown up, but it was almost close to him. Miraculously, he didn't die. His back was blown apart, but he killed six people one after another with his rifle like a god of war.

After that, he upgraded several levels and jumped to the present. The reason why he has some rickets is because he has undergone spinal surgery. Although he can be rescued with some steel structures, the neurological problem is difficult to deal with, so he can only hunch his back. Because of neural network problems, facial muscles can also control constant twitching.

A very scary person.

Luca walked to the shore full of driftwood, guarded with his rifle, and then entered the lush rainforest to look for Ogi.

The dense leaves blocked the sky and the sun. Luka pulled the vines along the way with his bare hands to clear the way. Even though there was some blood on his palms after several repetitions, he didn't care and continued walking in the darkness. As he went deeper, he felt inexplicably sick. and nausea, an unexplained feeling that makes you want to vomit.

There was tinnitus of unknown origin in my ears, as if there was a whirlpool spinning in my brain. The scene in front of me was obviously just an ordinary rainforest, but it was like a cerebral ischemia caused by sitting for a long time and suddenly standing up. There were colorful changes in front of my eyes. abstract texture.

Luka supported a tree and vomited a puddle of water before he felt better. He was thankful that he didn't have the habit of eating breakfast.

Then he continued to walk, but the ringing in his ears and dizziness worsened.

Maybe there really are aliens.

Luka thought like this, what he just said was just a joke. The first level alert, strictly speaking, is almost equal to the extent of the attack on the mainland.

Did the Observer bring back any radioactive material?

Luka continued walking for a while. He had already planned to retreat, thinking that Hao might be dead, but the strange tinnitus and dizziness stopped, and he felt extremely clear for a moment.

Is there a magnetic field similar to a vortex? The turbulence is the most serious at the periphery, but it becomes calmer towards the center. It's like the eye of a typhoon. There is no wind in the center.

At this time, Luca seemed more and more calm. He felt something warm above his lips. He touched it with his hand and found that there was nosebleed and... cerebrospinal fluid.

Opening his palms, the liquid was mixed with blood. He touched under his eyes and under his ears, and some blood oozed out. Then there was a very clear pop sound, as if the eardrum had burst, and his body suddenly felt a little unbalanced.

Unknowingly, Luka thought it was just a small matter, harmful gases and the like, and it would be fine after a while. In fact, had he just walked around the edge of the underworld?

If you return now, you will be back on the periphery. If you experience it again, you might really die.

Under the influence of his fearful mind, he decided that he could only continue to move forward and reach the center of the magnetic field, where Hao might also be.

Another hike.


He saw a charred open space, filled with black rocks, and a dark alien wreckage of a spaceship standing there. It might be a wreckage, or it might be something else.

"What are you doing?"

Luka questioned.

As if he had suffered a huge blow, he fell to his knees on the ground, muttering words that he could not hear at all.

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