Latent Syndrome

Chapter 429 428 The coffin of all things

Chapter 429 428. The coffin of all things

Three days later.

A calm ocean with no ripples.

After passing through a long stretch of wilderness, Colin and his party finally arrived here. There were rugged rocks under their feet, and the endless black water in front of them. Under the gray sky, it was like being separated from this world and leading to the other shore. Styx.

Got here.

Star suggestions are also completely ineffective, and fortune has no effect at all.

Colin couldn't use it to find Hoshino Manatsu and Eugene, so he could only rely on Violet.

"Have you sensed the direction?"

The advance guard asked Violet. Since his arrival, his power has not been used at all, and he retains complete magic power, which is enough to eradicate most disasters. But this time he is not sure. What he encountered is to cut off all the past. , an unprecedented crisis.


"Since a long time ago."

"It hasn't been touched yet."

"It seems to be waiting for us on purpose."

Violet thinks that the situation is not good. Maybe there are warlocks in SCT who have seen through the spell she cast on Hoshino Manatsu.

This feeling of being trapped in a trap is really uncomfortable.

The advance guard let out a long breath. The ultimate goal of him and Violet was to eliminate the weirdness here. They thought it was another ordinary mission, but then Violet realized that something was getting serious and quickly drew the coordinates to summon the people, but Time, space and cause and effect have been intercepted.

To be honest, even if more personnel come, it may not help. This is something that cannot be dealt with at all.

Colin walked off the coastal rocks and stepped on the sea. Surprisingly, he did not sink and could still walk on it as if he were walking on flat ground.

"Even if someone is waiting."

"There is no other choice."

Colin didn't even have to think about it. He must be someone on the combat directory. Speaking of which, the last person he dealt with was number nine. Whose turn would it be this time?

Speaking of which, not only the Countermeasures Bureau, but also the people in SCT were out of control and dying. It was probably only the top three people.

Colin couldn't figure out what it was about everyone on the directory who was so difficult, evil, powerful, and towering.

"That's all we have to do."

"By the way...Colin."

"Do you realize..."

"Are you almost completely eroded by the vision?"

Along the way, Violet didn't take the lead to speak, and now she couldn't help it anymore.

The ringworm covered with extremely cold frost had spread over half of his face, and the gray threads had dug into his temples, contaminating one of his eyes.

One pupil began to glow with a deathly pale color, as if it had gone blind.

Colin did feel that his left eye could no longer see clearly. This was different from disease immunity and injuries. The body that was eaten back by the abyss was irreversible.

Hazy's eyes were also of this color. When he faced off against the abyss, he was completely disabled. When he fought with him, he only reflected the light.

"That's enough."

"Don't worry, I won't transform into a monster. A former SCT researcher injected me with... an instant-death stimulant."

"Once I'm completely lost."

"It will lead to immediate death."

"But it is more than enough to complete this operation."

Colin said calmly.

Violet clicked her tongue.

"I mean."

"Will this affect..."


Violet listened to Colin talk about what happened in the Countermeasures Bureau. If Colin could kill that kind of perverted guy, there might be some hope.


"Even if I'm blind, I still have other ways of seeing."

Colin tried to use the evil eye field to perceive things, but the backlash of the vision was that the body's physical cognition was damaged, and the things he perceived were also somewhat blurry.

But it doesn't matter, just like the most skilled hackers can supplement the scene even by looking at the code, Colin can directly perceive the surroundings from the spiritual level.

Hazy was in the same situation. Both eyes were blind, but the fluctuation of his huge thoughts made him aware of everything.

"I can rest assured that."


Violet let out a breath. It was almost the last moment, and there was no need to reserve strength, so she stepped onto the sea.


Violet muttered.

"What's a pity?"

The advance guard also followed. This woman always liked to say some depressing words.

"It's a pity that I bought the shoes for two thousand yuan."

Violet looked at her waterlogged high-top Martin shoes and felt a pain in her body.

The advance personnel were speechless.

Violet leads the way.

The group of people moved very fast, seemingly only taking a few steps. In less than a moment, the shore had completely disappeared, and they were completely in the boundless black sea.

Violet saw a ship in her perception. Those guys were waiting for her and her group, staying in one place. At the current speed, it wouldn't take long, maybe half a day.

"Do you have a name?"

Colin asked Violet's allies. These people uphold a great spirit and go around to quell troubles. It would be too sad to die here without even naming them.

"There is no such thing."

"The information that can be preserved in a transfer is extremely valuable."

"The name is far from the number, and there is no need to go..."

"It's just calling me someone else."

The advance guard was very emotionless. He just followed the coordinates to perform the task. As long as he did this, failure or success was a matter of course.

Violet is speechless, this is obviously because of herself.

"I'm surprised by people like you."

"It's a great world, isn't it?"

The advance personnel heard from Violet about many things here, including all the conflicts between the Countermeasures Bureau and SCT long before the Doomsday.


Colin was noncommittal.

"That's right."

"It's hard to imagine what kind of environment can give birth to so many people who can contend with the abyss."

“The people here are very strong.”

The advance guard was a little surprised.

"So that's the definition of greatness."

“Can it give rise to powerful people?”

Colin disagrees with this logic.

"A big part of it is."

"There really is no such thing as a symbolic realm."

"Not just the Countermeasures Bureau, or the SCT."

"Or everyone here."

"They are all symbols of this world."

"The symbol itself has no power."

"But everyone it conceived."

"They all have power."

The advance guard said so.

Colin was noncommittal.

Symbol is not a whole subject. It is not this subject that shows its power, but each individual it gives birth to.


Look at it from this perspective.

The Symbolic Realm is indeed...confronting the Abyss.

But now, this logical disagreement no longer makes much sense.

The entire journey was speechless.

After traveling on the lonely and boundless ocean for a long time, it seems that it is slowly withdrawing from the real world, with no time and no space.

It's like entering the coffin of all things.

They didn't know how long they had been walking, they just felt that it was much longer than expected.


Violet paused, sensing that the ship was very close.

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