Latent Syndrome

Chapter 494 493 Memories of a Madman

Chapter 494 493. Memories of a Madman

Anonymous immediately took off the human skin mask and threw it away, revealing a fierce scarred face. For some reason, he felt a faint pain from the scars from his eyebrow area to the left corner of his mouth, and a sense of fighting arose spontaneously.

The nameless person copied the skills of the man in sunglasses. His power attributes were all-encompassing, and immediately a round of wire swords came out from his arms with a click.

As fast as a stream of light running, escaping in the void, coming and going freely, just in a moment.

It stabbed directly through the abdomen of the man in sunglasses. Red liquid seeped out from the white suit, which was particularly eye-catching. The blood quickly stained the area around the skirt.

"Ha ha……"

"You are no match for me."

The nameless man laughed wildly and was extremely domineering. He took off his long clothes, revealing tattoos all over his body that looked like ghostly symbols. The black woolen coat tied around his waist was like a martial arts master's robe.

Since he doesn't have any memory, he can only use his power randomly, but that's far enough. In addition to information, these tattoos on his body also have vicious patterns with completely unknown meanings, which give him majestic power. The power that can tear apart Hongmeng Taikoo.

However, the man in sunglasses who was stabbed remained indifferent, as if it was someone else who was disemboweled, and no harm was done to him at all.

Then he started talking nonsense.

"You're pushing a boulder."

"But the boulder was too heavy."

“Every time I don’t reach the top of the mountain, I fall down again, and all my previous efforts are wasted.”


"It's about to end."

"When eternity is destroyed for it."

"You will perish too."

"This is the highest masterpiece..."

His eyes couldn't be seen through the blue sunglasses, but they seemed to be listening to some elegant music.

News from Selene also came from the communicator of the Nameless Doe. The strange chaos was advancing at an extremely fast speed, far faster than before. She wanted him to pass quickly and follow her out of the Deep Blue Realm through the special teleportation array of the Judgment Office.

"Put down the resentful souls tortured in hell."

"I call it."


The man in sunglasses said.

"What a...Quiet."

Anonymous said no more, and gathered together a violent force that was enough to tear the entire Falan City apart, far exceeding the sum of all the masters here who were used to make soup.

He doesn't care about the lives that will be damaged by the aftermath. After all, they are inanimate things, just transformed by resentment. The only difference is how to suffer, whether to suffer in eternal fall, or to transition into conscious residual thoughts and hope to contain them again. The difference between despair and relapse is not big.

It was a great blessing that he died in his own hands. He was transported without any pain or reaction.

All the doors in the room were bleeding. The man in sunglasses was at the peak of his fighting spirit, and the iron wire knife was flowing towards the unknown person.

Anonymous copied it and transformed all the surging power that could destroy the entire plane, forming three steel chains burning with blood-red karma fire.

He didn't know where the flames came from.


A strange feeling arose spontaneously, and he was instinctively afraid of the flames, even if it was caused by his own hands.

In an instant.

The Yehuo Iron Rope has broken through the siege, cut off all the oncoming sword storms, and penetrated directly into the man in sunglasses' Tianling Gai.

Nation, land, hatred.

Trenches, barbed wire, concentration camps.

Blood red land, burning sky.

Anonymous woke up with a start.

Panting heavily, he looked around blankly and found himself in an extremely unfamiliar restaurant.


So true!

Everything in the deep world is abstract, conceptual, and spiritual, but here, every detail is ingenious, and every regular color is pleasing to the eye.

Just like the material world.

This is a relatively high-end Western-style restaurant. The light of the crystal chandelier is soft, and there is an orchestra playing music on the high platform. The distance between each table is not short. The expressions of the customers are gloomy, and the conversation is very quiet. They are faintly affected by some invisible influence. Surrounded by high pressure.

"I do."

Said the beautiful woman in a black evening dress across the table.

When the nameless person reacted, he was actually half-kneeling to propose marriage. Also, what was the reason for his attire? He was wearing a black and gray officer's uniform and tactical boots, and there were several medals on his chest.

"Don't be so nervous, Randy."

"I've already said yes."

Seeing this man panicked and even breathing heavily, Julia was flattered. Although she squeezed out some smiles, her eyes still had a faint indifference.

Anonymous' eyes were cold.

Feeling a painful burning sensation coming from a tattoo on his body, he gradually realized that he seemed to have killed the so-called ancient gods in countless reincarnations in the deep world, so did he take away such a strange power?

Can the iron rope burning with karmic fire pass through the remaining obsessions and reach other people's... memories?

That being the case, why not just use it on yourself?

Anonymous thought carefully. If this was really possible, he would have done it long ago in his previous life. He must go to the Tower of Eternity, where all the mysteries and secrets he had recorded in eternity were burned.

Seeing Randy completely stunned in Julia's eyes, she took the initiative to take the wedding ring and put it on her slender white finger.

Anonymous understood.

If you want to completely knock down a person, you must defeat everything he adheres to and shatter his entire personality. In this case, you must understand that the Anonymous Doe did not act rashly.



The man in sunglasses was actually called by this name, his real name, I was really jealous.

Only with results can you know whether you really have such a thing as essence. Anonymous is extremely jealous. At least, the essence of this person named Randy exists.

He believed that the normal process should be followed in order to facilitate understanding, although he did not know what Randy actually did. Did even such a terrorist have a lover?

It seems that after peeling off every crazy and violent mask, they are just fragile and miserable mortals.

Anonymous stood up slowly, patted the dust on his knees, and began to set up a character. He was wearing an officer's uniform. He should be an unsmiling person, maybe a little cruel and surly. Looking at this woman, she didn't look sad or happy, at least. There is no reason to be happy. Normally, someone should burst into tears when being proposed to. It must have been coerced.


What a scumbag rotten to the core.

But you still have to show your joy of a successful proposal.

"I do not know how to put it."

"This is incredible."

Anonymous said ambiguous words to prevent the woman from becoming suspicious.

"Your military duties are important."

"terribly sorry."

"But I can't go to your place later."

"I know it's a bit rude to say it at this time."

"You should get ready to go about your business."

Julia looked at her watch and adjusted Jane Doe's collar. It was already getting late.

Anonymous is unmoved on the surface, but he is already ecstatic inside. He has been looking forward to your departure for a long time. Now that he knows nothing, it is inevitable that there will be no clues.

It may lead to the collapse of the synchronization process. He can feel that the chain burning with karma is connecting these wonderful memories. Once the process is inconsistent with the actual memory, it will collapse.

At that time, the only thing that could be done was to crush the man in sunglasses in terms of strength, but Anonymous chose not to be aggressive and only play speculation.

Seeing the leaving figure of the woman whose name he didn't even know, Anonymous' feelings were indescribable.

There are currently no signs of out-of-sync. If this is the case, you should be alert enough to do so.

He immediately called the waiter and brought some strong wine.

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