Latent Syndrome

Chapter 550 549 Inheritance

Chapter 550 549. Inheritance

The wheel of fortune has stopped spinning.

Threats from the outside have long invaded the world in the box.

Most of the area has been reduced to a war zone, barely able to resist the blood beasts that break in through the cracks.

The Ranger Captain had never seen such a large battle in his entire career.

At the outermost line of defense in the safe zone, high-level decision-makers who are usually hard to see above the high wall all arrived to see one person off.

The Ranger Captain also received a mission of the highest order.

Originally, this kind of mission was an honorable mission, and death was inevitable.

But the mission content is just to bring one person to the crack.

That's all.

The Ranger Captain was about twenty-five years old. The back of his hands had already developed ringworm that had been eroded by the abyss, but he was still serving in this state. His neat short hair was naturally red.

His name is David.

S-class infected.

He is the most powerful of all the Rangers, and he is completely capable of reaching the rift on his own.

What confused David the most was that the front line suddenly began to withdraw troops. Is this surrender? No...that can never happen.

When Jane Doe saw the Ranger Captain.

There was silence for a long time.

David was extremely embarrassed.

Irina did take all of Colin's samples, all of them.

"Is there something on my face? Sir."

David took a deep hiss of cigarette, took out the flask from the inner pocket of the cavalry uniform and took two sips.


"You are infected."

"The situation is not optimistic."

Anonymous said calmly.

"Isn't this nonsense?"

“Tokens are the strength of others.”

"Anyone who can get into my position is an infected person."

"Also this level is just drizzle."

"If there's no problem, let's go."

"Remember, before reaching the rift, you will do whatever I say on the way. I must take care of your safety."

"I don't want to come back..."

David made a head-turning gesture. He became very curious about the person in front of him. Is this person going to get out of the crack? That's totally courting death. No one has ever come back. Anyone sent out is an honorable mission. After receiving such a mission, some people will even become deserters.

He glanced back, still frightened by the battle. The expressions of those big shots were...too solemn, and there were even emotions in their eyes that he had never seen before.

In doubt.

David took Nameless Doe to the crack and walked on foot among the ruins with lush vegetation. He first went to the stronghold's garage to pick up the car, and soon left the defense line of the safe zone.

Without the big shot staring at him, David started talking.

"Although the current war situation is unfavorable, it is not to the point of shrinking the safety zone and withdrawing troops."

"Who is you?"

"Those super soldiers developed by big shots?"

"The ultimate infected person?"

David was extremely curious;


"I'm just an ordinary person."

Anonymous tells the truth.

If there is any difference between him and other ordinary people, it is just the strength of his will.

David couldn't believe it, but it was true. The alarm could not detect any concentration of the abyss except himself.

"Oh, shit."

"You must have provoked those big shots somewhere."

"Is this your execution?"

"What a heinous crime you committed."

David thought he understood, but it turned out that he was being executed in secret.


"I'm going to eradicate Abyssal Syndrome."

"You're lucky."

"You can heal."

Anonymous was still walking calmly.

"You're crazy."

There was no such thing as healing in David's mind.

After arriving at the stronghold garage, all the cars here are off-road motorcycles, which are the standard vehicles for all rangers, including David.

"Don't tell me you can't ride."

"I don't want to drive a madman."

David got on his motorcycle and said with some disgust.

"Don't look at me like this."

"In the desert of ideas."

"I am the champion of Fury Road."

Anonymous mentioned his pioneering work inadvertently, then he found a motorcycle and got on it, and started the engine.

David was dumbfounded and couldn't understand the crazy talk of Anonymous.

"Although you are not an infected person."

"But you are already suffering from severe hysteria."

"But don't worry."

"I will protect you on the way."

Amidst the sound of waves, David took the lead and drove out.

However, Anonymous did not step on the accelerator for a long time. Looking at David's back, no one knew what he was thinking.

throughout the universe.

There is no one that Colin knows well.

David stopped at the exit of the garage and looked back: "What are you waiting for? Time is precious, don't you know?"

"That's right."

"Time is indeed precious."

Anonymous followed out.

The two of them were speeding along the ruined road, speechless all the way.

The leader of the Salvation Army, Chainsaw was a Southern Californian.

So much so that the scenery of the world in the box always carries with him memories of Southern California.

These city roads, every corner, and palm trees all have the flavor of Los Angeles.

"These communication base stations are still able to be used."

Anonymous crossed the city with David, but due to the insurmountable gap, he could only find such topics of conversation.


"In addition to dealing with invading monsters, the Rangers' job is also to maintain these base stations."

"Communication must be stable so that this last line of defense can become a piece of iron."

The world in the box is not big.

For the Ranger Captain, it would take less than half a day to reach the border rift at this speed.

But for Anonymous, it can't be called distance at all.

Speechless again, we drove for a long time.

The buzzer siren of the Ranger Captain sounded the alarm, and an invading monster appeared ahead.

David quickly stopped the car, and Anonymous also paused.

David looked towards the horizon, and there were indeed several monsters.

"Damn it."

"There is also a big guy, he must be at least A-level."

"You wait here, I'll kill them."

He clicked his tongue, took out the wine bottle and took a big sip, then wiped his mouth, got out of the car, kicked off the tripod, and prepared to destroy the monster.

Anonymous didn't want any unnecessary things to happen on this stretch of road.

"You should drink less."

"You're hallucinating."

Anonymous said so.



"It is precisely because of my vigilance that among the people who served in the same group as me, I am the only one left now."

David looked forward, only to find that there was no trace of the monster at all, and the alarm had no signal.

"What the hell..."

David wiped his eyes and fiddled with the alarm. It had malfunctioned after being used for so long.

There were clearly a few monsters, but they just... disappeared without any warning or movement.


"It's really time for me to stop drinking."

Although the big shots didn't disclose the information about the person in front of him, he used his communicator to send a message asking acquaintances in the military police and various agencies to help him find out who the person in front of him was.

In such a large battle, confidentiality cannot be kept airtight.

"Let's go."

"The guy who eradicated the Abyssal Syndrome."

David got on the car and started the engine.

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