Lawyer's character

Chapter 1057 Getting more stable

"Lawyer Song, Lawyer Du, how are you doing?" Zhou Ying came over.

"It can't be compared with Boss Fang's case, but the result is already optimal, and the family members of the parties involved are very satisfied," Du Yong said.

"What's the verdict? Don't be too pretentious!" Zhou Ying asked, "We're still waiting for a treat."

"Okay, it seems I can't escape this time!" Du Yong said happily and gave Cheng Du a look.

"The court believes that the actions of the defendants Zuo Shouyuan, Zuo Shoupu, Zuo Shoupin and Qin Cui have constituted the crime of illegally absorbing public deposits, and the amounts were huge.

In view of the fact that after the incident, the defendants actively cooperated with relevant departments to dispose of property, pay off debts, and minimize the losses of the victims, each defendant may be given a lighter punishment.

Accordingly, in accordance with Article 167, Paragraph 1, Article 25, Paragraph 1, Article 72, Paragraph 1 and 3, Article 52, Paragraph 1 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, According to the provisions of Article 64, for the crime of illegally absorbing public deposits, the person shall be sentenced to:

1. The defendant Zuo Shouyuan was sentenced to three years in prison, suspended for five years, and fined RMB 50,000;

2. The defendant Zuo Shoupu was sentenced to three years in prison, suspended for five years, and fined RMB 50,000;

3. The defendant Zuo Shoupin was sentenced to three years in prison, suspended for four years, and fined RMB 30,000;

4. The defendant Qin Cui was sentenced to three years in prison, suspended for four years, and fined RMB 30,000.

Sister Yun and Sister Ying, you don’t know that after the verdict was announced, the family members were so affectionate to us, they hosted a banquet for us that night and gave me a complete set of health care..." Cheng Du said that he was dancing with excitement.

To be honest, he had gone out to socialize with his father many times before, often in high-end places. The same services were provided, but this time he felt a different feeling, comfortable from the inside out.

Du Yong was afraid that he would get carried away, so he coughed twice: "Yeah! The main thing is to talk about the results, and other things can be skipped."

"Okay, I understand!" Cheng Du realized that he had said too much and immediately smiled.

"Look at how well the master and apprentice work together." Zhou Ying said with a smile.

"Lawyer Du, that's good. I really gave him a suspended sentence! How awesome!" Yun Qiao said in surprise.

"It's not me who is the best, it's the F4 of our firm. Lawyer Song has experience, and the three of us worked hard, and this case was settled." Du Yong said modestly.

"Everyone's credit is due to everyone!" Lao Song said with an embarrassed look.

"Anyway, no matter who takes the credit, your defense has achieved the expected results, which is worthy of celebration. Where should we go to eat?" Yun Qiao has been thinking about the treat.

"You guys, let's discuss it with Cheng Du. Anyway, I'll pay for it. Send a notice in the team group and tell everyone who's at home to come. I'll treat you." Du Yong was a rare arrogant person.

"Okay!" Yun Qiao excitedly went to Sui Xia to send a notice.

"Lawyer Geng, Lawyer Hu, you guys take a rest first. Lao Song and I will go find Boss Fang. We'll talk about the rest later." After Du Yong finished speaking, he and Song Hui walked towards Fang Yi's office.

After Geng Zhen returned to his work station, he chatted softly with his old colleague at the work station next to him.

Hu Liang was still like a bored person, sitting at his work station and rarely talking, but this time he gained a lot. In addition to making money, he also had the capital to go out and negotiate cases.

In the office, Du Yong and Song Hui sat opposite Fang Yi, looking excited.

"Now that the first trial is over, will there be a second trial?" Fang Yi asked with a smile.

"Judging from the prosecutor's face, it is very likely that he will file a protest. We have also mentioned it to the defendant's family, and Zuo's family has said that if the prosecutor's office protests, they will entrust us again." Du Yong smiled with muscles on his face. Stiff. If he keeps doing this, he can buy a bigger house by the end of the year.

"Okay, you did a good job this time. This case has achieved the expected results. Mr. Cheng will feel more at ease with you. It is expected that more cases from other cities and provinces will be pushed forward in the future.

Mr. Du, in the future you may be exposed to more litigation business from other provinces than local business, so you must be aware of the risks. "Fang Yi said pertinently.

"Yes, I understand." Du Yong put away his smile and replied seriously.

"Okay, I've seen the notice for your treat. It's a buffet, which is good. Drink less at night and pay attention to safety." Fang Yi glanced at his phone and said with a smile.

"Aren't you going tonight?" Song Hui asked.

"No, Boss Wan has a dinner date tonight, and I have to go with him. Let's get together!" Fang Yi said with a smile.

A week later, the second trial of Fang Xinyue’s intentional homicide case began. The prosecutor's office had no new evidence, and the reason for the protest remained unchanged. After more than three hours of court proceedings. The Provincial High Court pronounced the verdict in court.

The Provincial High Court believed that the evidence provided by the public prosecution agency could prove that the victim Niu Jiayan was killed, and that the defendant Fang Xinyue had a motive for committing the crime, had been to the crime scene, and had the time to commit the crime.

However, the public prosecutor's office proved that the evidence that Fang Xinyue killed Niu Jiayan was insufficient. It mainly relied on Fang Xinyue's confession. However, Fang Xinyue's confession was inconsistent, many contents were unreasonable, and was not corroborated by other evidence.

Since the contradictions between the evidence in the case cannot be eliminated, the only conclusion that Fang Xinyue killed Niu Jiayan cannot be drawn based on the existing evidence. Accordingly, the Provincial High Court ruled in accordance with the law: the protest was dismissed and the original judgment was upheld.

After hearing the verdict, Fang Xinyue's heart was finally relieved.

Although the Fang family was not as excited as during the first trial, they were still very excited. Fang Yi and Sui Xia were very grateful.

Fang Xinyue's case was not favored at first, and there were constant voices criticizing Fang Yi on the Internet, but Fang Yi remained silent without any reaction.

After the second-instance verdict came out, most of the netizens who claimed that Fang Yi had collected dirty money to find relationships shut up. Only a small group of stubborn donkeys were still beeping, but they couldn't make waves at all, and they were quickly submerged in the other netizens. Yi's positive reviews.

Fang Yi handled two consecutive cases that had a certain impact in the province, and both were innocent defenses, both of which were successful. This made Fang Yi's reputation rise a lot. Coupled with the blessing of his team of lawyers, Fang Yi His position in the local legal community is becoming more and more stable.

The next day, Du Yong received a call from Zuo's family, and the procuratorate indeed filed a protest. In the afternoon of that day, Du Yong and Song Hui went to Beimian City to meet with Zuo's family, signed the commission procedures for the second trial, and collected a large amount of legal fees.

In the morning, Lee Myung-bak looked unhappy and was sitting at his work station. His tea had no fragrance. It was obvious that he was in a irritable mood and did not know what to do. He got up and walked to Fang Yi's office.

"Old Li, what's going on? You look so bad!" Fang Yi was typing when he heard footsteps and raised his head, and saw Li Mingbo entering the door.

Lee Myung-bak sat down on the sofa and sighed: "My wife participated in a training organized by an education expert two days ago in accordance with the requirements of the child's school.

Experts say that children should not be beaten or scolded, but should be persuaded and educated, and should be friends with children. My wife was so stupid that she actually believed it. "

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