Lawyer's character

Chapter 1059 Ten Thousand Threads

"Well, what you said makes sense. But we still need to listen to Xiaozhi's thoughts. My opinion is not to intervene. You can guide, but it must be voluntary." Fang Yi said after a moment of silence.

"I agree. As long as Xiaozhi is willing, I will let him gradually participate in the management of tea houses and tea houses in the future. He still has to go to college, not for a diploma, just to broaden his horizons, but I respect his choice." Yunmei smiled. road.

A few days later, while Fang Yi was busy reading the case files, Du Yong walked into the office.

"Lawyer Fang, the second-instance court in the Zuo family's illegal fund-raising case rejected the prosecutor's office's protest." Du Yong said with excitement.

After the verdict was pronounced in the first instance of the Zuo family's illegal fund-raising case, the procuratorate argued that the case involved a large amount of money, a large number of victims, caused serious economic losses, was highly harmful to society, and was not considered a "minor case", so it was unable to apply probation to the four defendants. The Municipal Intermediate Court filed a protest.

After the trial, the Intermediate Court held that the actions of the four defendants in the original trial all constituted the crime of illegally absorbing public deposits, and the amount was huge. Since the loans borrowed in this case were basically used for production and operation, the defendants had a good attitude of repentance after the incident and were able to proactively cooperate with relevant departments in disposing of property and actively clearing out the funds absorbed. The original judgment imposed lighter punishments and suspended sentences on each defendant, which was not inappropriate.

Accordingly, in accordance with Article 176, paragraph 1, Article 25, paragraph 1, Article 72, paragraph 1 and 3, Article 52, Article 53 of the Criminal Law , Article 64; the provisions of Article 225, Paragraph 1, Item 1 of the "Criminal Procedure Law", the ruling: reject the protest and uphold the original judgment.

"Okay, good job! Send a copy of the case verdict and the second instance ruling to Sui Xia, and I'll ask her to communicate with the law firm's promotion department and post this case online as a successful case for our team.

I told Boss Wan about this case before, and the office will arrange an exclusive interview with the media for you. It only takes a day or two for you to prepare. "Fang Yi said with a smile.

"Lawyer Fang, thank you!" Du Yong said seriously.

The word "thank you" came from the bottom of his heart. He was grateful to Fang Yi from the bottom of his heart. If the team hadn't given him the opportunity and made him famous, he might still be a little-known lawyer now, earning only a few taels of money to make ends meet.

"Why are you so polite? What you are today is the result of your own efforts. Go and get to work!" Fang Yi said with a smile.

Du Yong agreed, turned around and walked out.

"Lawyer Du!" Fang Yi called him.

Du Yong stopped and looked at Fang Yi, wondering what happened to him.

"Fame and fortune can make or break you, it all depends on your thoughts!" Fang Yi said solemnly.

Du Yong nodded heavily and walked out of the office.

As soon as Du Yong left, Huang Yuanchao walked in quickly and in a panic.

"Old Huang, what's wrong?" Fang Yi asked, seeing the panic on his face.

"It's not good, Boss Wan suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and has been sent to the hospital." Huang Yuanchao said urgently.

"Ah! Come on, let's go take a look." Fang Yi didn't bother to pack up the documents on the table, stood up, picked up his phone, and quickly followed Huang Yuan to the underground parking lot.

Outside the emergency room of the People's Hospital, Wan Kefa's daughter paced back and forth anxiously, stopping from time to time and looking up at the door of the operating room. Assistant Feng comforted her in a low voice.

When Fang Yi and Lao Huang arrived at the hospital, Du Sanniang and others also happened to arrive.

The nurse came in and out, her hands and feet busy.

About an hour later, the lights in the operating room went out, and a doctor in his fifties came out.

"Who are the patient's family members?" The doctor scanned the crowd.

"I am his daughter." Wan Kefa's little daughter walked over quickly and asked anxiously: "Doctor, how is my dad's condition?"

"The operation was relatively successful. The patient is now out of danger, but needs to rest," the doctor explained.

"Doctor, I am from the patient unit. How long will it take for the patient to return to normal? I mean to be able to work normally." Du Sanniang asked.

"It's hard to say what's going on right now. It depends on the recovery. It could be as short as a year or as long as... you'd better be mentally prepared." The doctor didn't finish what he said, but everyone already understood.

"Okay, having so many of you here is not conducive to the patient's rest, so please go back first." The nurse on the side began to coax people.

As soon as the nurse finished speaking, Wan Kefa was pushed out of the operating room. Fang Yi came closer and saw that the fat old man's face was a little pale and his eyes were closed tightly, as if he was asleep. The nurse pushed him away Deluxe single room.

Early the next morning, the partners of Sidley Law Firm gathered in conference room No. 1. Wan Kefa could not leave the hospital for a short time. The law firm could not be without an owner for a day. Many matters needed to be handled by the director. Everyone needed to recommend a lawyer to manage the law firm. .

"Our law firm has a total of three first-level partners. Director Wan is temporarily unable to come to the firm due to physical problems. Now there are two left, one is lawyer Du Sanniang and the other is lawyer Fang Yi.

I think we should stop discussing it and just vote by secret ballot. " Huang Yuanchao, the host of the meeting, said.

"I agree with Lao Huang's opinion." Ma Yi spoke first.

"I agree, let's not waste time. Assistant Feng, bring up the ballot box." Hua Liancheng turned to look at Feng Tianzhu sitting behind him.

Hua Liancheng is a veteran and he has no objections. What else can the others say? Everyone acquiesced to Huang Yuanchao's proposal.

More than twenty minutes later, the voting results came out. Du Sanniang had five votes, Fang Yi had twenty-eight votes, and three abstained. Fang Yi was elected.

"Everyone has seen the result. As the saying goes, 'if the name is not right, the words will not go smoothly, and if the words are not right, the things will not be accomplished'. For the healthy development of Sidley, Lawyer Fang, you must not refuse." Huang Yuanchao looked at Fang with a serious face. Yi.

Fang Yigang was about to speak, and Ma Yi took over: "Old Huang is right, go through the procedures. Although he is the acting director, there are many things that cannot be done without going through the change procedures. Old Fang, if you cooperate, we can't let our colleagues laugh at us. There is no one in Shengde.”

Although everyone didn't speak, they looked at Fang Yi with this intention.

"That's it, we'll go through the formalities for changing the director of the law firm this afternoon. Lawyer Fang, do your best, we all support you, let's all leave!" After Du Sanniang finished speaking, she stood up and left the conference room.

Then everyone signed the meeting minutes and left the meeting room. Lao Huang stayed.

"Lao Fang, the future is up to you! Life is always full of opportunities and challenges. From now on, you will be the head of Sidley!" Huang Yuanchao patted Fang Yi on the arm.

Fang Yi felt like he was on a roller coaster. Things were developing too fast, which was a bit abnormal, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

"Lao Huang, please help me analyze it. Lao Wan suddenly had a cerebral hemorrhage. After listening to the doctor's advice, Director Du immediately came back to hold a partners' meeting. In less than half an hour, he decided that I would be the director! It all happened so fast. ..." Fang Yi was a little confused. There were ten thousand threads in his mind, but he couldn't catch any of them.

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