Lawyer's character

Chapter 35 Zhao Jiayan

Back then, Zhao Zhongcheng was not called Zhao Zhongcheng, but Zhao Jiayan. He was a teacher at a primary school in a mountainous area in the countryside. Although he is a primary school teacher in a remote mountainous area, he has lofty ideals. His lofty ideals are simple to say, which is to be transferred to a key primary school in the countryside to teach, earn more money, have face and pockets, and honor his ancestors.

By chance, he met a teaching and research director from the county education bureau. After a few drinks and a few red envelopes, Zhao Jiayan finally got his wish and was transferred to a key primary school in the countryside to teach mathematics.

The teaching staff of key primary schools in rural areas is naturally much stronger than that of primary schools in mountainous areas, and parents also come to visit and give small gifts to teachers from time to time.

Zhao Jiayan was good-looking, gentle and handsome, and he quickly became familiar with his new colleagues. A year later, he broke up with his first love in the village, and started dating a beautiful female teacher who taught Chinese, and they soon got married. Got married.

There is a thirty-year-old mathematics teacher named Gu in the school. He has strong teaching ability and is the leader of the mathematics group. He is selected every year for the school’s advanced evaluation. Zhao Jiayan feels very uncomfortable when he sees him getting the advanced grade every year. When he saw the principal awarding the red envelope containing the bonus to Teacher Gu, he couldn't help but think about how good he was as the one receiving the bonus.

Zhao Jiayan grew jealous of Teacher Gu and secretly collected the charges against Teacher Gu, preparing to bring down Teacher Gu and replace him. Even if he could not replace him, he would still discredit him.

There is a saying that hard work pays off. After trying every possible means, Zhao Jiayan bribed a parent of a student and got the news that Teacher Gu was giving extra classes to students.

Zhao Jiayan encouraged the parent to write a report letter and mail it to the principal. In this way, Teacher Gu was found out about tutoring students outside the school. In fact, many teachers were doing this, but Teacher Gu was hated by Zhao Jiayan. That’s all.

But here comes the problem. Teacher Gu gives students free tutoring and does not charge money. The purpose of his tutoring is to consolidate students' knowledge and help students achieve good results.

The parent of the student who reported Teacher Gu actually had no deep grudge against Teacher Gu. It was just that his son was causing trouble in Teacher Gu's class and was asked by Teacher Gu to invite a parent. The parents felt that Teacher Gu was stubborn and would not give him face. He wanted to take this opportunity to retaliate against Teacher Gu.

Teacher Gu's off-campus tutoring was stopped. Many parents came to the school to plead for Teacher Gu. The old principal was a little relieved. He wanted to deal with it internally and gave Teacher Gu a warning. The matter was turned into a minor matter and was not reported to the police.

This was what Zhao Jiayan didn't want to see. He found the director of teaching and research in the county in private and revealed the matter about Teacher Gu. Just as the county was strictly investigating the make-up lessons, Teacher Gu became a negative example. The county education department The bureau asked the school to severely punish Teacher Gu.

Teacher Gu felt ashamed to stay in school any longer, so he resigned in tears and started making up lessons openly outside the school.

Zhao Jiayan finally defeated Teacher Gu. No matter in terms of teaching ability or qualifications, he felt that he was the best in the mathematics group, and he had to be the leader of the group. However, the county education bureau parachuted in a mathematics teacher. Come here and block his way of making money.

It is said that this math teacher was very capable. He was appointed by the superiors and transferred from the elementary school below. He became the leader of the math group as soon as he came and made Zhao Jiayan stay at home for three days in anger.

What made Zhao Jiayan even more angry was that Teacher Gu actually did better than before in school, and his cram school was full. Someone even invested in Teacher Gu to open a training company, and he was really making money every day.

Not long after, it was revealed that he encouraged parents to report Teacher Gu. For a while, the way his colleagues in the school looked at him changed, and colleagues who used to have meals together began to distance themselves from him. Even his wife started to complain about him.

Zhao Jiayan felt that he couldn't survive in this school, so he began to use his connections to find a way to move up. I am determined to leave school.

During a training organized by the County Education Bureau, he met Tan Guihua (his current wife), the niece of a deputy director of the Municipal Education Bureau. The two chatted very well, so they left their contact information. When he learned that the other party was widowed, he moved Got a bad idea.

In order to save a few years of hard work and make progress in running, he deliberately made trouble with his wife and divorced him. Less than a month after the divorce, he got the certificate from Tan Guihua, the niece of the deputy director.

Zhao Jiayan originally wanted to make a jump and be transferred to the Municipal Education Committee, but the deputy director inquired about him and felt that he was unreliable. He was afraid that transferring him to the city would be detrimental to his niece's marriage, so he transferred him. He was transferred to the County Education Committee and became a junior clerk.

Although he left school, his reputation was quite bad. When he was mentioned in the entire county, no one said anything good about him. He was fond of the new, disliked the old, and was jealous of others.

The parents of the students who had been victims even called him a bastard. If he hadn't encouraged people to report him, Teacher Gu would not have resigned and left the school, and they would not have to pay to train their children in mathematics.

Of course, all this is not worth mentioning to Zhao Jiayan, because he is engaged in a new battle. There are many more people in the Education Committee who are worthy of his envy than in the school, but he has a weak foundation and no capital, so he can only hide his anger secretly.

In order to save face, Zhao Jiayan resigned and left the Education Bureau, but it must be said that he was very smart. He passed the exam with high scores the same year he resigned and went to the city to start his career as a lawyer.

However, because of his bad character and average professional ability, the clients his wife introduced to him through connections stopped dealing with him after one or two dealings.

The client secretly nicknamed him Zhao Huyou. A good talker is also a lie. To put it bluntly, it is a lie and a big deception, hence the name.

Later, when he couldn't survive, he ran back to the county and worked as a salaried lawyer at Zhengyi Law Firm. In order to get rid of the bad reputation left by him, he changed his name to Zhao Zhongcheng before joining Zhengyi Law Firm. It means "Be loyal to others and treat others with integrity".

Only the name has been changed, but the face has not been changed. Gradually everyone knows that the Zhao Huyou and Zhao Jiayan from before are now named Zhao Zhongcheng and work as a lawyer at Zhengyi Law Firm.

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