Lawyer's character

Chapter 39 Let the scorching sun shine on you

"Well!'s difficult." Fang Yi hesitated and said.

He didn't know what to say. He didn't want the honest man in front of him to be too worried. For a moment, he suddenly felt that the law he had studied was so pale and cold.

"Lawyer Fang, why don't you come with me to their company and help me talk to their boss? I'll pay you the fee." Zhao Gui said after a moment of silence, then he pulled an old satchel from the side and panicked. Rummaging around.

Fang Yi knew that he was looking for money, and he softened when he saw that the other party was in such difficulty.

"Stop looking for it. I'll go with you. No need to pay. Really, the Legal Aid Center will bear the cost for you." Fang Yi said.

After the words fell, Zhao Gui stopped and turned back to look at Fang Yi: "Thank you, thank you, Lawyer Fang."

"Come on, let's leave now. I don't know the place, so I need you to lead the way." Fang Yi said and put away the case materials on the table.

When the two of them went out, Fang Yi took a taxi on the roadside and went to the Fulong Company under the guidance of Zhao Gui. Fang Yi paid for the taxi fare.

The Fulong Company was in a building on the edge of the county town. Fang Yi followed Zhao Gui in the elevator to the eighth floor. The Fulong Company was easy to find, and he saw it as soon as he got out of the elevator.

Fang Yi explained his intention to the company's front desk. After the girl at the front desk made a call, she took them to the general manager's office.

"Zhao Gui, why are you here again? Didn't I tell you? If you want money, go to the court and sue. I will give you whatever the court sentences." Fang Yi followed Zhao Gui. As soon as he entered the door, he heard a rough voice. The voice of an angry man.

"Mr. Zhao, that's not what you said when you came to the village to recruit workers. We agreed on a thousand yuan a month. Why don't you accept the offer?" Zhao Gui looked at the boss chair sitting behind the big desk with an angry look on his face. A fat man on the bed.

The fat man was very imposing, with a big round face, and a belly that looked as if he had been pregnant for seven or eight months. His clothes were so round that they looked like they were about to burst. The casual suit he was wearing could not be buttoned, so it could only be left open.

Fang Yi signaled Zhao Gui not to get excited, walked forward and looked at the fat man: "Mr. Zhao, I am Zhao Gui's lawyer, and I want to talk to you."

"What are you talking about? I don't owe him any money." The fat man was a little angry and glared at Fang Yi.

"Does Zhao Gui work in your company?" Fang Yi asked.

"Yes, that's right, I won't deny it, but I have already paid him his salary." The fat man yelled.

"Three hundred yuan a month? How can there be such cheap labor nowadays? Is this also called paying wages?" Fang Yi asked rhetorically.

"Who said it's three hundred yuan a month..." The fat man probably felt that the salary was too little, so he asked, squinting.

"Then how much did you say?" Fang Yi turned on the recording function of his phone as soon as he entered the door.

"Don't try to trick me. I have financial records everywhere." The fat man was quite smart and didn't fall for the trick.

"The wages offered by your company are not even enough to meet the local minimum wage standard. Isn't that true?" Fang Yi asked in a different way.

"What does the minimum wage standard have to do with Zhao Gui? It's true that he works for me, but we are not in a labor relationship. He is just a part-time worker. If you have any questions, please talk to our company's legal advisor. Okay, I will Something's up." The fat man began to coax. He was afraid that he would make mistakes if he continued to talk too much, so he planned to use the company's legal counsel as a shield.

"My surname is Zhao, your company owes me a total of 6,200 yuan. You decide whether to pay me or not today!" Zhao Gui became anxious when he saw that Fang Yi didn't pay. His family was anxiously waiting for money, but he didn't have the money. Time is spent with Mr. Zhao.

"I still say what I said, if you have the ability, go to the court and sue me to see if the law will bring justice to you poor guys." The fat man stood up, put his hands on his hips and shouted angrily.

Following his roar, two burly men appeared at the door, looking at Zhao Gui and Fang Yi with unkind expressions.

Seeing that the two sides did not want to give in to each other and were full of gunpowder, Fang Yi was afraid that Zhao Gui would suffer a loss, so he immediately advised: "Let's go back first and then think of a solution!"

"What else can I think of?! The hospital asked me to pay hospitalization fees, my children need to pay for meals when they go to school, and the family can't open the pot, so what's the use of me!" Zhao Gui said, squatting on the ground and covering his face with his hands, crying bitterly.

"Okay! Stop being so careless. If you want to mourn, go outside and don't disturb my business. If you make trouble again, I'll call the police!" The fat man glanced at Zhao Gui with disdain, and then called the two men at the door. With a wink, he picked up the cigarette case on the table and smoked a cigarette. He took out the lighter to light a cigarette and leaned against the open window to smoke.

Two strong men at the door walked in, ready to pull Zhao Gui out. At this moment, Zhao Gui suddenly yelled: "If you don't make me feel better, don't even think about it."

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Gui threw away the arms of the two strong men and rushed towards the fat man by the window. The fat man stiffened when he saw this. When he reacted, he didn't know where Zhao Gui's supernatural power came from, and he was already fierce The ground picked him up and threw him out the window.

Everyone in the room was dumbfounded. Everything happened so fast. In the flash of lightning, two living people went out from the window. Fang Yi realized what he was doing and rushed to the window, but it was too late. This was the eighth floor!

The two strong men stood there with panic in their eyes and were at a loss what to do. The screams of the female employees who were watching the excitement came from the door.

There was a murder case. I don’t know who called the police. The police quickly arrived at the scene. Fang Yi and two strong men were taken back to the police station.

Two police officers in the interrogation room kept asking Fang Yi what happened at that time, and Fang Yi told the situation over and over again.

The person next door was also asking, and the people being questioned were the two strong men. Of course, they were questioned separately.

After questioning, the police did not let Fang Yi go back, nor did he protest. At this time, Fang Yi's eyes were a little hollow, his mind was a little numb, and his mind was filled with Zhao Gui.

Zhao Gui's death shocked Fang Yi. Life was too fragile and disappeared in just a moment. He regretted it. If he hadn't said that at that time, if he had represented Zhao Gui's case in court, I don't know if Zhao Gui would have... …

Won't! Even if Zhao Gui really goes to court to file a lawsuit, can Zhao Gui wait for the court's verdict, but can his wife wait? If I don’t pay the medical bills, will the hospital wait? His daughter-in-law will be stopped by the hospital and kicked out of the hospital to free up the hospital bed and continue to make money.

Officer Li Bin, who was in charge of the case, sighed after looking at the on-site investigation records and photos. He originally thought that a bad lawyer was taking his client to the company to cause trouble, encouraging the client to sue the company to earn legal fees, but when he saw the incident from Mr. Zhao, After the office retrieved the surveillance records, he fell silent.

Officer Li called the new policewoman Cao Xiaoxue and asked her to notify the people below to release Fang Yi and the other two people.

When Fang Yi walked out of the Public Security Bureau, he wanted to look up at the sun, but the sun was too dazzling, so he had to lower his head. It was August and the weather was extremely hot, but he didn't feel it. He was just walking in the sun. Inside, let the scorching sunshine shine on you.

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