Lawyer's character

Chapter 48 They asked me to go to Maoshan Taoist priest or Sanqing Patriarch to complain

"Can our hospital issue a certificate confirming that this diagnosis certificate is invalid?" Fang Yi asked.

"This..., we have never issued a similar certificate to any company. However, if you file a lawsuit, we can ask Dr. Liu to appear in court to testify, and we will also cooperate with the court's investigation. Please understand!" The vice president looked slightly surprised. Could it be.

"Okay, thank you. I feel relieved with your words. Sorry to trouble you!" Fang Yi thanked me. You don’t need to give a certificate, but you can cooperate with the investigation. Anyway, as long as it can prove that the diagnostic certificate is invalid.

After bidding farewell to the vice president and manager Liu, Fang Yi walked out of the hospital briskly. He was in a good mood. The matter explained by Sister Lan was finally settled.

After leaving the hospital gate, Fang Yi told Sister Lan about the verification situation. Of course, he did not hide the fact that Manager Liu helped him, and he also took the opportunity to say some kind words, which was regarded as completing the task entrusted by Manager Liu.

On the way back to the law firm, he thought that Sister Lan would fire the female employee. If the female employee was not convinced and there would be a lawsuit later, he might be able to earn some legal fees.

The diagnosis proved invalid. The female employee was indeed fired by the company for being absent from work for more than five days and seriously violating labor discipline. However, the female employee did not apply for labor arbitration because her husband would not let her do so. Her husband was almost fired because of this matter. , so Fang Yi did not wait for Sister Lan's case commission after all. Of course, he would learn all this from Manager Liu later.

A week later, instead of receiving a request from Sister Lan, I received a visit from Manager Liu.

The results of the company's departmental adjustment came out. Not only was Manager Liu retained in his post, he was also promoted one level and became the vice president of the house rental company.

Manager Liu knew that all this must be related to Fang Yi, so he planned to be interested. If not, he was afraid that Fang Yi would think he was not interesting enough.

So on Friday night, Manager Liu knocked on Fang Yi's door with a gift.

"Manager Liu, what are you doing?" Fang Yi opened the door and was startled to see a box of fruits at Manager Liu's feet and a gift in his hand.

"Don't worry too much. I saw a fruit seller on the roadside during the day, so I bought a few boxes. If I can't eat it at home, I'll bring you a box.

These cigarettes and wine were given to me by others, they are not worth much, and I can’t drink them anyway, so you can do them for me. Manager Liu finished speaking with a smile and started moving things into the room before Fang Yi could step in.

What he said really made it difficult for Fang Yi to refuse.

Manager Liu moved the gifts into the house, wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead, and said with a smile: "Don't turn on the fire tonight. Let's go. I've booked a private room at the restaurant at the door. Let's have a drink together."

"Brother Liu doesn't have to spend so much, is there any good thing?" Fang Yi was a little entangled. He was unwilling to take advantage of Manager Liu, fearing that the debt of gratitude would become deeper and deeper and he would be exhausted.

He suddenly felt that maybe Sister Lan was right. Money relationship is the purest interpersonal relationship. It is simple and straightforward, without any mental burden.

"Didn't I just raise it to a higher level? I'm glad. Come on, I just have something to ask you. Let's chat while we eat." Manager Liu seemed to see through Fang Yi's thoughts.

When he mentioned that he had something to consult, Fang Yi's eyes lit up and he immediately became energetic, thinking that he might be able to get a case.

During this period, Director Sun didn't assign many cases to him. For the few legal aid cases he had done before, the Judicial Bureau's subsidies had not been paid. Thanks to him, he didn't have to pay rent, otherwise he would have really tightened his belt to live on the basic salary. Belt.

In the private room, Fang Yi and Manager Liu were almost finished eating. Manager Liu put down his chopsticks and lit a cigarette for Fang Yi. Fang Yi knew that it was time to get down to business.

"Lawyer Fang, I have a friend who is currently involved in a divorce lawsuit. The trial will begin early next month. The lawyer he found before was not very good. He couldn't even understand what he said. It was too troublesome to communicate. If he asked me to recommend a lawyer, I would recommend him. Thinking of you.

I don't know if you do divorce cases. "Manager Liu said seriously.

"Do it! I will also do divorce cases." Fang Yi nodded reservedly.

He has just entered the industry and is still in the stage of food and clothing. How can he be qualified to pick a case? As long as the company is not listed, he dares to do it. At worst, he will just improvise and check the cases. If it doesn't work, he will introduce it to his classmates who are lawyers in the capital. There is always a way solve.

"Okay, I'll call him tonight and ask him to talk to you tomorrow." Manager Liu was happy.

He feels that friends must be mutually beneficial. If there is always input and no output, then the other party will definitely look down on him and feel that he is worthless.

People should not be afraid of being exploited. The civil service examination is about selecting people who can be exploited by government agencies. Company recruitment is about selecting people who can be exploited by the company. The same is true for lawyers. The core of the service industry is utilization value. When and under what circumstances a person is used, his value is directly reflected.

If a person cannot be used by others, he himself will feel decadent, there is no place for heroes, and to put it bluntly, he will be unemployed! In this case, you can only use yourself.

The purpose of being used by others is to live, but the purpose of living is to be used by others? Think about your childhood wishes... Hey, how many people still remember their childhood wishes?

When Fang Yi returned home, he looked at the two bucks sent by Manager Liu and laughed at himself: He didn't expect that he could also draw the bucks given by others.

In the morning, Fang Yi walked into the law firm and saw Xiao Zhou sitting at his desk with a bad look on his face.

"Xiao Zhou, what's wrong? You look so ugly?" Fang Yi asked.

"Forget it, do you still remember the case of backlash? It was the case against Zhang Tiezui, Mr. Feng Shui." Xiao Zhou stretched his neck and glanced at the director's office. Seeing that the door was closed, he whispered.

"Remember! What's wrong? Have you filed a case?" Fang Yi asked doubtfully.

"File a case? Set up a hammer! I went to the court several times and tried, but they didn't even file a case and even ridiculed me." Xiao Zhou said with an aggrieved face.

"What did they say? What's the reason for not opening the case?" Fang Yi asked.

Although the result was expected, Fang Yi was still curious about how the court responded.

"The judge asked me, can I sue for debts on the gambling table? I said no, because the debts are illegal. The judge glared at me, and then asked me, if something like Feng Shui, a feudal superstition, is used to file a case, what do you think I Can I file a case for you?! I didn’t say anything and just took the case file and left the filing court.

Later, the director urged me to try another judge to file the case, but the result was still the same. The judge laughed angrily and told me that they could not try such illusory things. They asked me to go to Maoshan Taoist priest or the founder of the Sanqing Dynasty to complain. . They can't control it! "Xiao Zhouzhou spread his hands, looking helpless.

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