Lawyer's character

Chapter 6 Exudes a strong smell of money

Although the Zhong family has consulted many lawyers, Mr. Zhong has never trusted any lawyer from the bottom of his heart, so he still has not commissioned a lawyer to provide criminal defense for his son Zhong Wen.

But after listening to what Zhong Bin said about the case tonight, Mr. Zhong felt that this lawyer Fang was a little different. At least the advice he provided was very pertinent: Be prepared for the worst and work hard for the best!

"Well, Dad, I understand. I will contact him early tomorrow morning!" Zhong Bin said.

The next day, when Zhong Bin called Fang Yi, Fang Yi was having breakfast. Thirty minutes later, Fang Yi sent the marital rape case to Zhong Bin's email.

The moment he received Zhong Bin's call, Fang Yi knew that what he said before had worked! After sending the email, he hummed a tune and went to the nearby vegetable market, planning to buy a fish to reward himself.

He had nothing to do these days and went back to his hometown. After his mother passed away, his father Fang Youcai had been living in the village. The village director saw that his father was in good health and had nothing to do except tending a few acres of land. He was also a relative of the same family, so he made arrangements for him. The job of guarding the village committee's gate does not interfere with farm work, which is quite comfortable.

"It's great to be a teacher in college, but I have to resign and become a lawyer! All these years of reading are in vain!" Father Fang Youcai squatted on the steps of the old house, smoking a dry cigarette, not understanding his son's decision .

Fang Yi did not tell his father everything about him. In the eyes of the villagers, having a stable job is more important than anything else, not to mention a decent job as a university teacher. For a serious and educated person, this is a blessing earned in eight lifetimes. , but ended up being fired by him. This is not a fool!

"Don't worry, I can still make money as a lawyer. Don't worry! Your son is very capable." Fang Yi said with a smile. He understood that he could only taste the bitter fruits he had sown, and there was no point in telling his father.

Seeing his son say this, it’s hard to say anything if you have money. Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. old! He doesn't want to worry anymore!

"Hey! My wife ran away and I quit my job. What a good life..." Fang Youcai raised his feet and knocked the dry tobacco on the soles twice. After shaking off the shredded tobacco in the pot, he hunched his waist with his hands behind his back. Went out.

Seeing his father like this, Fang Yi felt uncomfortable in his heart. He knew that his affairs would eventually become a topic of conversation among the villagers. His son divorced and resigned. The old father was disgraced, but it was not a problem to continue to hang out in the university. It was better to leave his job than to be dismissed. It sounds better to be dismissed from the school. From now on, I can only rely on myself and try to make something famous as soon as possible so that my father can stand up in the village.

After just two days at home, Fang Yi was called back by Son Zhengyi.

"Director, is there any information about the Zhong family's criminal case?" Fang Yi hurried into the director's office and asked.

"No, it has nothing to do with that criminal case. There is a divorce case, and the parties involved need our cooperation to catch the adulterer. How about it? Do you want to do it?" Sun Zhengyi said with a smile.

"Catch...catch an adulterer? Does our lawyer care about that?" Fang Yi was a little confused.

Catching an adulterer is common in TV dramas, and is also common in real life. If it is just to teach one spouse a lesson, you can just find a private detective to do it in private, and there is no need to find a lawyer.

Because it involves illegal evidence, evidence obtained by catching an adulterer is generally not accepted by the court. The client actually asked a lawyer to help catch the adulterer. It seems that this matter is not simple!

"Why can't we do it if the client gives us money?" Director Sun said righteously.

Then he changed his tone and advised: "The cases in our firm are relatively complex. I know you are good at criminal cases, but there are not many criminal cases in our firm. In order to eat, we can't let go of money!

It just so happens that your lawyer's license hasn't been issued yet. You don't need a lawyer's license to catch an adulterer, so it's just right for you! Although other lawyers also want to do it, you have just resigned and I have to take care of you, so I will ask for your opinion first.

How about it? Do it or not? "

Son Zhengyi sounds nice, but in fact it is not the case at all.

The client asked the lawyer to help catch the adulterer and then filed for divorce to get more property. Although there is money to be made, everyone feels that it is unreliable. If the evidence of adultery is rejected by the court, the parties involved will cause trouble. It's not worth getting into trouble for a thousand dollars! So this life fell into the hands of Director Sun, and after two days, it was still not distributed.

"Take it! I'll take it." Fang Yi hesitated and said, "Let me talk about the situation first. How much does the person involved pay?"

Fang Yi thought that although he had some surplus food on hand, he might not be able to sustain it for long if he didn't open for a long time. He had not yet obtained his lawyer's license, so he could only do whatever he could.

"That's right! The person involved will give you 3,000 yuan, and I'll leave this matter to you. Because it's quite special, I'll give you 1,500 yuan when it's done." Sun Zhengyi said with a smile.

This business was not distributed according to the commission system in the firm, not because Sun Zhengyi was kind-hearted, but because other lawyers refused to take it. Director Sun did not want to give up the opportunity to make a lot of money in the subsequent divorce litigation, and was afraid that Fang Yi would think the money was too little. , had no choice but to raise the price.

If the affair of catching the adulterer is successful, the subsequent divorce proceedings will naturally be successful. In the subsequent divorce proceedings, the house and car will be divided, and the lawyer's fees will definitely be huge. As the saying goes, when a mouse pulls a shovel, the big head is at the back! I'll spend a little money on catching someone in front of me!

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, the client arrived. As expected by Fang Yi, she was a rich-looking lady, about forty years old, more than 1.5 meters tall, and looked like she weighed 200 pounds. He was tall and thick, and the chair squeaked twice when he sat down.

The client’s surname is Gao Jinlan. He has a perm (curly hair is popular in the county), wears three thick pieces of gold (gold rings, gold earrings, gold necklaces, just missing the big gold teeth), has thick powder on his face, and painted eyes. Threads, red lips, and a strong smell of money all over her body. Later, Fang Yi learned that her husband was the owner of Shengfeng Real Estate Company, which developed the residential complex where Fang Yi rented.

"Lawyer Fang, my request is very simple. Help me catch the rapist and leave evidence in the process. I want to give the evidence of the rape to the judge and tell the old bastard to get out of here!" Gao Jinlan shouted loudly and danced with joy. Said, those who didn’t know thought he was cursing.

Fang Yi felt the golden light in front of him dazzling him: "Ms. Gao, if you want to use evidence, I think we have to change our strategy. I need the time and place of your husband's tryst outside? It must be accurate!"

“Before, I led people to block the door, demolished the little bitch’s nest, and took photos. However, the lawyer said that the photos were illegal and could not be used as evidence.

However, the old bastard and the little bitch were slapped hard by me and became cautious. During this period, I have been letting people follow them secretly. As soon as I have any news, I will notify you immediately. "When Gao Jinlan spoke, he raised his eyebrows and raised his eyebrows, which is probably not a good thing.

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