Lawyer's character

Chapter 60 Ready to move

"It's Zhongcheng, what's the matter?" Sun Zhengyi was thinking about something when he heard the knock on the door and looked up to see Zhao Zhongcheng walking in.

"Director, I have something to tell you." Zhao Zhongcheng turned around and closed the door, walked over and sat down opposite Director Sun.

Director Sun said nothing, staring at Zhao Zhongcheng opposite, waiting for his next words.

"Lawyer Fang took another case today, and it is said to be his own case. To be fair, Lawyer Fang's professional ability is quite average. He has only been in our law firm for a few months, how could he have so many cases of his own.

Although his family is in the county town, he has been divorced long ago. It is impossible for his wife's family to introduce the case to him. His hometown is in the village and he has no connections in the county. So I think it’s a bit strange that Lawyer Fang is taking on cases one after another. "Zhao Zhongcheng said mysteriously.

"In your opinion, how did Lawyer Fang get the case?" Sun Zhengyi asked curiously.

"Although our Zhengyi Law Firm is not big, it is considered an old law firm in the county. I think it is possible that Lawyer Fang uses the name of our law firm to solicit clients from outside, and then claims that they are his own." Zhao Loyalty is a thief.

"Are you saying that Lawyer Fang is using the Zhengyi Law Firm brand to get work?" Sun Zhengyi said thoughtfully.

Before, he always thought that the case was introduced to Fang Yi by an old client of the law firm. Now that Zhao Zhongcheng reminded him, he felt that it might be the case, and he couldn't help but look at Zhao Zhongcheng with admiration.

But he thought again, maybe it's not that simple. Although Zhengyi Law Firm can be regarded as an established law firm in the county, its reputation is not very good, and not many people recognize this brand.

Zhao Zhongcheng did something similar back then. He secretly advertised in the county with the name of Zhengyi Law Firm. Although the contact person was Sun Zhengyi, the contact number he left was Zhao Zhengcheng's personal number. He also knew that his reputation was not good and he had nothing to brag about, so he brought Director Sun out to solicit business and sell him dog meat. Sun Zhengyi turned a blind eye, hoping to settle the score after Zhao Zhongcheng received the big job.

However, after more than half a year of advertising, no big jobs came to the door. He received three orders in total, two of which were for legal consultation, and the remaining one was for writing a complaint on his behalf. Gradually, Zhao Zhongcheng lost patience and decided to The ad was withdrawn.

It can be seen that the brand of Zhengyi Law Firm is not very popular and its market recognition is not high. Therefore, he felt that Zhao Zhongcheng's statement was not very credible.

Fang Yi had only been a lawyer for a few days, and Sun Zhengyi didn't believe that he could develop the source of the case in such a short period of time. So the only possibility left was: Fang Yi was lucky!

"Okay! I understand this. By the way, the Justice Bureau has granted five more legal aid cases. You don't have many cases in your hands during this period, so just leave them to you." Son Zhengyi said with a smile.

Zhao Zhongcheng was flattered. Since the last time he refused the legal aid case offered by the director, all the legal aid cases in the office were given to Chu Huai. Chu Huai was so beautiful that his nose was filled with snot, and he was very upset.

This time Director Sun took the initiative to assign him a legal aid case. Zhao Zhongcheng felt that this was a reward given to him by Director Sun after he reported Fang Yi. He was so beautiful in his heart that if only there was a tail that could wag flowers.

The door of the director's office was opened, and Zhao Zhongcheng returned to his work station holding a stack of case files.

"Did the director assign it to you?" Chu Huai pointed to the case file Zhao Zhongcheng placed on the table and asked.

"Hey! I can't help it. The director said that those who are able should work hard. These legal aid cases are more complicated, so let me handle them." Zhao Zhongcheng looked like he was getting a good deal, which made Chu Huai's teeth itch.

Chu Huai returned to his work station boredly, secretly hating in his heart: If he had gone to the director to report to the director just now, maybe these legal aid cases would be his own.

He hated himself for not seizing the opportunity, and even more hated Director Sun for not having a firm belief. Although he clearly had the talent to become a pillar of the law firm, the director gave the legal aid case to Zhao Zhongcheng instead of letting him pick it first! Could it be that Zhao Zhongcheng's freezing period has passed and he is starting to pick up?

Seeing Chu Huai's expression as if he had eaten a fly, Zhao Zhongcheng secretly smiled in his heart: Who told you not to take the initiative? Some time ago, the director gave you a few cases to see how beautiful you are. Now he knows who is a member of the Justice Law Firm. Come on, brother.

This is what law firms are like. No matter how big or small, as long as their own interests are involved, they will definitely fight overtly and covertly. Zhao Zhongcheng and Chu Huai were fighting happily in the law firm, but Fang Yi didn't take it seriously, because his purpose was to get back his old life, and the only person who could stop him from moving forward was himself, and it had nothing to do with others.

Early on Friday morning, Fang Yi suddenly received a call from Sister Lan. Sister Lan asked him to follow her to the city in the afternoon. It was said that there was a cooperation project to be negotiated.

Fang Yi didn't dare to delay, put down his cell phone, went directly to Sun Zhengyi's office, and told the director about the situation. Sun Zhengyi wanted to win the legal counsel of Shengfeng Group, so he was naturally happy to let Fang Yi have more contact with Sister Lan and fight. Build relationships and prepare for the future.

Shortly after lunch, Sister Lan's car stopped at the door of the law firm. Fang Yi got in and drove towards the city. This scene just happened for Zhao Zhongcheng to see, and he couldn't help but feel jealous, envious, and hateful in his heart.

Fang Yi wondered, Sister Lan and her company had legal advisors, so why did they have to hold on to her? It's not like they couldn't afford the lawyer's fees. Chatting on the road, he asked the questions in his mind.

"Lawyer Fang, it's not that I look down on the lawyers in our county. The types of business they are exposed to are too single, and they have never been exposed to large projects.

The director of the law firm that serves as my legal advisor, Lawyer Gu, used to be a lawyer in a large city firm. He is particularly good at cheating and has a good way of dealing with interpersonal relationships, but his horizons are limited, and every time I go to him I have to make an appointment. Lawyers from big law firms are not very good in their skills, but the spectrum is quite big and the fees are very high, so generally I am not willing to use them.

I speak more straightforwardly, so don't mind.

The reason why I asked you to come with me is because I found that there is no problem in our communication, and you have many ideas, can get things done, and you are a serious doctor of law. So every time something happens, the first person I think of is you. "Sister Lan said.

"Well, thank you Sister Lan for your trust." Fang Yi said.

Although he has not been working as a lawyer in the county for a long time and does not know much about the lawyers in the county, he can tell from Sister Lan's words that the level of lawyers in the county is limited, and the bosses of companies with really big business will generally not seek help from the county. As a lawyer, if he stays in the county like this, he will never be able to get into any big business in his life, let alone make a lot of money.

But there was his former home in the county, and he could still visit his son from time to time, so he couldn't let go of it for a while. Besides, it may not be easy to get around in the city. If you don’t have a little money in your pocket and you rush to the city to develop, you will need money to expand your territory. A penny will stump a hero.

Thinking of this, Fang Yi's anxious heart calmed down again.

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