Lawyer's character

Chapter 70 Haunted House

Seeing this, Sister Lan said: "Xiaomei, don't be too sad. Now that things have happened, we must face them positively. I hope he can learn from it and gain wisdom."

"I hope so! I don't feel sorry for him, I feel sorry for my uncle and aunt in my hometown. They have worked hard all their lives and are honest and kind, but something like this happened to their son... I don't know how sad they will be when they find out." Yun Mei With a frown on his face, people feel pity for him.

"I'm sorry, Lawyer Fang, I'm a little out of control." Yunmei said as she touched her eyes with a handkerchief.

"People will always encounter something in this life. Your brother will definitely wake up after he survives this." Fang Yi advised.

"Thank you, Sister Lan, and thank you, Lawyer Fang. I'm really bothering you this time. I made sure to leave you with a small gift, so please don't refuse." Yunmei said, taking out four cans of tea from the shelf next to her. I gave Fang Yi and Sister Lan two cans each.

"This is the Jin Junmei I picked and fried myself. How do you like it? If it tastes good, come and get it." Yunmei said with a smile.

"It's so polite to talk about this when we are so familiar." Sister Lan smiled and turned to look at Fang Yi: "Lawyer Fang, you are in luck. Xiaomei's tea-making skills are passed down from generation to generation. You can’t buy it.”

"Thank you, Mr. Yun." Fang Yi said hurriedly.

In the evening, Sister Lan asked for a treat and took Yunmei and Fang Yi to the restaurant.

The last time she went to the city to talk about cooperation, Sister Lan always remembered that when she met with Yunmei today, she talked about her brother. Originally, Sister Lan wanted to introduce a business to Fang Yi as a favor and to win over Fang Yi. After entering the relationship, it was obvious that Yunmei had no intention of entrusting him with the entrustment, so he had no choice but to give up.

Yunmei met Fang Yi for the first time and had a good impression of him. However, Fang Yi's words were too pessimistic and she felt unhappy. She planned to go to the city to ask the lawyer she had consulted before to represent her brother's case, so she did not mention the commission.

Fang Yi could tell that Yunmei had no intention of entrusting the case, but he didn't care, because in his opinion, there was really no room for success in this kind of case. Since there is no room for improvement, it is better to leave a good impression and form a good relationship.

On Monday, Zhou Hai called. Fang Yi originally thought that Zhou Hai was here to ask about the case, but Zhou Hai unexpectedly did not say a word about the case, which brought another piece of business to Fang Yi.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Zhou Hai's enclosed truck parked outside the door of Zhengyi Law Firm. Zhou Hai, covered in mud, walked into the law firm's conference room with an old canvas bag under his arm.

"Lawyer Fang, I'm here to trouble you again. I want to ask you something." Zhou Hai was very polite after entering the door.

"It doesn't matter. The court's judgment on the previous case of arrears has not yet come out. I will ask you later." Fang Yi said.

After the last case in which Li Yue'e demanded 50,000 yuan in arrears from Zhou Hai came to court, she didn't know whether Zhou Hai was busy and forgot, or whether he was reassured by Fang Yi and never asked about the status of the trial or when the verdict would be handed down. This time when he came over, Fang Yi happened to tell him about the progress of the case.

"It's okay. After all, the trial is over and we're just waiting for the verdict. I'm not in a hurry. I'm really in a hurry when I come here this time." Zhou Hai said anxiously.

"What's the matter? Tell me." Fang Yi took out a pen and paper and prepared to take notes.

"I have made some money in the past two years and bought a second-hand house in the county, which is about 80 square meters. I plan to bring my parents over and live together so that they can be taken care of.

But who knew, after I bought the house and transferred the ownership, I found something wrong. The house was a haunted house. Let me tell you, we are all materialists. We don’t believe in magic or ghosts, we only believe in red bills. But when I go to bed at night, I feel so scared. "When Zhou Hai said this, his face looked a little unnatural.

"Didn't you ask an immortal to take a look and clean the house?" Fang Yi asked.

"Please, I asked the Feng Shui master from the county to show it to me, but after reading it I still felt uneasy. I didn't dare to live in that house during this period of time.

Lawyer Fang, do you also understand this? How about you help..." Zhou Hai looked directly at Fang Yi.

"Let me make it clear first that I am just a lawyer, not a magician like Zhang Tiezui, and I don't know how to read Feng Shui or clean a house. I also heard from people that there are talented people in the village who do this." Fang Yi hurriedly said. Qing Guan said.

Good guy, the lawyer is not a Feng Shui master. I really think he can litigate during the day and slay demons and ghosts at night. It takes both black and white! If we look at the entire legal profession, we probably won't be able to find such a powerful person. Otherwise, those guys who make money from evil intentions wouldn't have to go to XZ or Wutai Mountain every year to purify their souls and ask for Buddha's blessing. Ask Fang Yi to cleanse their body and mind and wash away their evil hearts. Just click on it, maybe the income from the side job can be hundreds of times more than the main job.

"Oh, I thought you knew this too, or maybe someone you knew recommended it." Zhou Hai said with a hint of disappointment.

"No, I really don't know how!" Fang Yi said resolutely: "Let's talk about your house. How do you know that the house you bought is a haunted house?"

"I didn't know it at first. The house had been empty for more than a year, and few families lived in the surrounding apartments. Once I went to pay the property fee, the property manager let it slip, and I overheard... ..." Zhou Hai still has lingering fears when he talks about this.

The house Zhou Hai bought was in a garden community built in the early years of the county. It was called Huayuan Community. This did not mean that there was really a garden in the community, nor did it mean that a building called Huayuan was built in the community and named Huayuan Community. But the greening of the community is very good. There are various flowers planted in the flower beds. They bloom in various colors during the season. They are very beautiful and the flowers are fragrant, just like a big garden.

Moreover, this community is close to the county's key middle school, which is a bit like a school district house, so the price of the house is high. But the most attractive part is that the top-floor residents of each house are given a small garden, which is about thirty square meters in size. It is not included in the area of ​​the real estate certificate, but the actual use rights belong to the top-floor residents. Zhou Hai bought the top floor of the garden community because he took a fancy to this small garden.

After Zhou Hai saw the house, he signed a house sales contract with the help of a real estate agent and went through the house transfer procedures.

After moving in, Zhou Hai went to the property management company to pay the property fee for the year. After registering the change of owner information, he wanted to go home to clean up. However, he found that the amount of money on the receipt issued by the property management company was wrong, so he got it back. As a result, just when he was about to enter the door, he heard the property staff in the office chatting, saying that it was unbelievable that a house that was so good was sold so quickly. This guy named Zhou Hai was really stupid and bold.

After hearing this, Zhou Hai felt as if he was struck by thunder. He was stunned on the spot. It turned out that the house he bought had killed many people. But he thought again, people are born, old, sick and die. If it is the end of life, it doesn't matter if the old man dies in the house. There is no old man in the house in the village. If the old man dies, the house cannot be lived in as usual. There is no hindrance. The worst is to spend two yuan to find someone to look after it. Look, clean the house and it will be done.

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