Lawyer's character

Chapter 78 Lawyer Fang is such a master

"Okay, I understand what you mean. When the judge inspects the scene, you can also tell the judge how you feel. Remember to go there on Friday morning, ten o'clock. Don't forget it." Fang Yi reminded.

"Okay, Lawyer Fang, don't worry, I'll make arrangements right away. To be honest, if I didn't know it was a haunted house, I would still dare to go in. Now, if I don't have someone accompanying me, I don't dare to go in. I always feel a chill on my back." Zhou Hai As I spoke, my heart trembled and I felt scared.

"Well, I understand, don't worry, the judge's clothes and his aura of righteousness can ward off evil spirits, and there are five people going to the scene this time, so don't be afraid.

If you are busy, there is no need to come here to pick up the judgment of the previous case. I will bring it to you on Friday. "Fang Yi comforted him.

When he returned to the law firm, it was already past one in the afternoon. Before entering the law firm, he had a few bites at a small restaurant on the roadside.

Yunmei sat behind the desk, frowning at the judgment in her hand. The lawyer before said that as long as he spent some money on his brother's case, it would be fine to get a few years off. Moreover, he had been detained for some time. After the time and the sentence are offset, it won't take long for him to be released. If he does well, he might be able to celebrate the New Year at home.

But the money was spent, and she was dumbfounded when she got the verdict. Her brother was sentenced to one and a half years in prison for illegally trespassing into a house and being a recidivist. This result was unacceptable to her.

Before, she thought that her brother Yunhai would be able to go home for this year's Spring Festival. Now it seems that the lawyer was talking about the Spring Festival in a year and a half. It was a big lie.

His uncle sat on the sofa opposite, sighing, not knowing what to do, waiting for Yunmei to make up his mind.

"Uncle, don't worry, I'll find someone to ask." With that said, Yunmei picked up her cell phone and dialed Sister Lan's number.

"Sister Lan, is it convenient for you?" Yunmei asked.

"It's convenient, what's the matter?" Sister Lan's loud voice rang out.

"The lawyer Fang you introduced to me last time must be named Fang. He is the male lawyer I met at my teahouse." Yunmei said.

"Yes, Lawyer Fang Yifang. What's wrong? Are you looking for him?" Sister Lan asked.

"Well, my brother's sentence is not ideal. I want to consult him again." Yunmei said.

"Okay, if you are in the county, you can go to him directly. I will give you the address of the law firm and his phone number in a moment." Sister Lan said.

"Okay, thank you. Let's sit together when you have time. I've got a lot of good tea here." Yunmei said gratefully.

After a while of greetings, Yunmei hung up the phone. Within five minutes, a text message alert sounded, and it was a text message from Sister Lan.

Early on Friday morning, Fang Yi went to the gate of the Huayuan Community to wait for Zhou Hai and the judge, but as soon as he called, everyone was already downstairs.

Zhou Hai came to the door with the key, shivering for a long time and unable to fit it into the keyhole, and was looked down upon by the clerk.

"Judge, you see, this corridor leads to the small garden. It is also the only passage. It is impossible for others to enter the small garden. When the developer bought the house, the top floor was provided with a terrace. It was later transformed into a small garden by the defendant... ..." Zhou Hai was afraid that he would not be able to speak clearly, so he could only let Fang Yi explain.

The clerk took photos while walking and took pictures of the scene.

"Defendant's lawyer, do you have anything to add?" the female judge looked at the young lawyer and asked.

"No." The defendant's lawyer was rather depressed. It was obvious at a glance that this place was the defendant's private garden. If others wanted to enter, they would have to fly in.

At this moment, Fang Yi's cell phone rang suddenly. It was an unknown caller. It frightened Zhou Hai, who was nervous and trembled all over. He happened to be seen by the judge.

"Judge, you see, my client's nerves have been weakened by this incident and he is easily frightened. If he continues like this, he will definitely suffer from schizophrenia.

I'll take a call first. "Fang Yi came here to speculate and sell immediately. Zhou Hai's performance was not fake. The judge shook his head secretly: I bought this house. Isn't this looking for trouble?

After Fang Yi pressed the answer button, a woman's voice came on the phone. It was Yunmei who called. Yunmei asked Fang Yi to meet at the law firm in the afternoon to consult on legal issues, and Fang Yi agreed.

After Fang Yi finished the phone call, the judge had already inspected the scene and was ready to go back. Zhou Haizheng didn't want to stay any longer, so he collected his things and left in a hurry with Fang Yi and others.

As soon as he entered the law firm, Xiao Zhou came over and said mysteriously: "Lawyer Fang, a very beautiful lady came to see you this morning. She left when she heard that you were not around. Is she your girlfriend?"

"No, that's the client. He called me in the morning and made an appointment for an interview in the afternoon to consult on legal issues." Fang Yi said with a smile.

"Oh! What a pity." Xiao Zhou said slightly disappointed.

Fang Yi laughed at himself: "How could you not look at my greasy image?"

"Actually, if you're going to show off, even though your image is a little different...hey, forget it, I'd better go back and read the case file." After saying that, Xiao Zhou stuck out his tongue playfully and ran away.

"Hey, this girl..." Fang Yi was speechless for a while.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, Yunmei arrived at the law firm and was invited into the conference room by Fang Yi. When the two entered the conference room, Chu Huai kicked the ground hard with both feet, and the wheels of the office chair slid suddenly, followed by a sudden brake and stopped next to Zhao Zhongcheng.

Zhao Zhongcheng hurriedly looked away from the conference room and turned to look at Chu Huai: "You were so surprised, what happened?"

"Did you see it? She is so fluttering, as if a fairy has fallen into the world. Why don't I have such customers? I would be happy to call me every day." Chu Huai said enviously.

"What's there to envy? We all have wives, so we're not afraid of feather dusters flying all over the sky? It's just a feast for the eyes." Zhao Zhongcheng said disapprovingly.

"For you and me, it may be a feast for the eyes, but for others, it may not be." Chu Huai said with a bad smile.

"Oh? Could it be that he left?" Zhao Zhongcheng was startled.

"Life is precious, and love is even more valuable. If you want freedom, you can throw away both. He is a free man now, and we cannot compare with him." Chu Huai said full of emotion.

"Wocao, you can still be like this!" Zhao Zhongcheng was stunned: Lawyer Fang is really a master, he only thinks clearly.

While the two were muttering, Fang Yi read the criminal verdict handed over by Yun Mei in the conference room.

"Lawyer Fang, do you think there is anything we can do about my brother?" Yun Mei looked at Fang Yi with complicated eyes.

"Judging from the verdict, the evidence is conclusive, and your brother also confessed. The crime of illegal trespassing into a residence is confirmed, and he is a repeat offender.

Maybe others have told you that if you can break up the relationship, you will be sentenced to a few years less, but I really don’t have the ability, and I can’t turn this case over. Even if you appeal, there is a high probability that it will be dismissed and the original judgment will be upheld. "Fang Yi put the verdict on the table and pushed it to Yunmei.

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