Lawyer's character

Chapter 80 Look at who is younger

"Let's calculate it as 1.8 million. When we deal with real estate cases, we calculate legal fees based on the value of the subject matter. You are a friend of Sister Lan, so I will give you a discount of 60,000." Fang Yi knocked. Calculator said.

Although Yunmei is beautiful, she is not a vase. Her head is definitely enough, otherwise she would not have become good friends with Sister Lan. To borrow a sentence from storytelling: This is called touching gold like gold, touching jade like jade, and touching the golden palace is accurate. Ganoderma lucidum grows there, and dog urine moss is sure to grow next to the latrine.

To put it more politely, a good man looks for a good man, and a pig tail looks for a shit egg. In short, those who make friends with smart people are definitely not fools.

Yunmei smiled: "Lawyer Fang, my case is quite risky. Do you think this will work? No need to give me a discount.

I will pay you 5,000 yuan first, and you will help me represent this case. If I can get the property back and the enforcement objection is established, I will give you another 100,000 yuan. If it is not established, you will not run away in vain. Our interests are connected. Together, what do you think? "

Why! The more beautiful a woman is, the better she is at deceiving others. This is indeed true.

But from the perspective of interest binding, what they said is right. If you can win this lawsuit and get one hundred thousand, it will be really cool. Even if the director deducts 40%, he still has 60,000 yuan, which is much higher than his annual salary. Fang Yi agreed after thinking about it.

(This case borrows the provisions of the "Regulations of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Concerning the Handling of Enforcement Objections and Reconsideration Cases by People's Courts" (Fa Interpretation [2015] No. 10). The relevant content is as follows:

Article 27 The person applying for execution enjoys the right to receive priority such as security rights against persons outside the case in accordance with the law with respect to the subject matter of execution. The people's court will not support objections to the exclusion of execution raised by persons outside the case, except where otherwise provided by law or judicial interpretation. .

Article 28 During the execution of monetary claims, if the buyer raises objections to the real estate registered in the name of the person subject to execution and meets the following circumstances and his rights can be excluded from execution, the people's court shall support it:

(1) A legal and valid written sales contract has been signed before the people’s court sealed it;

(2) The real estate was legally in possession before the People’s Court sealed it;

(3) The full price has been paid, or part of the price has been paid in accordance with the contract and the remaining price has been delivered for execution in accordance with the requirements of the People's Court;

(4) Failure to complete transfer registration due to reasons other than the buyer's own.

Article 29 During the execution of monetary claims, if the buyer raises objections to the commercial housing registered under the name of the real estate development enterprise subject to execution and meets the following circumstances and its rights can be excluded from execution, the people's court shall support it: (1) In A legal and valid written sales contract was signed before the people's court sealed it;

(2) The purchased commercial house is used for living and there are no other houses used for living in the name of the buyer;

(3) The price paid exceeds 50% of the total price agreed in the contract.

The article involved in this case is Article 29)

After the front desk helped Fang Yi print out the agency contract, he immediately told Director Sun the contents of the contract. At that time, Director Sun was drinking tea. When he heard the contract amount, tea spilled all over him and his lips almost boiled with soup.

Sun Zhengyi never expected that Fang Yi could actually sign a case worth 100,000 yuan in legal fees. According to his understanding, a small firm like Zhengyi Law Firm can sign three or four lawsuits a year with legal fees of 30,000 to 50,000 yuan, which is already overwhelming. The most legal fees he has collected in recent years has only been 80,000 yuan. Yuan, it was a divorce case. The family had quite a lot of property, involving two properties in the city and a car. It has been a long time since the law firm encountered a case that charged such high legal fees.

Director Sun was envious and jealous, but then he thought again, if he could get all the 100,000 yuan, at least 40,000 yuan would belong to the law firm. Fang Yi could only take 60,000 yuan, which was not bad.

He was thinking about setting up a tiered system in the future. The higher the fee, the higher the proportion of money retained by the firm. But after thinking about it, he gave up the idea. If he did that, the firm would really not be able to accept the cases in the future. Fee is coming. If a lawyer can't make any money, who will stay in the firm and cut leeks by himself?

Taking advantage of Zhao Zhongcheng's opportunity to go to court, Chu Huai slipped into the director's office. The purpose of his entry was simply to get more legal aid cases, because there were really not many cases in the law firm. Director Sun previously gave Zhao Zhongcheng some sunshine (the legal aid case) and made him shine, and now he wants to shine too.

"Director, are you busy?" Chu Huai closed the door and smiled.

"It's Lawyer Chu, what's the matter?" When Sun Zhengyi saw Chu Huai come in and close the door first, he knew that this guy had nothing to hold back and must have come to ask for resources.

"Aren't I getting closer to the organization? I'm an old lawyer in a law firm. I can't be the first to face any difficulties the law firm encounters.

For example, the case cannot be separated, no one takes the legal aid case, etc. As long as I am here, I will take the case that no one else will take! I will do the cases that others don’t do! Don't……"

"If others don't brag, come on!" Sun Zhengyi said angrily: "Lawyer Chu, look at Fang Yi. He never reaches out to the law firm to ask for a case like you. He always develops the source of the case himself. Just a few months after joining the law firm, I signed another big deal!"

"Big order? How big can it be?" Chu Huai said disapprovingly.

Director Sun's words reminded him of the most classic words his parents used to teach him when he was a child: Look at who is so young...

"How big! Is 100,000 big enough?" Sun Zhengyi hates that iron cannot make steel.

" hundred thousand yuan? How did he sign it?" Chu Huai's eyes almost popped out of his head, and the jealousy in his heart kept rising.

"You guys, if I could be half as good as him, why would I ask grandpa to sue grandma and look for cases everywhere? Be more careful!" Director Sun said through gritted teeth.

Chu Huai's head was buzzing, as if ten bundles of ten thousand banknotes had wings and were flying in his brain. He couldn't understand why Fang Yi, a latecomer, who was not as handsome as he was, came from a rural area, had no money and no power, had all the good things happen to him, finding beautiful women and making a lot of money.

"Hey! There's nothing anyone can do about the meal, Grandmaster. You can take this." Seeing Chu Huai's eyes a little dazed, Director Sun sighed, thinking that he was shitting, clenching his fists and secretly exerting force, and prepared to work hard, and then handed over the justice The ten legal aid cases just given by the bureau were thrown to him.

"Thank you, director." Chu Huai took the case file and said with a smile.

Now that he has signed the agency contract and paid the initial legal fees, Fang Yi naturally has to do his best. He used his evening time to sort out Yunmei's case again, drafted legal documents, and went to the city to get Yunmei's signature in the afternoon of the next day.

The case has been filed, and the next step is to wait for the Intermediate Court to notify the hearing.

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