Lawyer's character

Chapter 85 There will always be regrets in life

"Don't worry, the village chief has already called on the villagers to donate to you. I have 50,000 yuan here. You can use it first." Fang Yi handed a black plastic bag to Shengzi. He drove to the bank to withdraw the 50,000 yuan during the day.

Shengzi looked up at the black plastic bag and then at Fang Yi: "Brother Yi, I accept your kindness, but I can't accept the money. I have no money and can't afford to pay it back!" With that, Shengzi stayed. tears.

"You take it first, and then return it when you have it. It's important to treat the child." Fang Yi insisted.

"I really can't take it." Shengzi shook his head.

"You can't bear to watch the child suffer?" Fang Yi stared at Shengzi.

At this moment, he remembered the scenes when the two of them swam in the river together, went up trees to pick out bird eggs, and carried schoolbags to school together. Things are unpredictable, and the college entrance examination gave two people different fates...

"Brother Yi, it's not that I'm cruel. The doctor said that after the operation, follow-up rehabilitation treatment is needed. My family is already like this. If the treatment continues like this, even if my bones are smashed and boiled into oil and sold, there will be no follow-up treatment. Cost of Rehabilitation.

My family can no longer untie the pot. There are still so many famines. I have to choose between one person and a family. Choose one of the two, choose one of the two! What do you think I should do?

I'm sorry, kid..." Ikko buried his head between his legs and started to cry.

Fang Yi was silent. He shouldn't blame the child. He had worked hard all his life and knew how to work in the fields. If he couldn't afford herbicides, he would weed under the sun every day. People in the field help each other to collect manure on their own initiative, and then carry the manure to their own fields for fertilization.

Burning straw was not allowed in the countryside, so he dug a shallow hole in the ground after nightfall, put the straw in, covered the straw with a layer of soil, and lit a fire. Anyway, no one from the government would come to this wilderness at night. Working overtime is what most people in the village do.

But just working like this to the death, the family who gave birth to children did not get rich, and their life was tight, but they were not as profitable as those who went out to work.

"What are your plans for the future?" Fang Yi squatted down, handed him a cigarette, and asked.

"In the future? Let's talk about it first." Shengzi took the cigarette, raised his hand, wiped his tears with the back of his hand, lit it and took a deep breath: "Brother Yi, I don't understand. They say hard work can make you good." Get rich, but why do I keep working and still be so poor?

The matter of the child made me think. These days, everything is imaginary, only money is real. I really can’t live without money. "

Fang Yi lowered his head and smoked, not knowing how to respond to these words. After much deliberation, he could only attribute these to his fate!

Nowadays, everything is about science, from satellites to explore the universe, to eating, drinking, eating, drinking, salt, soy, vinegar, and eating habits. Many people do not believe in the existence of supernatural forces and call it superstition. But what do scientists say: The end of science is theology. , because there are too many things that science cannot explain.

In Fang Yi's view, theology and metaphysics are similar in approach and approach, and at the root they are both supernatural forces.

For ordinary people like Fang Yi and Shengzi, this is fate, whether you believe it or not.

In the end, Fang Yi did not accept the 50,000 yuan sent by Fang Yi to give birth to a child. Fang Yi tossed and turned in bed. People are so small and fragile. A serious illness can destroy a good family.

Hey, if I could have gone to college when I gave birth, maybe this wouldn't be the case. Maybe I would have a warm home and a stable job. But Fang Yi thought about himself again, what would happen if he went to college, it would not be that his wife and children were separated.

After thinking about it, Fang Yi finally understood: University is just another starting point, not the end. In fact, everyone's end point is the same (that little black box), and the important thing is the process.

Life! No matter what you choose, you will have regrets! Since you made the choice in the first place, you should and must learn to bear the consequences. No matter good or bad, you and your children must face it. This should be the so-called growth.

The regrets and miserable consequences I faced back then were nothing when I think about it now. They were just me competing with myself. Living was the most important thing, and everything else was just a scratch.

On the last day of the New Year's holiday, Fang Yi took his son Xiaozhi back to the county. The Jetta stopped downstairs, Fang Anzhi got out of the car, said goodbye to his father, and ran upstairs.

Cao Xiaohui's father was smoking on the balcony when he suddenly saw Xiao Zhi getting out of the Jetta. He stared at it carefully, and then he saw Fang Yi's head sticking out of the cab to say goodbye to Xiao Zhi.

Back in the house, Mr. Cao's mind kept spinning: Did Fang Yicai buy a car just a few months after his divorce?

"Old man, what are you thinking about? Xiaozhi will be back soon, ready to start dinner." Cao Xiaohui's mother came out of the kitchen carrying dishes and urged.

"You said that Fang Yicai started driving a car a few days after the divorce. Will he have some private money? Will our daughter be deceived by him?" Mr. Cao thought.

"Driving a small car? No way. With the two dollars he earns, can he afford a car?" the old lady asked doubtfully.

"Everything is possible. That Fang Yi went to college and has a better brain than our daughter." Mr. Cao said and went to the kitchen, ready to ask his daughter.

"Hey! What are you doing? It's hard to come here and tell me what you are doing. I'll ask her after dinner later." The old lady grabbed Mr. Cao and whispered.

After dinner, Cao Xiaohui sent her child to a cram school taught by a math teacher at a key primary school in the county. As soon as she walked in, her mother called her to the living room.

"Xiaohui, did you know that Fang Yi bought a car?" Her mother asked seriously, sitting on the sofa.

"Buying a car? What kind of car did you buy?" Cao Xiaohui looked confused. She didn't know where her mother got the news.

"It's a white car. He drove here when he sent Xiao Zhi back today. I saw it all." Mr. Cao said seriously.

"You're talking about that Jetta, right? It belongs to his friend. He can afford the car with the two dollars he earns, so don't worry about it." Cao Xiaohui suddenly realized.

"Xiaohui, you are busy with work and kids all day long. Fang Yi is smarter than you. I am afraid that you will suffer a loss. Do you think he hid his private money? I suspect that he bought the car with his private money. Yes." Mr. Cao said.

“Dad, I don’t know anyone else, but Fang Yi definitely has no private money.

Before the divorce, his salary card was all in my place, and he had to file a report to buy a cigarette. How could he have hidden money? Besides, the university is not a company, so it would not distribute money to teachers in private, and everything would have to be withdrawn from the account.

To put it bluntly, in the past few years, the money I have subsidized your second elder has been more than what I have given him. Don't worry about that. "Cao Xiaohui said lukewarmly.

The VIP chapter will be released tomorrow, please support me.

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