League of Legends Invades Another World

Chapter 397 Banquet Invitation

Remember-remember\\[end-ben-shen-station\\] input-input-address-address: w-w-w.w-a-n-b-e-n-t-x-t.c-o-m

Lafargue City, a small town in the northeast region of Valoran territory, is affected by the economic rise of Erwendale towns. The trade development here has maintained a very good upward trend. There are many big businessmen and middle and low classes living in the city. of nobles, including many nobles who escaped from Edalas City.

Under the hazy night of moonlight, starlight and lights, the entire Lafargue city looks prosperous and psychedelic. The gorgeous buildings on both sides of the main road are sprinkled with magical lights of different colors. Even in the middle of the night, there are still many people wandering out. Thanks to the security in the city.

As for the plague disaster, it is too far away for the residents of the small town, who enjoy the noisy nightlife of the moment.

Inner city, garrison mansion, bedroom.

In front of the quaint bronze mirror, Cooper was trying on the selected dress. Tonight, the nobles in the city held a banquet and invited him to attend.

Originally, he didn't want to go, but considering the identity he represented, he finally decided to go to the appointment as scheduled.

"Time really goes so fast that it's hard to look back."

Cooper looked at himself in the bronze mirror, from a knight apprentice in the Peris Territory, to following Mr. Modrian to the desolate north, to the establishment of the Valoran Territory, becoming the vigilante of the town of Ervindale, until now , the Vindicator of Lafargue.

He stretched out his right hand and gently touched the frown at the corner of his eyes. Even the strength of an extraordinary knight could not stop the traces of time, but his temperament seemed to be more stable: "Fate is uncertain, I hope the path I choose can continue."


The bedroom door opened, and Cooper stepped out. The whole mansion was small, and the architectural style was simple and quiet.

When they went out to the door, there were people waiting for horses. They were the remaining cavalrymen who had followed Modrian to the north of the kingdom. They formed a circle of their own lives around Cooper.

The military power of the Valoran Territory is concentrated in the hands of Modrian, but for the security of each town and village, he is devolved to his followers, giving them the right of autonomy.

Just when they were about to leave, the cavalry on the right suddenly said, "Master Cooper, do we want to say hello to Shadow Stream?"

Except for several of Modrian's followers, the news of Valoran's military attack is controlled in a secret stage, and the existence of shadow streamers in the territory can effectively curb some gossip speculation.

The sudden question made Cooper's movements stop slightly. Private parties were not necessary at first, but for some reason, he nodded and said, "Then arrange for someone to drop by, let's go first."

Noble area, Garcia's mansion.

A luxurious building with a large area, with bright magic lights, many luxurious carriages stopped at the door, and occasionally you can see the emblem of the nobles engraved on the side of the carriage.

Its owner is Shelly Garcia, the Viscount of the court, one of the refugees from Edalas City. Although the title has no effect in the Valoran Territory, it cannot prevent the other party from maintaining his own noble style. For example, today Late high-profile banquet.

The silver-armored guards guarded the surrounding guests to prevent accidents. The crisp sound of horseshoes sounded in the night. They saw Cooper and others coming on horses from a distance, and their expressions were slightly solemn.

Fortunately, an old man walked out of the door room behind him, whispered a few words in their ears, and signaled the silver-armored guards to return to their posts, but the old man came over in person, slightly bent over and saluted his chest: "Lord Cooper , my master is waiting for your arrival inside."

Cooper dismounted and handed the reins to the cavalry behind him. Looking at the gorgeous carriage, nobles in beautiful costumes were chatting and entering the mansion. They complimented each other and smiled at each other, as if they were good friends who hadn't seen each other for a long time.

"It's an honor to be invited here. I heard that this banquet will last for a while, what do you want to do?" Looking back, he looked at the old man beside him, and asked casually.

The silver-haired old man bowed his head: "Master, I am very honored to hear that you will be here tonight. It is already ready. Master Cooper might as well go in and chat."

"Then go in." Cooper nodded slightly, getting used to the tight tone of these noble housekeepers, no matter how much he tried, he would not get the information he wanted.

The atmosphere inside and outside the mansion is obviously different. In the gorgeous hall, the upper class people in Lafargue are gathered, whispering conversations are heard, everyone smiles and greets skillfully, and there will be male and female waiters in the middle with drinks. in.

Especially seeing Cooper's figure, he will throw targets from time to time. Fortunately, the people in their hall know their identities. Regardless of whether Cooper cares about them or not, after nodding slightly, he continues to chat with his friends in a pleasant manner.

The pace did not stop, the silver-haired old man led Cooper to move inside, the bright magic lights fell, the fiery red candlestick was lit, and a faint fragrance wafted in the air.

Cooper swept across the corridor. The burning candles should be high-quality beeswax purchased in the Grand Duchy of Tambefasa. Even in the Valoran territory, it is less used. Here, there are enough 16 candles burning. .

Coupled with magic lighting, the entire area is brightly lit, as if it were daytime, reflecting the luxurious environment.

As the old man walked slowly, he saw furniture made of various precious woods, elegantly stacked around the red carpet and closet.

Each wall is painted with paint, with a bit of religious color, as if it is the traditional myth of the Caladimus continent, as well as the recorded deeds of some heroes.

There are also exquisite handicrafts, placed in a prominent position to attract attention.

"What does this mean?" Cooper was a little puzzled, as if he was showing his wealth? But what does this have to do with this banquet?

The luxury of this mansion in front of him has reached the level of luxury, and it is no less than the palace of the Lacoste Fortress, or even better.

In the private room deep in the mansion, Cooper met Shelly Garcia, a cheerful-looking old man with a wrinkled face who seemed to be very talkative, but he had seen him in some of the recent trade disputes he had dealt with. Many times the figure of the Garcia family.

"Welcome to Mr. Cooper, sit here." Shelly got up, pointed to the seat on the right and said with a smile, very polite, the table beside the seat was full of delicious food.

"Your Excellency Shirley, I don't know what to do with my invitation to the banquet tonight?" Cooper's face was cold and he didn't want to talk deeply. The Valoran collar behind him provided him with such confidence.

Hearing this, Shelly frowned slightly, glanced at Cooper in front of him, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his smile became gentler: "Don't worry, we can talk while eating, some things can only be discussed clearly by sitting down, you say yes?"

"Sorry, I still have some business to deal with." Cooper shook his head slightly, and decided to leave early, and his own position has made it clear that he is not the same as these nobles. "If there is nothing important, I..."

Shelley clapped his hands lightly, as if he couldn't see Cooper's movements.

clap clap!

With the sound of a slap, the small door on the left side of the private room opened, and a fragrance wafted in.

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