After returning to the Super Divine Academy, Chu Xuan’s life was also completely calm.

Because the Super Divine Academy is almost isolated from the world, the average trainees do not know what is happening in the outside world, and Chu Xuan’s classmates are all new students, they have no chance to go out to play the final match or anything, let alone go out to play the qualifying match, so although the news that Tianyou Yanhuang is Chu Xuan spreads like a virus in the whole league, and even many people list him as the most outstanding star of the alliance, but in the Super Divine Academy, he is still just an ordinary student.

At most, it’s a guy who can pick up girls, and then surround himself with a group of girls all day.

Even then someone found out that he and the teachers of several colleges were also unclear, unclear and even ambiguous.

However, it became natural for everyone to get used to this matter, and gradually no one paid attention to what Chu Xuan was doing, after all, everyone was so busy, right?

Busy leveling, busy training heroes, busy participating in club activities in the academy, busy learning and mastering their own skills, and some people are busy worrying about lifelong events…

What, do you think Chu Xuan wants to pick up a girl?

Don’t be funny, well, the super seminary did not say that it is forbidden to fall in love, men and women are equal here, so it is also a normal thing to look at each other, right?

Chu Xuan is actually the same, in the next week or two, his life is very regular, the morning is still class, and then after lunch he began to cultivate his own ability under the guidance of Ai Xi and them, and when he has time, he will study the mystery of life with them, and by the way, release some anger to nourish them, and then in the evening, he will accompany Lin Yuxi, Susanna, Angela and a few of them to play games together to brush up on the experience or something.

Occasionally, he would go to play rankings and show his face across the league to tell everyone that I was alive and not to take me wrong.

It’s the side of the Medusa team, because Chu Xuan’s identity has been completely exposed, especially when Cheng Yalin knew that the Yanhuang master she talked about every day was actually a boy, she was also stimulated, but because Chu Xuan was still studying at the Super Divine Academy, she also knew that she would not be able to study well with Chu Xuan for a while, so during this time, she also followed Chen Zihao and others to cooperate, and even under normal circumstances, she would not find Chu Xuan again.

Because as long as Chu Xuan appears in the game, there is no difficulty at all, right?

Therefore, forget about the usual kind of practice matches, they cultivate well themselves, so as not to drag Chu Xuan’s hind legs when they officially play the game later.

What’s more, Team Medusa now has no shortage of practicing opponents, after all, it has become famous with Chu Xuan, and the teams in the whole league know that the new Tianzhi Pride son Tianyou Yanhuang is the Medusa Eye of Team Medusa, and soon the good deeds accidentally found out that the boss lady of Team Medusa turned out to be Cassiopea when tracking down why Chu Xuan joined this team.

Suddenly, the entire alliance was also big again, and Cassiopeia’s side was also very busy during this time, because there were many summoners who took the initiative to find out and want to join the Medusa team, and there were no guys who had long been famous.

But this matter is not Chu Xuanxin’s turn, he rarely has to worry about, every day his girlfriends are very happy.

In addition, there is Caitlin, although she said before that she would never let Chu Xuan go, but she has not contacted her at all in the past two weeks, perhaps she is also reflecting on her previous recklessness, and she is also calm?

Who knows!

Due to the relationship between Chu Xuan’s double experience card here that can’t be used up at all, after these two weeks have passed, Lin Yuxi and each of their girls’ levels are rising like Kaihang, Shi Ning and Luo Ya have finally risen to level seventeen, one step ahead of the students in the class, and Lin Yuxi and Susanna’s two daughters have also reached level six, and at this rate, it is estimated that as long as they persist for a few more months, they can enter the threshold of matching, as for Angela…

Well, she’s level three/level now.

The reason why Angela, who had nothing to do in front of her, can now be so fast, of course, is not because of Chu Xuan’s daily public food, although according to Aixi, this thing is good for them, but the effect is not as strong as imagined, although it is quite obvious in Lin Yuxi and Suzanne and others, but Angela’s reaction is a little sluggish, until Chu Xuan finally brushed enough Morgana’s two hundred yuan soul in the past two days, and then passed it on to her.

Two weeks, and only a few games in the evening, can you brush enough two hundred yuan soul?

Yes, you guys read that right.

This is mainly due to the fact that Chu Xuan has no longer had to worry about the difficulty of collecting the Yuan Soul since Pirvov returned, because Caitlin’s mother opened a relationship of special permissions for him, and Chu Xuan can now play custom matches not only to enter the Summoner Canyon by himself, but also to customize the hero on the opposite side.

That is to say, now Chu Xuan wants the computer AI on the opposite side to be that hero is that hero, which is completely specified by him.

So this is very cool, Chu Xuan can take Lin Yuxi, Suzanne and Angela to brush experience together, by the way, brush the heroic proficiency of Cana and others, and you can also rest assured that the bold wealth and color of the hero Yuan Soul you want, so his opponents in each game are Sword Haoyaso, Fallen Angel Morgana, Lava Behemoth Murfitt, Shadow Fist Akali, Picheng Policewoman Caitlin.

This Yuan Soul harvest naturally should not be too cool.

Fortune Double Harvest (Lv3): When the summoner Tianyou Yanhuang fights in the Summoner Canyon, he can use the Fortune Double Harvest against the enemy hero, and obtain the Fortune Yuan Soul from the enemy hero, and can only use the Fortune Double Harvest three times against the same hero in each battle, and can only obtain up to three Fortune Yuan Souls of the hero with a cooldown of 400 seconds.

Now that Cana’s proficiency on Chu Xuan’s side is full, he is currently brushing Cassiopeia, and then there is Lax, if the two of them are also full, then the double income of wealth can be upgraded to the fifth level, and a hero can take up to five Yuan Souls in a game…

So in the same way, in addition to Angela having inherited Morgana’s inheritance, Suzanne has also inherited Yasuo, and then Shi Ning and Luo Ya can wait a day or two at most.

And how much difference is there between accepting the inheritance and not receiving it?

How to say, this is completely one heaven and one underground!!

The most obvious example is Susanna.

Because Caitlin is good at firearms, Lin Yuxi accepted her inheritance before, although she also obtained a certain ability bonus, but the performance is better in the control of firearms, especially the accuracy of shooting is like a rocket, but this makes outsiders not see the credit of inheritance, after all, Lin Yuxi was also proficient in firearms before.

Susanna, on the other hand, was different, and on the second day after receiving the inheritance of Yaso, she awakened her sword qi!

Genuine sword qi!! _

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