League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 425: His level is too high, I can't beat him!

After getting an assist, Rookie bounced back to the middle, and replaced the minions under the tower one by one.

However, he didn't dare to suppress it too far ahead.

Although he didn't lose a drop of blood when he crossed the tower just now, he didn't dodge after all, and Chen Yuan's equipment was better than his.

He was afraid that he would be arrested again. Once this Kiana was killed again, he would really not be able to play.

On the other side, RNG's voice channel.

The two Nakano brothers observed Zooey's position and style of play, and all shook their heads.

"I can't catch him, he can't even get through the river..." Chen Yuan shook his head: "Go and protect Xiaohu, I think he will be overtaken."

After TheShy got the head, he was exaggerated and fierce in the lane. As soon as W was good, he rode on the face and attacked. Xiaohu couldn't fight at all. After more than a minute in the lane, he lost half of his blood and entered a drug-addicting state.

Of course, that's why he is called the number one catch in the world, and it's not embarrassing. If King Ning hadn't been playing around on the top lane, TheShy would have sent him in minutes.

"Then you can play by yourself first." Karsa didn't try too hard, and walked to the upper half, wanting to help a wave of little tigers.

Since it would take a while for the top lane troops to enter the tower, Karsa turned his head and got into the jungle, brushing the second round of monsters while leaning up. The time soon came to 6 minutes and 13 seconds.

The mid-to-top solo lane on both sides has reached level 6 at this time, but Chen Yuan in the middle did not relax his suppression because Karsa was gone. Instead, he played very aggressively.

Of course, this is also because he has purification in hand, so he is extraordinarily confident.

"TheShy uses his quick steps to continue to push the lane to recover the blood, and the troops will soon enter the tower!"

Xiaohu has already drank the blood bottle and raised the blood volume. Moreover, he is going out with Dolan Shield. If five people interfere, he can actually continue to fight in the lane.

But obviously IG wouldn't give him this chance, TheShy quickly pushed the soldiers into the tower, and King Ning's Xin Zhao just came over and started directly.

"But... this tower jumping action is too obvious, Karsa has already noticed it, and he is also near the top of the road!" The doll looked at the small map in the lower right corner.

Since Karsa's prince has always been hidden in the dark, the IG Ueno and Ueno who knew nothing about it chose to jump over the tower directly.

TheShy sticks directly into Qinggangying's face, trying to deceive his E and passive first.

But Xiaohu is also a chicken thief. Based on the principle that the enemy does not move me, he just pretends to be stupid.

TheShy also knew that she couldn't wait any longer. Akali directly resisted the tower, hit Qinggangying with a Q, and then quickly made an R + reflexive E, which turned out to be directly out of the defense tower.

The red line of the defense tower flashed past him, but he didn't attack him.

Immediately afterwards, King Ning's [Fearless Charge] charged up, and the three spears of the Cong Blade started to stab at Qinggang Ying.

Xiaohu finally started to fight back. He hooked the wall and hooked it to the wall for a second kick. He directly knocked Xin Zhao unconscious, and then a flat A brushed out a physical shield!

But on the other side, TheShy came back with E again, Akali's second-stage E+ passive, and the two swords directly knocked his HP to one-third!

Xiaohu frowned, the physical shield was of little use to Akali, he didn't dare to neglect, [Hex ultimatum] ascended into the sky, dodging Akali's next Q, and at the same time delaying The rhythm of Xin Zhao's third Q.

Off the field, IG fans were not happy at all, but started screaming again.

Because, Karsa has finally arrived!

Carrying the record, the prince appeared from the shadow behind the last tower, which shocked the two of IG Ueno!

As if he saw his father, Xiaohu went straight to the direction of his teammates to seek shelter!

King Ning responded very quickly, and Xin Zhao also flashed up and flew the Qinggang Shadow away!

At the same time, the third attack of the defensive tower landed on him, also hitting a third of his health bar!

Because Xiaohu was dodging out of the tower, King Ning, in disguise with Dodge, took two steps away from the tower, and then he didn't dare to hesitate, and after flying, he stepped out of the range of the defensive tower.

But correspondingly, he is one step closer to the prince!

"Karsa came over with an EQ to pick up Xin Zhao! Don't let him output to Qinggangying!" Miller shouted: "But TheShy still has a second-stage ultimate move!"

As soon as the voice fell, Akali's second-stage ultimate move was ruthlessly skipped from Qinggangying, and the beheading damage directly killed the **** Qinggangying.

On the other side, Xin Zhao couldn't escape the clutches either. Before the triumphant light of Xiaohu's death flew to him, Karsa quickly turned his elbow and went down, directly smashing Xin Zhao.

"One for one on both sides!" The doll's loud voice echoed back and forth at the top of the stadium!

"Now there are only the prince and Akali left on the field. Karsa is the conqueror, TheShy has no energy, they can still fight!"

Karsa is still the one who became more and more brave in battle. Although the prince did not have a red buff, and W also let go, but he relied on the fast movement speed and chased after Akali's A!

TheShy was tireless with this prince, but he had no choice but to attack and escape.

Fortunately, the difference in movement speed between the two sides was not large, so Krasa couldn't attack a few times, and finally beat Akali half a tube and left with peace of mind.

In the backstage lounge, IG coach Mafa held his forehead in his hand, feeling a little helpless.

Since they could hear the voices of the team members directly in the lounge, they could also hear King Ning's stinky smell.

"Why is this thing here?" Gao Zhenning was speechless: "I wonder if he should be in the middle?"

In this wave, we can only say that Chen Yuan's acting is very good.

Although Karsa left the middle lane, Chen Yuan still played extremely arrogant, so he was about to enter Tayue, Zoe.

This huge pressure caused Rookie to ping a lot of signals in the middle, indicating that the opposite jungler might be in the middle.

It was for this reason that King Ning dared to step up.

But they didn't expect that Karsa had already retreated and followed King Ning to the top.

However, Xiaohu actually didn't make any profit, and even lost a bit.

He dropped another wave of pawns, and the heads didn't belong to him, and TheShy had already started 2-0 Tianhu, and this laning was even a little unplayable.

There is no way, TOP Tiger can only buy the magic resistance cloak in the spring water, try to pull the magic resistance up to avoid being killed by the line.

In the middle lane, Rookie was a little confused.

Since he saw the prince appear on the road, he has fallen into deep suspicion.

There is no jungler next to you, so why did you enter the tower directly to question me?

Who gave you the courage?

Song Yijin has always been known for his ability to suppress the line. Of course, he is not the one who swallows his voice. He believes that if he has revenge, he immediately fights back.

Zoe still has the advantage of long hands. As long as you control the distance, it is not difficult to press a Kiana.

The middle road was once again caught in a fierce fight operation.

Chen Yuan squeezed a grass element in his hand, and directly pulled the E soldier to close the distance, and then a Q threw it towards Zooey.

Grass Elemental Q is fast and wide, and there is basically no room to move. Rookie is not in a hurry after taking this Q damage. He is staring at Qiana's invisible position, a [Hypnosis Bubble] shot, and at the same time Pull the flying star.

Chen Yuan quickly used W [Fang Yuan Shuo Ling] to steal the earth element, and at the same time moved to avoid the bubbles, but then he was hit by a flying star that Rookie had prepared for.

Chen Yuan returned Tu Q with his backhand, and hit it with the same precision.

"The exchange of blood between the two sides is so fierce!" Miller couldn't help but exclaim: "They have been fighting!"

"But Rookie's Zoe can't kill anyone!" the doll said loudly: "Because Brother Yuanzi still has purification in his hand! Instead, Brother Yuanzi has a big move in his hand, and he is actually more likely to kill! "

Chen Yuan's blood consumption is to find a chance to kill, but Rookie's position is always safe, it is impossible to directly stand in his E or Q range, and he has no flash in his hand, it is obviously impossible to want to go first .

For the next two minutes, the situation was relatively stable.

Chen Yuan used double Q to clear the line and chose to return to the city to make up for the state. Then he quickly cut the screen in the upper and lower lanes, wanting to see if there was a chance to roam.

But when he saw it, he saw something was wrong.

"Going on the road, does TheShy actually want to start directly?"

Akali, who was 2-0 in eight minutes, already had the outrageous equipment of technology revolver + magic shoes, 40 magic power + 18 magic wear, plus a passive effect, the damage has broken through the sky.

Without any hesitation, Akali rushed towards Qinggang Shadow with an R!

The figure of the assassin crossed Camille's body just now, and then suddenly disguised himself in the air, drawing a 7-character.

And at the moment when Akali turned over and opened, she threw a shuriken in the air, dealing damage at the extreme distance!

REQ must hit!

Immediately afterwards, TheShy threw down the smoke bomb on the spot, then pulled the distance, and a passive + Q swiped on Qinggangying.

Xiaohu quickly pressed Q to counterattack and refreshed a magic shield, then he did not dare to neglect, and used the hook lock to hook the wall to retreat.

But TheShy didn't panic at all at this time, waiting for the magic shield to disappear, the second stage E followed.

Xiaohu saw this scene and his eyes narrowed. As a "top" user of Akali, of course he knew what operation TheShy was going to play next.

TheShy has played him two Qs so far, one passive, one ultimate, and one E.

And with the support of powerful equipment, this set of damage is enough to knock out half of Xiaohu's Blue Steel Shadow!

Akali is in the middle of the flight of the second stage E, and there is still a second stage of the ultimate move.

Next, TheShy will most likely use the Q skill in the second stage E air to further reduce the blood volume of Qinggang Ying, and then turn around at the moment when the second stage E hits, and make a wave of handsome beheadings with repeated horizontal jumps!

The plot that followed was not what Xiaohu expected.

When the second stage E was about to fly to Camille, TheShy pressed Q again, Akali was another Q skill in the air, and the shuriken stabbed Qinggangying again!

Next, it's almost time to turn around and kill with a big move!

Just kidding, how could I, Li Yuanhao, give you this chance!

TOP Tiger seized the opportunity, and at the moment when Akali's second-stage E was close to her body, her ultimate move [Hex Ultimatum] rose into the sky, and Qinggangying entered an invincible state.

The script is out of control at this point...

The world suddenly calmed down.

After TheShy's Akali flew over, she didn't show any movement, she just stood there dumbfounded.

Xiaohu's blue-steel shadow flew up, entered a brief period of invincibility, and reappeared beside Akali.

At this time, TheShy pressed R at the right time, Akali turned around and sprinted, beheading the tiger and taking the head of the tiger, completing the single kill...

At the moment of killing, two yellow question marks appeared next to his body, one was Chen Yuan and the other was Karsa.

At the same time, IG also clicked a question mark.

It was ordered by King Ning.

He originally planned to hit the road to catch a wave, but TheShy rushed up and killed him. He ran for nothing and exposed his position...

"..." Xiaohu scratched his head, a little speechless.

Chen Yuan was also a little speechless, he didn't even understand what Xiaohu was playing.

There are magic shields, E, R, and triple life-saving, but if you use one of them, you can't die, and when he is stunned, he is useless, and he is directly killed...

"His level is a bit high, I can't play him!" Xiaohu was on the second floor, he thought TheShy was on the first floor, but he didn't expect TheShy to be on the third floor!

TheShy pre-judged his pre-judgment, and after E directly passed by, he did not move, just watched you Qinggangying fly up to the sky and come down by himself...

Chen Yuan felt that this Akali had become a difficult point, but they were obviously out of reach at this time, so they could only make up for it in other places.

Since the assassin on the opposite side is very fat, shouldn't we just fatten the assassin a bit?

"Karsa has come to the middle lane again, and he still wants to catch Rookie!" The doll looked at the screen and shouted in a familiar voice, "King Ning is still on the road, so he can't support him!"

Karsa came out directly from the wild area of ​​IG, and the face of Zoe was a flash EQ.

This wave of arrests is too overbearing, and arrests you directly in front of you.

Naturally, Rookie's reaction was no problem, he flashed and rushed into the tower, but Karsa's wave was inevitable, how could he let the other side run like this, [Cracked Earth] went straight into the tower to block, and a circle of walls surrounded Zoe!

"Rookie turned around and put hypnotic bubbles on the prince, he's still doing it!"

In order to avoid too many night dreams, Chen Yuan also resolutely flashed, and then an E rushed into the prince's circle.

Looking at the prince's circle of walls, Chen Yuan's inspiration flashed, and he made a big move!

It can only be said that the prince and Kiana are indeed linked a bit. Zoe was pushed directly on the inner circle of the prince's wall and was instantly stunned!

Chen Yuan's hands exploded, and a set of three AQWQ knives that were almost impossible to see were shot, and finally an earth element crit Q took the head!

"It's Rookie again!" the baby said in a loud voice: "Your IG is staring at the top lane, and my RNG is staring at the middle lane! Let's see who is better!"

[Xiaohu, Rookie: MMP...]

[Laughing to death, these two teams really did it. 】

[Just caught a sheep and smashed it, right...]

The barrage in the live broadcast room was also very happy. The rhythm of both junglers in today's game was unexpectedly good, and they both achieved good results.

After Karsa played more and more in the middle lane, he took advantage of the situation to move to the lower half, and relied on the advantage of the middle and lower to control the first fire dragon.

But from the looks of it, in fact, RNG is still inferior.

Because the ten-minute pioneer is about to give birth.

In the case of the top single 0-3, how are they going to pick up this wave of pioneers?

Don't look at Rookie's 0-2, but he is Zoe. As long as the four QWER skills are in hand, it is impossible for him to be useless.

But the 0-3 Blue Steel Shadow is really a waste...

"Can the Pioneer Eighth come?" Chen Yuan quickly communicated with the bottom lane~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yes," nodded.

RNG uses Xia Luo against Kasha Titan in the bot lane, which is definitely an advantage against the line, relying solely on Xia's ability to clear the line, plus the junglers on both sides have never been to the jungle area, and the mindless pressure line has even hit a ten-knife compensation. Poor knife.

Chen Yuan thought about it for a while: "Brother Ka, brush down first, and at nine and a half minutes, help the old man to push the line and protect him."

IG likes to play a wave of bottom lanes, four packs and two in more than nine minutes, and then rely on the bottom lane advantage to take the lead. This must be guarded against.

At 9 minutes and 20 seconds, Karsa came to the bottom lane as scheduled, but he also knew that it was impossible to catch people in this wave, so he didn't bother to squat, and directly stood up and put a [Debon flag] on the ground, giving the old eight an attack speed buff. .

When Ah Shui saw this scene, he was full of question marks.

Are you playing games like this?

King Ning was also in the lower half at this time, and Karsa in the bottom lane had already taken the lead, so he was not good at doing things.

"The RNG Xia Ye trio finished pushing the line and returned to the city at the same time. They should have gone to Dalong Pit after finishing their equipment!"

At the same time, Miller also observed the small map: "But IG doesn't plan to put a pioneer! Kai'Sa and Titan are catching up after clearing the line!"

5V5 Pioneer Team!

Everyone can't help but hang a heart.

They all know that this is the wave that will decide the outcome!

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