League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 462: I can't make it through!

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"Rng showed no mercy after he took control of the Pioneer, and immediately started to advance to the first tower on the road!"

This wave of offensive was devastating for ig, they were facing this pioneer's offensive, and they didn't even have the mind to defend.

Even if A Shui and Bao Lan came to the road, they would definitely not be able to keep the upper tower. After all, rng was a group of five people.

"We're not coming back..." Ah Shui said on the bottom road, "I'll see if I can change the tower on the opposite side."

However, rng dared to attack with five people. Of course, they had confidence. They didn't care about ez who demolished the tower on the bottom road. First, the five people worked together to remove two layers of plating from the upper tower.

Seeing that the opponent was not defending, Chen Yuan did not hesitate to use the tp he just turned to directly teleport down the tower, while Xiaohu quickly made up the line to the middle, and made up the line clearly.

Uzi's side slammed into it with the power of the pioneer, and the last two layers of plating were directly destroyed, and the bounty for a tower was in hand!

Backstage, Brother Feng and Gouba were already high fives and celebrating. In their opinion, the game was already a winner!

rng's offensive rhythm is not quite over yet.

After a wave of defense in the bottom lane, Chen Yuan switched back to the middle lane again, letting Xiaohu go to the bottom lane to develop, while he continued to support his teammates by using the radiation range of his ultimate move.

Twelve minutes later, Xiaolong was about to refresh. King Ning seized the opportunity and came to the bottom lane to catch a wave of Xiaohu.

Now that Xiaohu has mercury shoes, he is extremely tough against Kenan, and even dares to push out the line of troops.

This gave Ning Wang a chance. The excavator stood in the lower wild area of ​​rng, and he could drill a hole at any time and come to the back of Xiaohu.

But karsa was well aware of King Ning's move, and the troll came to the bottom of the road early to squat.

The four Ueno and Ueno on both sides launched a **** fight, but it is clear that the rng with the two sturdy men, the troll and the sword demon, is much more powerful, and they are still two pairs of ruthless mercury shoes. Kenan's damage is no different from scraping. .

Then the troll's big move [Power First] sucked a wave of double resistance to Kenan, and the sword demon slashed down with a three-stage q and directly gave Kenan a quarter of blood!

However, the control and damage of the Kenanga excavator are also quite good, and because Xiaohu has not yet returned home to join the black cut, the damage is still a bit insufficient. In the end, Ning Wang Man was really hurt and took the big move to kill him. With the outbreak, he killed Xiaohu first.

Karsa is fighting alone, taking one by one, taking all the Kenan and the excavator with little blood left!

The camera switches to the road at this moment, and the cheers of the audience go to another level.

The rng terror attack is not over yet!

Chen Yuan didn't choose to come to the bottom for support, but walked towards the top road very wisely. At this time, the two teams on both sides were attacking and defending on the top road.

After a simple communication, Xiao Ming's bull head flashed decisively and rushed into the second tower in a row, hammering ez first!

The speed of this second company is extremely fast, even if there is a flash, Ah Shui can't react!

Baolan didn't dare to hesitate, and gave Niutou a hook directly, and connected with the passive, using the damage of Ta Daddy to output frantically.

Xiao Ming's ultimate move [Solid Will] released the control, and then the stacks of e [War Trample] began to stack up.

Galio [Heroes Appearance] followed closely, and a magic circle enveloped the ig bot lane duo.

"Brother Yuanzi directly grabs ez with his big move, and rookie has a big move to support. How do you say this wave!"

Ah Shui didn't dare to hesitate. After falling from the air, he directly e+ dodged out of Galio's skill range, but Baolan suffered a disaster.

"Just hit him!" Chen Yuan signaled and clicked on the Titan, an e [Righteous Punch] knocked it flying, and then w [Du Lang Shield] began to charge.

Rookie's Rock Sparrow finally came to a distance at this time, Rock Sparrow [Shi Man] 3,000 yards vertically and horizontally, and slipped over by stepping on his own big move.

A stone wall directly blocked the escape route of the three of Rng, blocking them in the second tower and unable to move!

But the three of rng didn't mean to run at all, Uzi's Kai'Sa e skill accelerated, aqw set all hits on the bull's head, and then quickly hit the fifth ring through control, Galio and Kai'Sa's equipment is not bad , the two of them work together with a set of beheading damage to directly win the Titan!

Rookie's first target is naturally Xiao Ming who is anti-tower. The rock sparrow directly lifts the bull's head with a set of we, instantly killing the small half-blooded bull's head, and then q [stone wear] one by one towards the tower-resistant Uzi!

Uzi didn't make any bells and whistles with you, Kai'Sa directly fled the defense tower and got away!

"Rng here... ran away!" Doll looked at Chen Yuan, who was also running very fast, "The battle of the two sides on and off the road was almost simultaneously! Rng added up to a wave of two for three!"

The camera cuts to the bottom lane again, and the only one left in the bottom lane, karsa, did not leave. After he finished pushing the line, he rushed directly into the tower. The king of trolls pushed the tower at a very high speed. Road one tower destroyed.

"Come, come, be proud, don't go!" Chen Yuan suddenly spoke at this moment, and called Uzi, who had already run far away and planned to return to the city: "Come and squat!"

At this time, he was standing in the triangle grass position in the opponent's upper jungle area, and the line transfer position was in front of the opponent's second tower.

Since there was a fight just now, A Shui on the other side will definitely seize the opportunity of the intermission to quickly develop the line. If A Shui is not vigilant enough, then they will have a chance to squat in this ez!

Chen Yuan put his real eyes under his feet, ruling out the possibility of having eyes here. Uzi saw the eyes lit up, and Kaisha quietly squatted back.

The camera was cut to the top of the road by the director again, and many viewers were a little numb from the scene switching up and down, but after they saw the two in the grass, they started screaming again!

Ah Shui manipulated ez to clear the line of troops. He didn't think too much about it. He led the line all the way forward, intending to return to the city quickly after pushing the line of troops that would gather at one of his towers.

When passing by the triangle grass, he threw a q into the grass.

In fact, he didn't realize that there was someone in the grass, he just made a quick q, but unexpectedly, [Secret Shooting] came out of his hand, and the light of the skill stopped abruptly after flying into the grass.

A Shui's heartbeat stopped abruptly.

I'm super, someone!

Thinking of this, Ah Shuitou ran to the second tower without looking back, but it was obviously too late.

After Chen Yuan was queried, he knew that the matter had been exposed. He quickly turned on the predator. After 1.5 seconds of reading the article, Galio gained a 60% movement speed bonus and rushed towards Xiao Huangmao!

When the distance was about the same, Chen Yuan turned on the power storage of w [Du Lang Shield], Galio walked next to ez, and w released at any time!

Don't come here!

A Shui was numb, he quickly handed e and pulled away, but Chen Yuan was just waiting for you to hand e, Galio continued to chase through the acceleration effect, and brought ez into the w range again.

"Brother Yuanzi released w will ez ridicule! Uzi Kaisha directly after the big move!"

Seeing this scene, the doll shook his head again and again: "No more."

The guys at ig also frowned.

Got caught again.

rng's predator Galio's ability to grab people is unbelievably strong.

After the predator accelerates, he can even drive after you and run faster than you!

And rng's side lanes are really solid. Although Xiaohu has been able to fight theshy, he is not at the top. When the line is pushed out, he immediately retreats. There is a feeling that Laozi is not a breakthrough.

Moreover, the jungler karsa is even more grimacing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ With this big advantage, he doesn't catch people at all, and his mind is full of anti-squatting, where does King Ning go.

Gao Zhenning only felt a little tricky at this time, he knew that he couldn't let the opponent catch any more.

"Let's play a team, let's play four, let theshy develop for a while." King Ning said: "Otherwise, we will be killed by the opponent sooner or later!"

This idea has been unanimously agreed by everyone at ig.

In order to win this game, theshy's Tianlei is particularly important. They must pull out a development space for theshy.

How to pull?

The team is over!

The four other than theshy regrouped in the middle after the correction, and rng's main force was also planning to push into the middle tower in a group, and the two sides collided with each other.

"The four in front of rng still want to push forward, but Baolan's side directly took the initiative to start a group and hit karsa with one hook!"

A wave of team battles started in an instant. Karsa didn't have a big move yet, but he was not afraid.

Chen Yuan didn't have a big hand, but he didn't hesitate to stand in the front and maintain the integrity of the lineup.

Baolan was besieged by everyone, but the thief's heart was not dead, he directly gave Uzi a big move!

On the other hand, King Ning seized the opportunity, the excavator drilled a hole and approached, waiting for the Titan's ultimate move to knock Kai'Sa flying, and then suddenly flashed his face, turned on q [Queen's Wrath] and slammed at Kai'Sa!

Guarding Xiao Ming with a knife has been preparing for a long time, the tauren directly flies the excavator, and at the same time holds the Q skill in his hand, who will hammer who!

But ig's offensive is far from simple, rookie's rock sparrow flashed decisively at this moment, seized the neutral block that Uzi was knocked into the air, and released [Rock Tugs] + [Stone Scattering] in sequence!

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