Legendary FBI Detective

Chapter 588 Hell Joke

Saturday, 11:30 noon, temporarily borrowed office and conference room.

Mona opened the door and walked into the conference room, attracting the attention of everyone in the room. Lacey raised her eyebrows:

“Interesting post?”

"Mainly some hell jokes."

Mona placed the laptop on the conference table and showed it to everyone, and introduced:

“For example, why do people in the Federation use metric units without millimeters in their daily lives?

Because you can find mm in schools. "


The expressions on the faces of the agents were a little tense. Luo An coughed lightly and asked:

"What else but a hell of a joke?"

“And ‘want ads’.”

Mona put away the smile on her face, typed on the keyboard a few times, and said seriously:

"Michelle and I found some posts on the No. 3 underground world crime website.

These posts all come from one person, and the content of the post always starts with a hell joke to attract attention.

Then under the hell joke, there is a "recruitment advertisement". The person who posted it has been recruiting "meat rabbits". "

"Meat rabbit? What do you mean? Carnivorous rabbit?"

Hearing this unfamiliar word, Lacey, Winslow and Chenelle in the conference room looked puzzled. Luo An's face turned cold and he said:

"No, this word means a living person to be slaughtered."

Just like the "gold-touching captain" in the Eastern world, all walks of life in the Western underground world also have many special representative words.

For example, human bones are called "white gold", eyeballs are called "glitter", and a trafficked woman is always called "Amy" before taking action, no matter what her original name is.

The origin of this special naming method can no longer be found, and people in the underground world don't care about the reason for naming. They only have buying and selling in their minds and hearts.

Hearing Luo An say that "meat rabbit" means a living person, everyone present looked at him with some surprise and consternation. Chenier quickly realized something and asked:

"Since the name "meat rabbit" means "living people to be slaughtered," why is there "recruitment" in front of the post?

...Recruiting online people who are willing to be killed by others because of money? "

"Yes, that's what it means."

Mona looked gloomy and said:

"The owner of this post stated that he has been recruiting humans who are willing to be killed by others for a long time, and the price is $50,000 per person. To show his sincerity, the person who posted the message can pay the person who sells his body first during the transaction when the two parties meet.

Among them, if you have a special identity, such as a lawyer, doctor, motorcycle stuntman, race car driver, or a person with special certificates, such as a senior lawyer's license, a senior accountant certificate, etc., you can also increase the price within a reasonable range. "


Looking at the content of the post on the computer, everyone present had ugly expressions. Winslow frowned:

"This kind of thing..."

"Not uncommon."

Luo An shook his head. Living in the Federation, having no money in your pocket is basically walking into hell.

Sell ​​your life for money. Some people who have no hope in life and have weaknesses behind them may not do this.

Looking at the computer, there are a bunch of requirements for the "meat rabbit"'s height, weight, no infectious diseases, no history of eating flour in the past year, etc., and the air in the conference room was quiet.

Luo An pondered for a few seconds and asked:

"Mona, the owner of this post, which one is related to the two serial murder cases we are investigating?"

"The second case was a shooting in the back of the head."

Mona tapped the keyboard a few times and brought up another mainly black page, explaining:

"Just now, Michelle discovered a guy with the same avatar as the owner of the post on Underground World Website No. 3 on Underground World Website No. 5.

The two of us compared the two guys on website No. 3 and website No. 5 and found that they were the same person. "

Cheniel looked serious:

"On website No. 5, this guy is also advertising, recruiting "meat rabbits?" ""


Mona nodded, then pulled down the computer page and said:

"The difference is that a few months ago, when this guy posted a "recruitment advertisement" on the No. 5 website, in addition to the previous hell jokes, he also included a picture."

Mona pulled up the "recruitment advertisement" from a few months ago. The agents looked carefully and found that the content in the picture was a large rectangular pit that had been dug. There was a shovel standing next to it, and there was also a shovel on the ground. Binding string.

Ignoring the hell joke, Mona tapped the keyboard a few times, drew a red line segment next to the shovel, compared the measurements and explained:

"The shovel shown in the picture is the most common type on the federal market, with a standard length of 1.3 meters.

Using it as a weight and measure and comparing it with the pit next to it, we can find that the length of the pit is 1.8 meters, the width is 1 meter, and the depth is 1.5 meters. "

"It's exactly the same hole that the murderer dug when he executed his victim in the second serial murder case."

Luo An nodded, then motioned to Mona to enlarge the bundle of strings next to her, and narrowed her eyes slightly:

“Among the eight victims of the second serial murder case, the last three deceased had binding marks on their wrists.

The string inferred by the Trace Inspection Section also matches the string in this photo. "

Chenelle and Winslow both became excited, and Lacey asked hurriedly:

“Can you find out the true identity of the owner of this post?”

"Of course, but..."

Mona nodded, indicating that she was capable of doing this, but she did not start taking action immediately, but turned to look at Luo An.

Luo An instantly understood what Mona meant. Normally Mona couldn't do it, but she could by hacking into the website.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to buy an orange... I'm going to make a phone call."

Selectively ignoring Mona's eager eyes, Luo An waved his hand and walked out of the room.

Mona's actions may have a negative impact on other law enforcement agencies performing tasks, and eventually lead to Mona being punished. In order to prevent this from happening, Luo An decided to contact the Intelligence Department first.

The call was quickly answered. After hearing Luo An's description, the Intelligence Department immediately said that it was not necessary to bother. After asking for the name and number of the poster, he said:

"We will be able to find out this guy's true identity soon. We will send it to Team Leader Luo An later!"

Luo An's eyes lit up and he smiled:

"Thank you then."

"You're welcome. Let's go have a drink together when we get the chance."

"Of course! My treat!"

After a few brief greetings, both parties hung up the phone together.

Luo An, who became famous because of his ability and strength, felt the "fruit of face" for the first time, and the corners of his mouth were raised slightly, revealing a smile.

But many things have pros and cons. Luo An had a lot of thoughts in his mind. While thinking about future plans and plans, he turned and returned to the conference room.

"The Intelligence Department will send us the information about the owner of this post later."

In the conference room, Luo An chose to ignore Mona's disappointed eyes, clapped his hands and said:

"Get ready to sort out your equipment!"

"no problem!"

All the agents in the conference room responded in unison, simply packed up their documents and began to walk out.

Half an hour later, Luo An's computer received an email, which contained a photo of a white man and his identity information:

Innis-Heller, 44 years old, had been in prison for intentional injury when he was young. He was unemployed and lived in New Jersey, not far from New York.

Luo An typed out the information and distributed it to the agents, saying:

"Let's go! Let's go talk to Mr. Innes about his silly jokes!"


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