Legendary Hero

Chapter 61 The Redemption of the Wolf King (Part 1)

Small town church backyard

"This...what the hell is going on here?" Conworth almost shouted, his face was shocked, because Rollin didn't come back alone, not far from him, in the shadow under the eaves, a The tall werewolf was standing still.

This werewolf has a circle of silver hair around his neck. He is two meters tall. His body is muscular. His eyes are gleaming with green light. He stares straight at him. The pores on Conworth's body are blown out. If it wasn't for Rollins Here too, he almost turned and ran.

"Calm down, calm down, my friend, listen to me first." Rollin comforted Conworth's flustered emotions.

"What's the matter with you? How did you...bring me the werewolf here?" Conworth questioned the first half of the sentence, and realized that it was not easy to publicize it halfway through the sentence. There were other people in the church, so he immediately lowered his voice sound.

"It's a long story. Conworth..."

Luo Lin's words were only half spoken, and a servant's voice came from the front yard of the church: "My lord, what do you want?"

Evidently, the church servants were alarmed by the movement in the backyard.

Conworth instinctively turned around and retreated. There was a dangerous werewolf here, and he panicked.

Luo Lin stepped forward hastily, and whispered earnestly: "Priest, I need your help! Don't let other people know what's going on here, okay?"

Conworth was taken aback, and turned to look at Rollin, and saw that his face, which was originally full of confidence and indifference, was full of pleading.

He hesitated for a moment, then looked at the werewolf not far away. He remembered this guy, this guy was the wolf king who was defeated by Luo Lin last night!

This discovery reassured Conworth a lot.

"He listens to me now, there is no danger." Luo Lin hastily explained that he took Gray to the church to take a big risk. If the news leaked out and reached the ears of the soldiers outside the town, it would cause big trouble. up.

Facing the regular army of 100 men, even Luo Lin was not sure of keeping Gray, and he might even be beheaded and killed together.

The footsteps in the front yard of the church were getting closer and closer, and Conworth finally responded: "Thorpe, I'm fine, you go about your business. Oh, and, I have something to do now, Do not bother me."

"Oh, yes, my lord." The servant was relieved when he received Conworth's response, and turned back.

Conworth then closed and locked all the doors in the backyard. Then he turned back and said in a low voice, "Luo Lin, what are you doing with a werewolf?"

"Pastor, listen to me first." Rollin breathed a sigh of relief. He was right. This Conworth is indeed a reliable person. He has a calm personality and will not lose his judgment when he panics like ordinary people.

Then, Luo Lin explained in detail how he followed the werewolf into the forest, met the injured wolf king who was about to die, and finally helped the wolf king regain the leader's position. Of course, among these things, Luo Lin concealed the existence of the elf Lufei, which is the best protection for Lufei.

Conworth listened carefully, and he became more and more calm, and his reason and judgment returned to him.

After Luo Lin finished speaking, he turned his head to look at the wolf king who had been keeping quiet all along, and fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he asked Wolf King Gray, "I believe what Rowling said is true, but I can't believe you, werewolf."

"Why? The army is just outside the town. It's so dangerous. I still followed Luo Lin, and I was the only one. Isn't that enough to prove my sincerity?" Gray's voice was low, full of doubts and disbelief. Anger understood.

Conworth shook his head: "Your sincerity is enough now, and I believe you too."

"Then why?"

Conworth found that this wolf king was different from ordinary bloodthirsty werewolves. He could communicate calmly. This discovery made him calm down completely.

He straightened his mind and said sharply: "To be precise, I can't believe that you can always suppress the influence of the dark curse on you. Maybe you still have reason, but you can guarantee that you will never go crazy and become like other addicts. Is it the same as a blood werewolf. The killing desire in your heart will always exist and affect you, won't it?"

Gray was silent for a moment. What the pastor said was exactly what he was experiencing now.

Ever since he became a werewolf under the curse of darkness, he could always feel a terrible desire for bloodthirsty and destruction surging deep in his heart. Although relying on his strong will, his reason suppressed his desire. But this urge to kill has been just around the corner, like lava under a volcano, and he doesn't know when it will erupt.

He couldn't give any guarantees, because he couldn't, so he could only keep silent.

Conworth sighed: "The curse of the werewolf has been around for a long time. Once the body changes, there is no way to get rid of it. Gray, let me call you that, I admire what you do, but I can't help you. You ...Run, before those soldiers find you, run, run into the mountains, and leave the human world forever."

The pastor's words are very sensible, and they are also the best choice for Gray's current situation, but they are also very cruel, because this is equivalent to completely cutting off Gray's hope of returning to the human world and living an ordinary life again.

Gray's eyes dimmed, his ferocious face collapsed, his tall and strong body became somewhat stooped, and anyone could see his decadence.

"Priest, is there no way to suppress this curse?" Luo Lin felt a little unbearable.

Conworth also felt sympathy for the tragedy of Wolf King Gray, and sighed: "There is a way to suppress the curse, but the price is extremely high."

Upon hearing this, Gray's eyes lit up immediately: "Pastor, please help me. No matter what the price is, I'm willing to pay!"

He was really fed up with the primitive life of hiding in the deep mountains and old forests. No normal person would like such a life.

Conworth shook his head: "No, Gray. It's not you who need to pay the price, but the normal person who helped you share the curse."

"What do you mean?" Gray was taken aback.

Conworth explained in detail: "The curse of the werewolf originated two thousand years ago. A talented black magician used extremely evil magic to combine the souls of wild wolves and humans, creating an unsolvable curse that can be continuously derived. Both Thousands of years have passed, and this curse has continued to grow, and even though people continue to hunt and kill werewolves, the number of werewolves still continues to increase."

Speaking of this, Conworth looked at Gray: "You are not the first werewolf to have this idea. Many ancestors before you also wanted to return to normal life. Magicians and priests also thought of various ways, However, they failed to completely break the curse. Until five hundred years ago, people finally realized that this curse is unsolvable, at least mortals cannot solve it. The reason is not because of the genius of the black magician, but because of his all The God of Beasts sent down the curse because he offended Singram, the God of Beasts. So this curse is essentially a divine punishment!"

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