Legendary Hero

Chapter 64 Hidden Stone (2)

Night, hidden stone.

"See? There's a man in that big tree by the cave entrance. Look, there it is."

Gray and Rollin were hiding in a dense bush, quietly looking at the situation in the cave in the distance.

As a werewolf, Gray not only has a good nose, but also his eyes are extremely bright, especially now that it is night, which is his home field. He sees the night as day, and with the help of his sense of smell, he easily found the entrance of the hidden stone cave. There are two secret sentries lying in ambush on the side.

Rollin looked in the direction Gray pointed, and carefully discerned, there really was a faint figure hiding above the bushes.

"You see. This man has a dense ring of grass on his head and a tree coat on his body. If you don't look carefully, it is no different from a branch. If I hadn't smelled his scent beforehand, I really wouldn't have spotted him. "Grey was a little surprised.

This guy's level of hiding is really high enough. If he hadn't been reminded by Luo Lin in advance, he was mentally prepared to come here rashly, maybe he was really tricked.

Seeing that Luo Lin found the target, he pointed to another tree and said softly: "There is another one there, and it is the same hiding method. The two of them are horns of each other, and the location they chose is very good. Not only is it very concealed, but there are almost no dead spots. The group of people in the cave are not ordinary."

As he said that, Gray twitched his nose slightly, and continued to distinguish the smells in the air: "There are people in the cave, and I smelled seven different smells in total, so there are at least seven guys inside... Wait, I think Get up, I know that scout, last night, I saw him in the camp outside the town, yes, it must be him, I will definitely not admit it!"

Last night, he launched bloodthirsty werewolves to attack the barracks, and a scout shot him an arrow. He was extremely impressed. Unexpectedly, the scout came here.

But these guys are the regular army of Vendome, how could they appear here, and how could Rowling expect there to be an ambush here? Is there a conflict between Luo Lin and these regular troops? Could it be that he offended the lord of Vendome and escaped?

For a moment, Gray was a little confused.

Looking at the two hidden sentry posts on the tree, Luo Lin remained calm on the surface, but his heart was disturbed, because he, no, to be precise, the brain also recognized them

Guard of Vendome.

Level 15 Elite Assassin

Weapons: Hand crossbows, daggers, short swords.

Armor: Military Standard Scout Set: Dark Curtain.

Assassin combat skills: ambush, sharp blade.

If the ones ambushing outside the cave were Vendome's scouts, then the other people hiding in the cave must also be the regular Vendome army.

But why would they do this?

Luo Lin fell into deep thought, thinking about what happened in Moonlight Town, he thought of a possibility: "These people are lying in ambush here, most likely they are here to wait for me."

He found Bepha in Vendome, and then came straight to Moonlight. He didn't deliberately hide his whereabouts, because he was not a professional scout assassin, and he was not good at it at all, so he couldn't hide it even if he wanted to.

The Destruction Sect must know his movements, so they followed closely and set up an ambush at the Hidden Stone. The so-called wolf suppression team may be just a cover!

However, he has been here for a day, and they just arrived, isn't the movement a little too slow?

When I first thought about it, this was a bit strange, but when I thought about it carefully, Luo Lin suddenly understood.

Calculating the time, it has actually only been four days since Befa committed suicide by taking poison. In four days, the Destruction Sect got the news, made plans, and then found a reason to send the regular army. The time was very tight.

For a large sect, this kind of efficiency is already quite high... Wait, these people may have expected that he might arrive early, even if he arrived early, it would be fine. Rollin estimated that even if he arrived early, these people would destroy all the evidence in the Hidden Stone, and then arrange another assassination. If he didn't arrive, they lay in wait for him to deliver himself.

After thinking about it like this, Luo Lin had to admire his opponent's careful planning.

But there is no perfect plan in the world. The opponent has thousands of calculations, one hundred secrets and one sparse, and the werewolf is missed. If Gray the Werewolf wasn't there, he would just find him like this and crash into the ambush circle. Facing seven level 15 opponents who were well equipped at the same time, he would really be in danger.

But now, he is in the dark, the opponent is in the open, the situation has changed, and the problem is simple.

The current situation is obvious, the opponent has made full preparations and is waiting for him to come to the door, but will Luo Lin take the initiative to send him to the door? He's not that stupid.

After pondering for a while, Luo Lin had a countermeasure, and he said softly: "Go, let's go back."

Gray was wondering about Rowling's true identity. He remained silent all the time, and didn't say much after hearing the words. He followed Rowling and quietly retreated.

Luo Lin noticed his abnormality, and after thinking about it carefully, he understood the reason. After thinking about it for a while, he decided to give the wolf king a confession.

The two retreated for about a mile, and when they reached a safe place, Luo Lin said, "Grey, you must be very suspicious of my identity and blame me for concealing it, right?"

Gray's mind was guessed, his expression was startled, and then he nodded in embarrassment. He really thought so just now, if it was other characters, he would do it as soon as he did it, without second thoughts, but Luo Lin's opponent is Vendome's powerful army, which is completely no different from taking the initiative to die.

Although no matter what, he would stand with Luo Lin, but it would be great if he could know the details of his opponent, so that he would have a solid foundation in his heart.

The place where the two were standing was a high ground, and by the faint moonlight, they could vaguely see the hidden stone in front of them.

Luo Lin looked at the Hidden Stone and sighed: "You recognized them too. Those people are the subordinates of Lord Vendôme, they are regular soldiers, and they came for me."

"Did the lord misunderstand you?" Gray asked.

Luo Lin smiled wryly and shook his head: "My friend, things are not as simple as you think. In fact, Vendôme is not monolithic, and there is mutual conflict. Those ambushes were sent by the political enemies of the adults I follow, and Lord Vendôme has little to do with it."

He won't tell Gray about the destruction of the religion for the time being. It's not that he wants to hide it, but it's such a big event that not everyone is suitable to know. Gray, for example, was a rough guy, and telling him about the church destruction would only send him into a panic.

Most mortals in the world are in awe of the gods, and few people dare to oppose the sect of the gods, even if the god is the god of destruction.

After all, Gray was a mercenary, and he had also taken over private jobs of some important people before. When Luo Lin said this, he understood, and he felt timid and slightly excited.

why? Because he got a hidden message from Luo Lin's words, that is, the adult that Luo Lin followed was definitely a big shot, otherwise there would be no political opponents who could mobilize the regular army as minions.

He is determined to follow Luo Lin to the end now, so is there any need to talk about his future?

As for the identity of that adult, he believes that when the time comes, Luo Lin will definitely tell him, and he just needs to cooperate with Luo Lin's actions now.

Gray shook his fist fiercely: "If this is the case, then we have to fight back! Fight these guys hard."

"That's true." Luo Lin nodded, and then shook his head: "Counterattack is necessary, but we must pay attention to strategy. The soldiers of Hidden Stone are very powerful. We have to take great risks to fight them."

"I'm going to ask my brothers to come and help." Gray said immediately, there were at least seven opponents, and the two of them were in danger, but with more than 30 members of the wolf pack, they couldn't believe that they couldn't beat this group of guys.

"Okay, you go find them, I'll watch their actions here." Rollin agreed to this method.

Gray nodded excitedly, with a faint green light in his wolf eyes, he turned around and ran into the forest. After about ten minutes, a wolf howl came faintly, and then several more wolf howls sounded, which seemed to be a response.

Then, the forest fell into silence again. The silence lasted for less than half an hour, and Luo Lin heard a large number of light and fast footsteps coming from the woods behind him. After a while, pairs of eyes shining with faint green light appeared in the woods. More than ten.

Here comes the wolves.

Gray came out, and suddenly he half-kneeled in front of Luo Lin, and said in a low voice, "Rolin, from now on, my brothers and I will be at your command."

At the same time as he did this, the werewolves behind him also came out of the forest and half-kneeled on the ground.

Werewolves are naturally obedient to the strong, and Luo Lin is the strong, and he is also a friend of the werewolf. Now that the wolf king is willing to follow him, it seems natural for them to follow him.

Luo Lin was taken aback, he didn't expect Gray to be so formal, he looked at Gray, and Gray also looked up at him, with a pair of dark green wolf eyes shining with raging flames.

Rollin immediately understood Gray's intentions. This werewolf who was born as a mercenary still retains the ambition of a human being. The flames in his eyes are exactly the same as those of Horn, Wild Wolf, and Harrington. He is also a person who is unwilling to be ordinary.

He likes this kind of ambitious person, because he himself is the same.

Such a person may be hit by the cold reality because of his lack of ability, tortured by the flames in his heart, may have his head broken and bloody, and finally fall silent, becoming the general public and disappearing from everyone. But a group of such people gathered together and condensed, although it is very difficult to do so, but if they are successfully condensed, then such a team will have unparalleled combat effectiveness!

A group of sheep cooperates to become a pack of wolves. But when a group of wolves work together, they can roar proudly in the mountains and forests, and even the king of beasts and tigers have to stay away.

What Luo Lin wants to do, and what he has been doing all along, is to gather the wolves on the mainland.

His ambition is also the greatest. As he said, he wants to be recorded in the annals of history and be recited by all bards in the name of a hero.

After thinking about this, Luo Lin accepted the werewolf's submission calmly.

He bent down to help the werewolf Gray, looked around all the werewolves, and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, I, Luo Lin, thank you for your trust and support. I will definitely not let you down. This time, our opponent is Vendome's. The regular army, they are very strong."

Having said that, Rowling saw a look of horror in the werewolf's eyes. Apparently, they also saw the battle outside Moonlight Town, the fighting power of the regular army was really shocking. Now that they are going to deal with this group of strong men, it is human nature not to be afraid.

Gray also noticed it. As the wolf king, he felt a little ashamed. This was the first time their werewolves behaved. How could they lose the chain?

He turned around and shouted: "Brothers, glory and blood have always coexisted. Only a glorious battle can save us from the curse of darkness."

Wolf King Gray knows the nature of wolves best, and also knows what they need. As soon as he said this, the timidity in the eyes of each werewolf dissipated a lot. The faint red light was actually a little bloodthirsty encouraged by Gray.

Luo Lin nodded in satisfaction. The reputation of werewolves as warlike is indeed true, but he will not let them fight head-on with others. He stretched out his hand and pressed down, and said in a deep voice, "Calm down, my friends. Fighting requires courage." , more resourcefulness is needed. I have already thought of a plan. This plan can minimize possible dangers. I need you to implement it faithfully, can you do it?"

A relatively gentle growl sounded from the pack of wolves. This was the language of werewolves, roughly the same as the meaning of "can be done" by humans.

Luo Lin smiled: "Okay, let's do this."

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