Legendary Hero

Chapter 81 The light went out? (Second more)

The moment the black-armored cavalry turned his head, Luo Lin, who had been lying on the ground, suddenly exploded!

Like a cheetah, he suddenly rolled on the ground, escaped from Lu Fei's embrace, and then kicked the ground, the whole body stood up, shot out like lightning, and launched a stab at the cavalry.

He used all his strength to deal with the unprepared, and the result was no surprise. This was a nearly perfect sneak attack!

‘Pfft! ’ With a sound, the sword was fully exerted, the sword was surrounded by fiery red angry light and shadow, and the tip of the sword pierced from bottom to top along the gap of the armor under the armpit of the black armored cavalry, the blade did not even touch the cavalry’s body. The armor, of course, can't talk about triggering the magic shield on the armor.

The black armored cavalry shivered all over, and then his body was limp like a torn sack, about to fall to the ground.

Entering the armpit is the heart, and the power of anger attached to Luo Lin's stabbing has already messed up his heart, and it is inevitable to be killed in seconds.

A black armored cavalryman died, and Luo Lin saw a message flashed by his brain.

"Kill the Black Armored Guard, a difficult opponent, and gain 700 experience points."

"You've reached level 17."

"Vigor increased by 2 points."

"Strength increased by 3 points."

"Coordination increased by 2 points."

A warm current continued to flow in Luo Lin's body, strengthening his strength, and the gap between him and these black armored guards was shortened by a small amount.

The sneak attack was successful, and Luo Lin immediately shouted: "Hide, hide behind the horse!"

Lu Fei was very agile. When Luo Lin spoke, she was already in action. When Luo Lin finished speaking, she had already hidden her body behind the horse. She knew that the only way to help him was to ensure her own safety and not become a drag on Luo Lin.

Luo Lin also started to take the next step. He grabbed the body of the black armored cavalryman as a shield and kept moving. He tore off the bow and quiver from the cavalryman's back and threw them behind the horse where Lu Fei was hiding. It is a weapon for Lu Fei.

After doing this, he had to face the siege of three black armored cavalry.

The three cavalrymen were furious when they saw their companions being killed, moreover by a sneak attack. They all regarded Luo Lin as the enemy of life and death, and they wanted to kill him quickly.

Of the three cavalrymen, two took out their bows, and the one standing a little further away immediately turned his horse's head and charged towards Luo Lin, shouting.

‘Puff~puff~dang! ’ It was the arrows shot by the opponent. Of the three arrows, two shot into the body of the cavalryman. The other arrow had a tricky angle, but was blocked by the shield in Luo Lin's hand at the last moment.

Just after blocking the arrow, Luo Lin heard the thunderous sound of horseshoes in his ears, and then he heard a muffled 'bang'. Immediately afterwards, he felt that the corpse he was carrying lost control. The corpse carried a huge With such force, he slammed into him hard.

It was the cavalry who had charged before, and his horse directly ran into it.

The horse of the Black Armored Guards is not simple. It is said that this horse is mixed with the blood of wild unicorns in the forest. It is ten times stronger than the horses on the earth. Although it only ran a dozen meters, it still has the power to charge. It's not something a fighter of Rowling's level can block.

Luo Lin immediately threw the corpse in his hand, but he didn't hide, because he had no way to hide, and there was no place to hide. As long as he dodged out, what awaited him was the deadly arrows of the other two cavalrymen.

He raised his shield in front of him, bearing the force. He has to bear it hard, because he can't retreat too fast. Once the distance is opened, the cavalry can't be his shield.

With a loud 'boom', the shield was hit, and an unmatched force struck, directly knocking Luo Lin into the air.

Although Luo Lin used techniques to relieve the force as much as possible, he still felt his whole body go numb like an electric shock. He knew that this was the illusion caused by the huge and swift force crushing his body, which meant that his body had been damaged. The injury was so great that his pain-sensing nerves were numb.

But at this moment, before the damage of the impact was fully reflected on Luo Lin's body, when he was still in the air and flying backwards, he made a counterattack!

Flame cut!

Anger turns into flames, destroying everything.

Luo Lin mobilized the power of anger in his body, burning his physical potential, and slashed at the black armored cavalry in front of him.

On the steel sword in his hand, a flow of flames condensed like magma wound up, and in an instant, the ordinary-looking steel sword turned into a flame weapon.

The divine soldier drew an arc and slashed at the black armored cavalry on horseback.

The black armored cavalry was startled, and blocked with a horizontal sword.

With a soft 'ding' sound, the excellent weapon made by a dwarf craftsman in his hand was cut into two pieces, and the arc of flames still cut down, soundlessly across the body of the black armored cavalry, and then again. After passing the head of the war horse, and then across the body of the original black armored cavalry, it finally disappeared.

'Boom' Luo Lin was knocked flying by the charging horse, fell to the ground, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

There was a sound of 'crash', the sound of flesh and blood falling apart. The charging cavalry, including his horse, was split in two. There was no blood spilling from the cut in the middle, and the flesh and blood had been scorched.

"..." The remaining two black armored cavalrymen turned pale with shock, looked at each other, then raised their bows at the same time in a tacit understanding, and shot an arrow at Luo Lin on the ground.

Two arrows were shot at Luo Lin's vitals. When one of the arrows flew into the air, suddenly an arrow flew out from behind the horse, hit it precisely, and knocked it into the air. It was Lu Fei's hand. But she could only block one of the arrows, and the other still flew towards Luo Lin.

At this time, the damage to Luo Lin's body had already appeared. He only felt that his whole body was going to fall apart. From his hands to his feet, he couldn't use any strength, let alone move his body to dodge the deadly arrows.

'Pfft' He was shot right in the heart, his whole body was shaken, and then he collapsed on the ground, motionless.

"Luo Lin!" Lu Fei screamed, her voice was like weeping blood, she jumped out from behind the horse recklessly, and threw herself on Luo Lin's body, crying bitterly.

This time, he didn't cheat or pretend, he was really mortally wounded. The human had faithfully fulfilled his promise, protecting her all the way until it cost him his life.

At this moment, the only light she could see in the human world was extinguished!

The two black armored cavalrymen looked at the heartbroken elf, but did not continue to attack. They glanced at each other, and what they saw in each other's eyes was not only the relief of killing the enemy and avenging their comrades, but also a trace of regret.

Although this young man was their opponent, although he killed their comrade-in-arms by cunning and despicable means, there was no hatred between them. Honorable opponent.

"Elf, bury him, and then you can kill yourself." A black armored cavalry said.

He really didn't want to do it anymore, as his comrades said before, doing something to such a woman would really damage the reputation of their black armored guards, maybe others wouldn't know about it, but he couldn't hide it from his heart.

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