Let you evolve and transform into a golden-horned giant beast?

Chapter 77 Field Investigation, Golden Pipi Monster

After the pickup truck exited the underpass, it continued north along a broken road.

The further we go, the more desolate the scenery becomes.

On both sides of the road, which has been in disrepair, are wild grasses growing wantonly, and beyond are endless jungles. If you listen carefully, you can still vaguely hear the roars of some strange animals, coming from the depths of the jungle...

Since the arrival of the alien beasts, native species in the wild have been basically extinct.

If human beings had not found a way to evolve and strengthen themselves, I am afraid that human beings would have become extinct on this planet.

The driver Du Xing took out a map and drove along a route marked on the map for more than an hour before stopping and turning off the engine.

The road ahead had completely disappeared, leaving only an overgrown wilderness.

Wang Qing, Feng Xiaoqi and Du Xing got out of the car.

Yuchi Chongshan, who was sitting in the back, also jumped out of the car with a big black iron rod thicker than his arm.

With a bang, the ground shook.

He immediately left two deep footprints on the soft grass.

"We are now in Area 017 of the northern buffer zone."

Du Xing laid the map flat on the hood and said to his companions who were gathered around him: "Our mission today is to survey this area with an area of ​​more than one hundred square kilometers before dark to find out the strange beasts." Distribution……"

After introducing the situation, Du Xing, the leader of the team, immediately began to assign tasks, "Yuchi, you follow this route and investigate the east side..."


Yuchi responded to the sound of the urn on the heavy mountain.

"Xiao Qi, you are responsible for investigating the west side..."

After finishing speaking, Du Xing turned to look at Wang Qing and asked: "Xiao Wang, who are you acting with?"

Wang Qing first glanced at Yuchi Chongshan.

When you act with this super hunk, your safety is absolutely guaranteed.

However, he came all the way here not for an outing, but to learn a skill.

Last night he asked the landlady to find out.

Among Du Xing, Yuchi Chongshan and Feng Xiaoqi, Feng Xiaoqi is the most powerful in tracking and investigating strange beasts.

At that time, he also asked: "Why is Feng Xiaoqi the youngest but the most capable?"

The landlady replied: "Because...I taught you."

Wang Qing was convinced.

So, he turned to look at Feng Xiaoqi and said, "Xiaoqi and I will act together."

Seeing that Wang Qing chose him.

Feng Xiaoqi suddenly showed a big smile.


Du Xing did not raise any objection to Wang Qing's choice.

Those living in the buffer zone are all zero-level and first-level alien beasts, and the second-level alien beasts are basically invisible.

Feng Xiaoqi has strong investigative abilities and can detect and avoid danger in advance.

As for Wang Qing, he can even kill the quasi-third-level demon descendant without him having to worry about it at all.

Even if there is real danger, he and Yuchi Chongshan can rush to help at any time.

"The maximum communication distance of these four walkie-talkies can reach twelve kilometers. You can carry them with you to keep in touch at any time."

Du Xing took out four walkie-talkies from the car and equipped each person with one. He waved his hand and said, "Without further ado, let's start taking action."

Yuchi Chongshan carried the big iron rod and strode eastward.

Wang Qing and Feng Xiaoqi walked together in opposite directions and disappeared into the dense jungle.

Du Xing stayed where he was and provided logistical support.

A few minutes later.

Feng Xiaoqi, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped.

She squatted down and reached out to gently push aside a layer of dead leaves on the ground, revealing a shallow, diamond-shaped footprint that was almost indistinguishable to the naked eye.

Then, she stood up, glanced around, walked to a tree a few meters away, and found a few more gray hairs less than one centimeter long from the rough bark.

I put it up to my nose and smelled it, um, it's very sexy and fresh.

Feng Xiaoqi turned around and said to Wang Qing: "There is a first-level gray shadow fox nearby, and it belongs to the first male."

After finishing speaking, she took out a brand new map from her backpack, used the locator she carried with her to determine the location, and made a mark on the map.

"Xiao Qi, awesome!"

Wang Qing gave a thumbs up.

In less than a minute, Feng Xiaoqi detected the alien beast from a few clues on the ground, and was able to determine the species of the alien beast, and even whether it was male or female...

This performance was more professional than the so-called jungle masters he saw online.

"It's nothing to me."

Feng Xiaoqi was a little embarrassed to be praised, "The boss lady is the most powerful. I am stupid and have only learned a little bit."

“I’ve only learned a little bit about it, but it’s so powerful.”

Wang Qing saw that Feng Xiaoqi was not modest and said in surprise: "How awesome is the boss lady?"

"You're much better than me anyway, the boss lady is a gold medal..."

"Gold medal for what?"

"I can't tell you, otherwise the boss lady will spank me."


The two of them continued walking forward.

Feng Xiaoqi relied on her superb detective skills to discover several groups of strange beasts from various traces on the ground or the faint smell lingering in the air.

While Wang Qing secretly observed, he humbly asked Feng Xiaoqi for advice, and learned a lot.


Feng Xiaoqi jumped down from the tree, fell to the ground lightly and silently, and said to Wang Qing: "There is a swamp ahead, and there are a group of mire monsters lurking in it. Let's take a detour."

Wang Qing nodded.

The mire monsters are only zero-level alien beasts, and their individual strength is not very strong. However, once they are dragged into the swamp by a group of mire monsters, even an evolver who has reached the second level of strength will probably be angry on the spot.

Wang Qing glanced ahead.

There was no danger in sight except for a mist-shrouded meadow.

He took a deep breath.

Jungling is also a technical job, and he still has a lot to learn.

Three hours later.

Feng Xiaoqi marked a total of thirty-seven places on the map, and each mark corresponded to one or a group of strange beasts.

Most of them are zero-level alien beasts.

There are only three first-order exotic beasts discovered so far, including a gray shadow fox, a nest of platinum horned hornets, and a small group of one-horned green deer.

In addition, many Pipi caves have been discovered.

As the bottom of the food chain, Pipi monsters are widely distributed in this vast buffer zone, almost to the point of flooding.

Feng Xiaoqi didn't even bother to mark it.

The two planned to continue searching, but Du Xing's voice came from the intercom: "I have prepared lunch. You will return to the camp immediately and continue the investigation after eating."

The two had no choice but to set off back to the camp.

They did not choose to return the same way, but took a large circle, so that they could do some reconnaissance on the way back.

The two of them walked back slowly and quickly.

On the way, some strange beasts were discovered one after another. Just like before, they all left after marking them.

Their mission is to scout, not to hunt.

Half an hour later.

Wang Qing couldn't help it.

Because in a piece of grass ahead, he saw a large group of Pipi monsters.

Among them, there is a golden Pipi monster, surrounded by this group of Pipi monsters. Its size is more than three times that of other Pipi monsters.

Under the sunlight, the golden Pipi monster was BlingBling, its whole body shining brightly.

Wang Qing's eyes also lit up.

The golden Pepi monster must be delicious.

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