Chapter 58 Recruitment

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ye Tian jumped directly onto his off-road vehicle.

Bring up the audio you just recorded and select Loop.

Aim at the crowd below.

“Bang li!” (I don’t want money, I just want gold!) )

“Bang li!” (I don’t want money, I just want gold!) )


When the blacks below heard this, they ran to their homes.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian smiled.

Ghana’s economy is backward and the wages of the general population are extremely low.

Let them buy with money, they simply cannot take out much money.

But gold resources are developed here.

Let them buy it in gold, and many people will be able to take it out.

After all, there are still three nails on the broken ship.

The owner of the market was the first to rush over with gold because of his favorable location.

“Bang li!” (Gold, this is gold).

“Bang li!” (Living Buddha, give me medicine.) )

The five shop owners below looked at Ye Tian on the table with excited expressions.

Looking at the primitive gold ore in their hands, they found that they all matched the gram count.

Ye Tian collected the gold ore and handed them the medicine one by one.

The black man who had just called out the living Buddha helped explain how to use it.

Last night, not long after his child used artemisinin, his condition improved.

By this morning, he was completely healed.

Not long after, the villagers in the market also rushed back one after another.

They hold in their hands primeval gold ores, large or small.

“Bang li!” (Living Buddha, please save my daughter!) )

“Bang li!” (Please save my child!) )


Looking at the crowd below, Ye Tian tuned out an audio that had been recorded in advance.

“Bang li!” (Everyone has, people who line up, who don’t queue, I won’t sell medicine to him!) )

Hearing this, the blacks below quickly lined up three lines.

Subsequently, Ye Tian began to collect gold and deliver medicines.

It didn’t take long for all the hundred copies he had purchased from the system to be exchanged.

There were twenty or thirty people in line.

Ye Tian bought another thirty copies from the system and sold them to them.

And in the trash can he prepared in advance, there were more pieces after pieces, primordial gold ore.

In total, there are at least fifteen hundred grams!

He spent only thirteen grams of gold buying artemisinin.

This profit is already much higher than 8,000%.

However, the purpose of Ye Tian’s trip was not to earn gold.

His purpose is to disgust the people of the Evil Tiger Gang.

At the same time, it is also to lay the foundation for finding people in the gold mine.

Because of the Evil Tiger Gang, many workers in the mine chose to flee.

He had to recruit enough laborers as soon as possible to resume production.

Looking at the slightly kind gazes of the blacks in the market, Ye Tian knew that his plan had been achieved.

Flip the signboard and swap the recording equipment.

“Bang li!”

(The Tawa Gold Mine is hiring, whether you’re an ordinary laborer who only does manual work.)

Or technical laborers who can drive excavators and loaders, we all recruit! )

“Bang li!”

(The mine is covered with food and clothing, and the average worker is paid 70 cedis a day.)

Skilled workers, paid 140 cedis a day. )

The surrounding blacks were ready to move after hearing such a high salary.

However, the news that the Tawa gold mine was attacked by the Evil Tiger Gang in the morning has already come out.

The Evil Tiger Gang is in the surrounding area, and it is famous!

Although many blacks were moved, they still did not dare to step forward.

Only a few black people who had bought artemisinin last night came over.

Looking at the scattered few people in front of him, Ye Tian’s brows furrowed.

Now there are three small production lines, five large production lines, and several excavators and loaders on the mine.

So much equipment requires at least twenty or thirty people.

After thinking about it, Ye Tian opened the translation software.

Put it in front of the black man who has been helping and say

“Tell them who wants to join the Tava Gold Mine.

I am willing to give him a qualification to buy artemisininin! ”

The black man saw it and relayed it.

“Bang li!” (The Living Buddha said who would be willing to work in the Tawa gold mines.)

He was willing to give a qualification to buy artemisininin! )

Hearing this, many blacks were moved.

Artemisinin is something that can save lives at critical times.

Moreover, the Tawa Gold Mine was attacked by the Tiger Gang in the morning and held on.

In the future, maybe you can keep it.

Subsequently, more than twenty blacks successively asked Ye Tian to sign up.

Among them, there are ordinary workers and skilled workers.

Seeing that the recruits were almost the same, Ye Tian chartered a few more cars and drove them to the Tava Gold Mine.

Gallop all the way back to the gold mine.

The bodies on the ground have been dragged into deep pits and buried.

Seven or eight scrapped cars piled up where excavators and loaders were previously parked.

Seeing Ye Tian come back, Zhou Long ran over excitedly.

Pointing to the scrapped cars, he said with some pride

“Boss, I asked them to use excavators and loaders to transfer those cars.

In this way, we can use this place as a line of defense in the future! ”

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