"Then what are you going to do? Take the initiative to contact Byte?" Yang Mi asked.

"Wait, wait until they take the initiative to find me, I believe they won't have too long patience."

The corner of Xu Jia's mouth turned upwards. If the byte had had so much patience before, now after Xu Jia's previous scaremongering, he would soon be unable to sit still.

"Okay, as long as you know what's in your mind, don't lose your wife and your army in the end." Yang Mi said.

She can provide less and less help to the company's development. After all, many aspects of Xu Jia's control are no longer in the field of her understanding.

"Don't worry, I will only win the wife and the soldier. Byte is not a fool. There are giants such as Penguin, Du Niang, and Ali staring at them. If they look back and enter the market to compete in this track, they are enough to drink." Serve a pot."

"Compromise is a matter of time, and it is nothing more than a conditional pull."

Xu Jia is very confident about this, and it is because of this that he has not broken contact with Zhang Jun.

Although he won't cooperate with penguins, it doesn't prevent penguins from being a price-raising weapon suitable for intimidating others.

I am afraid that the penguins can also feel this.

But the benefits that Xu Jia gave were so fragrant, even if they couldn't get them, they couldn't bear to give up completely even if they could sniff them or take a few sips.


Byte beating.

The atmosphere was very silent.

For them, the failure of Douying is actually not an unacceptable thing.

In business, failure is normal.

Especially for Internet companies, failure is success, how can it be easy to succeed without trying dozens of times?

But this time is different. Xu Jia's mockery of Byte a few days ago is still vivid.

They talked about looking down on brothels in the entertainment industry, but when the ending came out, they were still unhappy in their hearts.

"Mr. Zhang, I think we can continue to adjust our direction. We don't need to pay attention to the rumors of people like Xu Jia. As long as we stick to our direction, we will succeed sooner or later." The vice president said.

They are not start-up companies, and they can't stand up to one failure.

Byte has its own competitive products, and this investment can still stand.

"The question is how to adjust the direction, which direction to adjust to, whether we still have enough time, and whether the competition of other companies should be taken into account."

Zhang Yiming asked several questions in one breath, and then sighed: "I know everyone's thoughts, and I am holding my breath, but these questions are not only asked by me, but also by the board members. Those investment institutions only value profits."

"If Xu Jia invests in Internet giants such as Penguin and Du Niang, even if they are not as good as us, the bad influence will definitely slow down our pace."

Even though he is the boss of a huge company, he also has his difficulties and helplessness.

When he succeeds, he can do whatever he wants, but in the face of failure, countless hands reach out to control his actions.

This is the disadvantage of accepting capital.

Although a large amount of capital and resources can be injected to speed up the pace of growth and expansion, it will also lose a certain degree of autonomy.

"But Xu Jia is the owner of an entertainment company, what kind of short video can he understand? It's obviously a scam. I think the people on the board of directors are in a hurry to go to the doctor!" The vice president said excitedly.

With so many professionals among them, how could Xu Jia be an amateur?

This thought made him feel angry.

"So we are just trying to get in touch. If Xu Jia can't solve this difficulty, we naturally don't have to consider continuing to get in touch with him. There is no chance of revenge in the future." Zhang Yiming explained patiently.

But while he was talking, Xu Jia's loud words and confident face in the box that day kept flashing through his mind.

There is always a feeling in the dark that one's luck has been divided up and taken away by others.


Xu Jia was not aware of Byte's hesitation.

Anyway, he just put this matter behind him and waited for the other party to take the initiative to contact him.

Remember, at this time, you should not be in a hurry. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

Whoever lowers his posture to find the other party first will lose the initiative.

At this time, he was visiting the crew of "In the Name of the People". This key project of Jiaxing's TV series next year, because it is a modern drama, it will save a lot of trouble.

At least most of the scenes in the capital can be filmed.

"I don't dare to spend any of this money, I put it all here."

Hou Yong pointed to the banknotes in the refrigerator, crying so pitifully.

But when he saw the stacks of banknotes behind him, and thought that he got them all because of greed, he couldn't help but feel disgusted.

Really poor people must have something to hate.

Not to mention that this guy keeps claiming that he is the son of a farmer.


"This pass, Mr. Hou's sword is not old, and his skill is still profound." Director Kong Sheng praised.

His filming this time was quite enjoyable. The previous filmings of "Langya Bang" and "Ode to Joy", although all of them were hit dramas, but his filming was so uncomfortable.

After all, I used to shoot heavy dramas like "The Mansion Gate" and "Crossing the Guandong".

"Haha, look at what you said, those who don't know think I'm old."

Hou Yong wiped his tears and snot, and the smile returned to his face, which shows the calmness of the old artists.

"The filming was great. To be honest, I've wanted to play a similar role for a long time. Unfortunately, I never had the chance and it's more sensitive. You really dare to do it."

"It can't be said that we dare to shoot, but that the higher-ups are broad-minded enough, and we also want to thank the support of the third master Han Sanping, as well as the help of the Supreme Sword Procuratorate and Golden Shield Film and Television." Xu Jia said.

At this time, everyone saw that the investors did not know when they appeared on the set.

Accompanying him is the producer Hou Hongliang.

If it wasn't for Xu Jia's rise in status, his speech would have become bureaucratic.

Others are more flattering, each and every one of them should be.

Are you kidding me, the third master and the two organizations can be offended?

It can be said that if you can catch these three lines, it is tantamount to a direct connection to heaven.

"Director Kong, you've worked hard, and everyone has worked hard too. I'm here to express my condolences, and I brought some milk tea and food along the way."

While ordering the assistants who followed to distribute the food, Xu Jia took out a thick stack of red envelopes from his pocket: "The old rule is, no matter whether you are in the staff or not, each person has a copy, and I will distribute it myself."

This is an old tradition of the Jiaxing crew. From the very beginning, "Tomb Raiders Notes" was distributed by Xu Jia himself.

Many people here really followed from "Tomb Raiders Notes".

After all, "In the Name of the People" is the top priority, and many capable old people have been sent to this project.

Everyone was quite emotional, who would have thought that the small crew at that time would grow into a towering tree in the blink of an eye.

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