
This is the first time Xu Jia has come to this city in his previous life.

Magnificent churches and ancient Western-style buildings can be seen everywhere, and because the film festival is approaching, tourists from all over the world can also be seen everywhere.

Many independent films from third countries, even though they were not shortlisted, brought their films to this film holy land for screening.

In order to gain the attention of copyright holders in various countries, even if it recovers some costs, it is also a good thing.

Of course, most of them come here with pure dreams and want to be recognized by the public.

However, most public screenings are crowded at the front door, and the shaky camera and blurry picture quality make it difficult for people to arouse the desire to watch the movie.

"Hey, buddy, would you like to take a look at my movie? I made it all by myself from the script to the shooting and editing. I guarantee that your trip will be worthwhile."

"Asian handsome guys, come and see our works and feel the spirit and core of the Brazilian people."

"The eight-armed spider woman tortured the teenage boy, and the juicer did it. The scene was truly horrifying."

The publicity people on the roadside greeted passers-by, especially when they saw Xu Jia in suits and leather shoes, they became even more enthusiastic.

After all, from their point of view, Xu Jia's appearance and temperament, even if he is not a film buyer, his status is definitely not ordinary. What if he is one of their high-flying nobles?

"If I hadn't come to the film festival, I wouldn't have discovered that there are so many passionate and pure filmmakers in the world." Xu Jia said with emotion as he looked at the novel scene.

Anyway, it is difficult for him to understand the thoughts of these independent filmmakers. There are countless people who spend their own money or even exhaust their family wealth to make movies and bear a huge debt.

Thousands of troops crossing a single-plank bridge are nothing more than this.

Seeing the interested look on the face of this big client who the headquarters had told him to take good care of, Hassan persuaded him: "Most of the movies produced by these filmmakers are boring and boring, under the banner of Renaissance, but in fact they don't even have the most basic story. No, it often makes people sleepy, but as long as there are good products, they will have been spotted by various film buyers, and they will never be reduced to setting up roadside stalls."

"After all, now is no different than before. The Internet is so developed that few lost treasures are buried anymore. If you want to buy the copyright, I suggest you think twice or leave it to professionals to negotiate, otherwise they will treat you as a fat sheep and treat you ruthlessly. A brutal killing."

When people who have fallen into the bottom of the valley find a life-saving straw, they are not grateful the first time they find it. Instead, they try their best to grasp it and climb up. Even if they grasp this straw, they still have to use their strength to climb up.

Therefore, the sympathy of the people at the bottom is mostly unrealistic fantasy. When food is limited, the more meat you bite, the more you can survive to the end.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in these. I'm just curious about these people. If I want to do charity, my country can't help."

Xu Jia shrugged his shoulders. He was certainly not a fool with random kindness.

If you have money to help filmmakers from other countries, you might as well inject funds into your own company’s training program for emerging directors, even if it’s donated to Project Hope.

He is such a narrow-minded person, and it is enough to take care of the people around him.

Hassan was the staff member that Kevin specially asked Warner to accompany him after he came to Berlin.

I have to say that this little effort really helped Xu Jia a lot.

Otherwise, with his unfamiliar oriental face, he would be a conspicuous big fat sheep on the boundary of Berlin.

Who doesn’t know that tourists with Asian faces like to carry cash, and because they don’t understand the language in a foreign country, they basically have no way to report to the authorities after being robbed.

As for public security abroad, we can only say that areas with high taxes are civilized areas, while areas with low taxes are like uncivilized areas...

Haha, otherwise you think why overseas areas are divided into rich areas and slum areas. Even if they are separated by just one street, the housing prices are very different.

While they were talking, the two of them arrived in front of a hotel.

Hassan stepped forward and reported Xu Jia's name, and saw the front desk motioning for the two of them to wait in the rest area to contact the tenant.

"Director Paul has been staying here for a long time, but there are many people who want to see him, so we may not be able to queue up." Hassan gave Xu Jia a vaccination.

Warner has never paid much attention to film festivals, let alone the Berlin Film Festival, which has strong political significance and is really unprofitable.

As a foreign dispatcher, he is dispensable here and cannot be used at all. He can only play a role as a guide and translator for Xu Jia.

Unexpectedly, after a while, a woman walked out from behind the front desk.

"Mr. Xu? I am Director Paul's assistant. Please hand over the copy of the film you want to submit. I will take it to Director Paul. This period is quite sensitive and it is not convenient for him to see you. I hope you will forgive me." Woman He spoke very politely.

Obviously, she didn't know anything about Xu Jia's identity, and the guests who could let her explain in person would at least have much stronger connections than those waiting in line to be interviewed.

"Okay, I can understand. This is a copy of "Parasite". I will send someone to send a copy of the screening equipment later. In addition, our company also produced an animated film "The Devil Comes to the World", but the copy is in King Power. Director An, if you have time, I hope Director Paul can give you some advice after watching the movie."

Xu Jia did not feel frustrated at being refused the interview. Instead, he quickly handed over the cowhide package he had brought with him.

Don't think too much, it's not a lentil-filled mooncake or a thumb-thick envelope, it's just a simple copy of a movie.

His goal was achieved the moment he met Paul Verhoeven's female assistant.

As the other party said, it was not suitable for the two of them to meet at this time, especially because Xu Jia had a real relationship. On the contrary, those who were waiting to be interviewed could be met by Paul Verhoeven.

After all, he really has no intention of doing things for others, so he can still show his impartiality.

As for the projection equipment, this is an unspoken rule.

Generally speaking, the judges would not dare to accept cash or other solicitations from the jury, but with so many films, how do you allow the judges to see your own films? This is a skill.

The gift of a set of projection equipment is not low value, and it is not a bribe. Asking is a support for the review work.

Of course, after the film festival ends, there will be a lot of second-hand projection equipment in the world, so it is none of their business.

One of the reasons why he was given a copy of "Parasite" was that he came to the United States to promote "Parasite" and increase his reputation. He did not mention "Parasite" at all. The other reason was that he came to the United States with "Parasite" The quality and thought itself were enough to impress Paul Verhoeven. Even if someone knew that he had gone through the back door, they would not have too many objections to it.

On the contrary, what is really worth worrying about is the last words Xu Jia said to the female assistant, the animated film "The Devil Boy Comes into the World" produced and distributed by himself.

With Wang Quan'an's endorsement, and Paul Verhoeven as the chairman of the jury, he could justifiably be shortlisted with just a little raise of his hand, and no one could find fault.

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