February 20th.

Jiaxing Restaurant Banquet Hall.

The media gathered and aimed their guns and cannons at everyone on the stage.

Xu Jia signed his name on the contract coolly, and Yin Yu did the same on the other side.

"I announce that Jiaxing and Penguin have jointly reached a ten-billion-dollar plan for domestic animation. We will invest tens of billions of dollars to promote the development of the domestic animation industry, go abroad and become famous internationally!" Xu Jia said loudly into the microphone.

Of course, he knew that the last two sentences were just a slap in the face. In fact, let alone going abroad, their most important task at the moment was to develop the domestic market first.

Just like domestic AAA masterpieces, players are always clamoring for success, but when it’s time to pay for them, they choose to pirate them.

The market needs to be cultivated, and patriotism alone will not do.

Just saying it is made in China cannot make consumers ignore the quality of the product itself.

Xu Jia didn't expect how big a splash this 10 billion would make if he threw it away. As long as it promoted the domestic animation industry, then his journey to rebirth would not be in vain.

As for whether they feel bad about spending the 10 billion in real money, after the calculations of the company's executives, not to mention that the 10 billion funds will be paid in batches, and they and Penguin will each pay half.

Let’s just say that if the funds are used, they may not be able to get it back or even make more money.

Of course, these are secondary. The important thing is to promote this plan so that the third master can help him.

"Yes, thank you Mr. Xu for taking the initiative to find us to participate in this project. Penguin's support for domestic animation has always been there." Yin Yu said immediately.

If everyone can't contribute money together, the limelight will be stolen by Jiaxing.

However, he still had some doubts in his heart. Xu Jia's motive for promoting this plan was not doubtful, but he was too anxious. Is there anything that could be profited that he had not noticed?

"Mr. Xu, is Jiaxing going to spend 10 billion to invest in the domestic animation industry?" the reporter asked.

I understand, this is probably arranged by Yang Tianzhen.

Xu Jia replied calmly: "Of course, we have already deposited this amount into the relevant account, and public supervision is welcome. After all, the two movies "Monster Hunt 2" and "The Devil Comes into the World" have a combined box office of nearly 100,000 yuan. It’s over 100 million, and the Penguin family and I should get half of it.”

While putting money on his face, he also did not forget to advertise his two movies.

"Mr. Xu, I would like to ask if this plan only involves Jiaxing and Penguin? Why are there only two companies involved instead of multiple companies participating together?" another reporter asked.

The person who asked the question was a bit sharp, but it seemed that he still had a certain level of professional ethics, and he did not forget his mission as a reporter even after receiving the red envelope.

"In fact, we originally planned to do this plan ourselves, but after learning about it, Mr. Yin from Penguin had a discussion with me, and we hit it off and we had today's press conference. It's not that I don't call other people, it's really It's this kind of money-making activity, and rushing to find others is like collecting debts. We do it all on our own volition. If anyone else wants to join, they are welcome with both hands." Xu Jia said calmly.

Apart from a few giants, who else has such a large amount of idle funds to invest in it?

What's more, the reason Jiaxing and Penguin dare to implement this plan is because both parties have plans in the animation industry and will be able to recover their costs sooner or later. In the final analysis, they are throwing money at their own industry.

Other companies with related industries do not have such great courage and financial resources. What do they do without the participation of related industries? Want to be taken advantage of?

"President Xu Jia, I have a question that I don't know whether to ask or not."

Suddenly, a male reporter in black jumped out and asked a question without even waiting for the news host to call his name.

The hearts of everyone present jumped. Hearing this title, President Xu Jia, it seems that this guy has come with bad intentions. I am afraid he is going to make big news.

The reporters were very excited. They had received the red envelopes and had no choice but to abandon their professional ethics. They thought there would be no surprises today, but they did not expect that there would be such bloody people among their colleagues.

Whose newspaper general is this so brave?

Attentive people have already seen the tag on the chest of the reporter in black, which says Blue Whale Newspaper.

Never heard of it...

The others were very nervous, fearing that something would cause trouble, so they stepped forward to drive the reporters in black out.

But Xu Jia stopped him with a gesture. He looked at the reporter in black without changing his expression: "I hope it's a question related to today's press conference."

"Recently, there has been a lot of public opinion about Jiaxing on the Internet, causing netizens from the two parties to often fight on various platforms, and the traces of marketing are quite serious. I would like to ask Mr. Xu, is this the handiwork of Jiaxing, deliberately leading netizens to conflict? , thus bringing popularity to their own projects?" The reporter in black raised his tone and questioned.

Damn, you really dare to ask, you’re just here to cause trouble.

After all, everyone knows that Jiaxing is unique in the field of online marketing, but this is the first time someone has questioned him face to face.

You must know that if consumers realize that they are being deliberately guided to consume, they will easily suffer backlash.

"I don't deny marketing, it definitely exists. Now that the Internet is so developed, why doesn't it need marketing and publicity? Besides, our Jiaxing projects are all clearly marked with publicity funds, but..."

Xu Jia agreed, and when the expressions of Miao Yuqing and others suddenly changed, he made another big turn, "You said that we deliberately led netizens to conflict, so we in Jiaxing will never bear the blame. Regarding the recent online targeting We have also been tracing the undercurrents of Jiaxing, and I think anyone with a discerning eye can see obvious traces of marketing in some remarks."

"If I spend the publicity funds and the publicity department I set up to conduct marketing in this clumsy way, I think they will be fired immediately, so this is obviously someone trying to frame us. People say that colleagues are enemies. I think It’s true, I advise you to ask Huayi’s President Wang Zhonglei about this question, and ask him what’s the point of using such funds to discredit his peers instead of using them on production projects.”

His voice became high-pitched and filled with anger, and everyone could hear his dissatisfaction.

No, why is the finger suddenly pointed at Huayi’s Wang Zhong base?

All the reporters present were stunned for two seconds and then burst into excitement.

Two big-name figures in the entertainment industry faced off, and one of them was exposed by name. Isn't this more exciting than Bai Lily's one-finger Zen?

You must know that there are two companies, one is the former leader and the other is the current leader. Once a war starts, the excitement will be great.

Even Yin Yu on the side looked surprised, obviously not knowing about this beforehand, which made the incident even more dramatic, and this scene was faithfully recorded by the camera that was recording.

What no one noticed was that the reporter in black had quietly left the scene, and his mission was completed.

And the big boss behind Blue Whale Newspaper.

Xu Jia.

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