Let you invest, you support half of the entertainment industry?

Chapter 629 Kicking open the door to domestic science fiction

"Initially, in my plan, it might take ten years before I finish filming this film. One is the technical issue, and the second is the financial issue. Both of them are the most critical resources for "The Wandering Earth," but I just No."

"But fortunately, I met a group of like-minded partners who accompanied me to the production. During this period, we were so poor that I even mortgaged my garage. When I was planning to suspend the project, I met Jiaxing Mr. Xu, who gave the crew sufficient funds and well-equipped manpower, and specially sent me to Hollywood to learn from him."

"It's hard to say whether I would have been able to make this movie until the end without Mr. Xu's support, but one thing I'm sure of is that without him, "The Wandering Earth" would be far less exciting than it is now."

Speaking of this, Guo Fan's eyes were a little moist. The pressure he endured on this movie was unimaginable to ordinary people.

After all, he was once a successful director. As long as he wanted to make money, there were easy ways.

But embarking on this difficult road, he received countless criticisms, and he did not want to recall the ups and downs during the period. However, these gloomy moments completely disappeared after meeting Xu Jia.

If you need money, you need people, and you never point fingers at the crew.

This kind of investor is simply the dream sponsor of every director. He thanked Mr. Xu from the bottom of his heart, his voice choked up.

Bang bang bang!


Xu Jia took the lead and clapped his hands, and others followed suit.

Media reporters faithfully recorded this scene.

The story of a thousand-mile horse meeting Bole is also a very important material for the later promotion of the film. If you tell more stories like this, the audience will be more interested.

What's more, they have a hunch that the impact of this movie will be no less than that of "Wolf Warrior 2".

Among the crowd, several figures left against the crowd.

Apparently he was a spy sent to spy.

It's just that Jiaxing has been keeping a close eye on these people.

Under normal circumstances, they would not care if they were just trying to gather information, but if there were people with bad intentions, they would not let them go.

"Stop!" Miao Yuqing and her security guards stopped a group of people who were hurried out.

The man's face instantly turned pale, he tightened the leather bag between his arms, and pretended to be calm: "What's wrong? I'm not allowed to leave after watching the movie? Are you Jiaxing so overbearing?"

He shouted loudly, trying to disrupt the environment and attract everyone's attention to get out of trouble.

"Hmph, normal viewers can leave if they should, but for those who are deliberately causing harm, don't blame us for being rude."

Miao Yuqing looked away, and the security personnel behind her rushed forward, held the person down, and took the bag over.

When I opened it, I saw that there was indeed a camera hidden inside.

This was planned to be secretly recorded and released as pirated copies. Thinking that the film's record breaking box office might be almost wiped out by this thing, Miao Yuqing became furious.

"Give the person to the police station for a thorough investigation." Miao Yuqing said coldly.

The man in the peaked hat who saw this scene on the other side stepped up his pace and made a call as soon as he got outside the venue.

"Mr. Yin, I just came out of there. Jiaxing has very strict control and checks on entry and exit. However, there is no strict prohibition on mobile phone recording. I secretly recorded a short section. Do you think you need it?" said the duck cap.

When he saw one of his colleagues being arrested, he was almost scared to death. Fortunately, the other party didn't pay special attention to him, or they knew about it but didn't take it to heart.

After all, as long as it is not recorded with professional equipment and it is only a short period, it is basically of little value.

"No, you can delete it yourself and tell me about your feelings after watching this movie." Yin Yu asked.

He knew very well that little tricks could not stop Jiaxing, and he only asked this person to come to watch the movie to gather information.

"How should I put it? This movie is on par with Hollywood blockbusters. Both the special effects and the pictures are very shocking. It is the first hard science fiction movie in China. There is nothing wrong with it." said the duck cap.

In fact, he was still holding back a lot of words. Anyone who has eyes for this movie will know that it is basically unbeatable within the same period.

Even if some people may not like this type and plot, it will not hinder the greatness of this movie. At least it breaks the zero breakthrough of domestic science fiction movies. It is a real hard science fiction, rather than trying to sell someone else's meat or soft science fiction. .

"okay, I get it."

Yin Yu hung up the phone, looked at the email he was editing on his computer, sighed, and clicked send.

There is not much content, just a simple line of text.

After investigation, it is not suitable to confront Jiaxing in the film and television field for the time being.

Even if they are Penguins, they still have no chance of winning. This is the dominance that Jiaxing has exerted with each work.

Of course, there is also peer support.

The email received a quick reply, also brief.

hold on.

Still waiting? With Huayi's performance, what can we expect?

Yin Yu cursed secretly and suddenly remembered a project.

"Hua Mulan".

This movie, co-produced by Huayi and Disney, stars Liu Yifei as the heroine. Isn’t it considered illegal in China?

It's because I'm impatient.

As long as "Mulan" is released and Jiaxing declines, it will be a grand turnaround.

They don’t have to win many times, just once is enough to boost their confidence!

["The Wandering Earth" is shockingly released, and it's hard to get a ticket in Beijing]

[Chinese people don’t lie to Chinese people, the editor swears that the movie is top-notch]

[The work on the rise of domestic science fiction, if you don’t read it, you are not Chinese]

For a time, all kinds of news about "The Wandering Earth" were all over the Internet.

Among them, there were both promotions from Jiaxing insiders and many followers. This is how the traffic snowballed.

Having learned the lessons from the last "Magic City Fortress", everyone suppressed their emotions and waited for the brave warriors ahead to pass on information.

"Having watched the movie, I can only say that the 59.9 is well worth it. I suggest you try to watch the 3D version if you can, and don't be too happy."

"In one sentence, domestic science fiction movies have stood up. Jiaxing is awesome and Guo Fan is awesome!"

"I originally thought that the door of domestic science fiction was welded shut by "Fortress", but I didn't expect that "The Wandering Earth" came and kicked it open. It is a blessing to have Jiaxing in the film industry."

"That's right. Originally, I had no hope for domestic science fiction. After watching this movie, I feel that my blood has not yet cooled down."

After the premiere, the first wave of viewers quickly went online to express their thoughts after watching the show. Countless people asked questions, and a sense of superiority was born.

This is a kind of positive feedback. If there is enough feedback, these people will become loyal fans of Jiaxing.

When many people saw so many comments and were worried that they were trolls, they realized that they were worried unnecessarily.

Because all the tickets for "The Wandering Earth" in the theaters are sold out, I don't have to watch it if I want to.

There are even scalpers. It’s hard to imagine that domestic movies could one day be as popular as “Titanic” and “Avengers 3”.

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