Wait until the person in charge of Alibaba Entertainment returns.

The looks of the three people in the office made his heart tremble.

It always felt like something happened while I was away.

"I reported to Director Ma and he asked me to obey your orders." said the person in charge of Alibaba Entertainment.

"Haha, Director Ma really knows how to joke."

Xu Jia smiled and turned serious: "But some things must be said up front. Although our three-party cooperation is based on the short video platform, the incentive mechanism for creators must also be transparent and strongly supported. , only by giving this track a virtuous cycle can it run on its own."

"In this, the creative team is the undoubted key. I will take you to Jiaxing Restaurant later to meet with many heads of film and television companies. The three of you will recruit on your own. There can be competition, but it must be Within control.”

He is leaving enough seeds for the Chinese film and television industry. Although the bottom line of these guys is worse than the last, the team and practitioners behind them are precious assets.

Try to help them survive the cold winter of film and television, and help as many as possible.

"Understood, we all understand this."

The three of them nodded, they were the spokespersons of capital.

Even if there is vicious competition, it seems that the winners are consumers and producers, but in the end the dominant player will only be the platform.

However, the emergence of Xu Jia, a referee, at least ensures that competition in the industry is healthy.

The only worry is that Xu Jia is both Jiaxing's boss and Douying's shareholder.

This is both a referee and a player.

If the protection is not complete, Douying will be favored.

Xu Jia also thought about this aspect and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, Jiaxing will not be involved in the short drama. At most, we will provide equipment and personnel services to the producer. We only provide supporting services."

What a joke, he finally turned Jiaxing into a regular army, how could he let them fight guerrillas again?

What's more, we should also leave a way for our colleagues in the industry to survive, so as not to force them to jump over the wall in a hurry.

It is enough for Jiaxing to grasp the upstream. The leasing of equipment and personnel is a long-standing business for him.

"We naturally trust Mr. Xu's character." Yin Yu nodded.

The other two people also nodded repeatedly, and they didn't dare to believe it.

There is nothing you can do even if you are actually playing football as a referee. Whoever made this stadium was built by others.

"Then let's go meet my colleagues. They must have been looking forward to the arrival of the three of them for a long time." Xu Jia stood up and said with a smile.

Jiaxing Restaurant.

There was a lot of noise in the banquet hall.

Most of the people involved in the meeting knew each other.

"Damn it, you're a guy who wants to die even if you die."

"Yes, I won't accept it even if I die, but that doesn't mean I won't accept it if I live. What's more, is this what Jiaxing calls food? That's because Mr. Xu cares about everyone and has opened a way for us. Do you have any opinions on Mr. Xu?"

"Okay, now that we're all sitting together, we might just eat from the same pot from now on. Cooperation is the last word."

"Do you think this is the Hongmen Banquet? When Xu Jia appears later, he throws a cup as a signal, and three hundred swordsmen and axemen rush in."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone else looked at the person who said it like a fool.

I thought it was a romance.

This is a society ruled by law, two waves, one wave.

But everyone, you look at me and I look at you, but the thoughts in my heart are not exposed.

Although it is impossible to arrange three hundred swordsmen, it is still possible to take advantage of today's opportunity to catch them all.

After all, Tangren and Zhouyi have learned from the past, and many companies went bankrupt due to Jiaxing during this period.

It is inevitable that the feeling of sadness over the death of a rabbit or a fox will arise in their hearts.


The door opens.

Xu Jia walked in and instantly attracted everyone's attention.

As for the three guys behind him, they were ignored and treated as bodyguards.

"Hello everyone." Xu Jia waved with a friendly smile.

The suspicious atmosphere just now disappeared instantly, and everyone rushed to stand up and respond.

"Hello, Mr. Xu. It's better to meet him than to be famous. He looks younger and more promising than the rumors say."

"I'm so touched that Mr. Xu could take time out of his busy schedule to see us..."

"A bunch of licking dogs are not like me. They only want to serve Mr. Xu and have nothing else."

"Mr. Xu, we are Tianxia Film and Television Company. Everyone in the company voted unanimously to join Jiaxing unconditionally!"


The guys who just regarded Jia Xing as a tiger, leopard and jackal all spat.

What good things are you thinking about?

Jiaxing is so easy to join. If this method works, they will all be willing to merge into Jiaxing and receive this golden rice bowl.

That's right, in the eyes of peers, Jiaxing's work is not just an iron rice bowl, but a golden rice bowl.

If you participate in a popular project, the red envelopes you receive alone are equivalent to a year's salary, not to mention paid vacations.

This kind of company is a dream company.

"Haha, everyone, please be patient. The protagonist today is actually not me, but the three people behind me."

Xu Jia turned sideways and introduced the three people in charge: "These three are the heads of the short video department of Douying, Alibaba, and Penguin. Before coming here, I also talked with them in detail about the short video film and television industry. possibility, and decided to launch a short drama in the form of a short video.”

"I've invited everyone here, and I've also invited the three people in charge. I hope the two parties can get in touch and see if we can develop this new track together."

New track?

For other things, they might still be hesitant.

But when they heard about the new track from Xu Jia, everyone's eyes turned red and they were filled with desire.

Very simple, except for the lessons learned from Zhou Yi and Tang Ren.

There are also those agencies that followed Xu Jiahun. Some of them devoted themselves to idol variety shows and made a lot of money. Some of them entered Douying and became Internet celebrity artists. Now they are also full of new life.

They just want to shout at this moment, God, you finally opened your eyes.

Finally, they were given a chance to hug Xu Jia's lap.

The hatred before was because the other party made money without helping them, it was just jealousy, but now I want to hold on to my thighs, and then kick down the other people who hold their thighs.

For a moment, everyone in the banquet hall became wary of the people around them.

These guys are all potential competitors.

"Mr. Xu, I would like to ask a question. Has the short play format you mentioned already appeared a long time ago, like "Chen Xiang at 6:30" or the previous "Diaosi Man"?" one of them said asked.

Not to mention, the short video skit Xu Jia mentioned is a bit similar to this thing.

If this were the case, it wouldn't be considered an innovation, and people had already been on this track. If it were really feasible, there wouldn't be only one "Chen Xiang Six-thirty" alive and well.

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