Seeing that Kevin had mentioned this, it also met Xu Jia's expectations.

Xu Jia naturally stopped letting the other party suffer and said calmly: "Relax, where are you now? If outsiders see you like this, they will think that you have been frightened by Constance." I'm so scared. Speaking of which, is the power struggle within your group so serious? Can you just change your position?"

This is also the strange thing about him. Kevin has no merit in Warner Group, and this kind of president has no say in which group he is placed in.

How is it possible that here at Warner, we are still worried about being outcompeted?

"Of course it wouldn't be normal, but behind Contense are not only people from our group, but also external forces that are leaning towards him with resources, such as Disney, Universal and other groups, and even Netflix is ​​following his lead. There is contact."

Kevin paused when he said this and gave Xu Jia a look that said, "You know."

Xu Jia really understood in an instant that in the end, the relationship was his fault.

Also, in his previous life, Kevin sat comfortably as the president of Warner Group without so many twists and turns.

Now that Contense has jumped out, it is obvious that there are external forces instigating it.

This is a warning to Xu Jia and Kevin to start a streaming media company. These entertainment giants are more wary of the combination of Jiaxing and Warner than Xu Jia and Kevin expected.

They had thought that these giants would take action, but they did not expect that the reaction would be so violent and in this way.

Xu Jia touched his nose, changed the topic, and said: "It seems that this project will not work unless Contense is eliminated. Your group has the IP of "The Flash", so you should leave this project to Contance. I believe that with your methods, he will not notice that you took the initiative to let him pass."

Of course, even if Contense knew that Kevin took the initiative to give up such a high-quality IP, he would not give it up.

Even Kevin looked incredulous when he heard these words: "This project is what I have been fighting for. Apart from Batman and Superman, the IP in the whole group has the most potential for successful film and television adaptation in DC comics. You asked me to give it to Contense? Then I will be regarded as weak by everyone in the group."

He thought that Xu Jia would come up with some amazing plan for him, but he didn't expect that it would really make people cry, but he was the one crying.

"But what if this IP fails? Or is it a big failure like "Green Lantern"? As you said, this IP is of such high quality and the investment is so huge. If it fails in the hands of Contense, what fate do you think he will face? ?”

Xu Jia asked the other party in reply, one question after another was deafening.

Of course he knew that it was difficult for Kevin to make this decision. After all, no one would take the initiative to hand over the sword to the enemy. This was tantamount to giving himself a knife, and he had to give the other party confidence and force.

"As you said, then Contants will definitely be removed from the group, and he will not be left with a seat on the board of directors. Even with the support of giants such as Disney and Netflix, Contans will never be able to In terms of survival."

Kevin is very clear about the consequences of a failure similar to "Green Lantern" within the group, not to mention the IP of The Flash.

You must know that if an IP fails and wants to be restarted, it will take at least thirty years of precipitation. It will not be re-launched until the next generation of audiences grow up, trying to gain their love.

But it would have to be a big failure. Normally, it would be difficult for such a mature IP to fail badly, especially since he knew how much the group valued The Flash, and the project document was also very commercial.

Kevin gritted his teeth and said: "But if it is a big success, no, it doesn't even need to be a big success. Even if it is just a break-even, it will be enough for Contense to replace me in the group. This step is too risky."

In his current situation, there was no need to use such risky tactics.

"It's a bit risky, but with Contense's rampant behavior, I think your current position is not as stable as it seems on the surface. If you think about it carefully, the support of giants such as Disney and Netflix will not support Warner's I’m afraid the impact on business will not be small.”

"You should be very worried right now. We have a proverb in China, which is called boiling a frog in warm water. Use the gradually increasing water temperature to make the frog lose its vigilance. By the time the temperature is enough to steam the frog, the latter has lost the ability to escape."

Xu Jia looked at Kevin indifferently and said, "You seem to have a choice, but in fact you have no choice. To put it bluntly, I gave you the last hope."

The other party is no longer the president of Warner who used to be calm and composed in front of him. It can be seen that it is difficult for anyone to stay calm and sober when it comes to their own key issues, and Kevin is no exception.

So at this time, what Xu Jia has to do is not to guide the other party, but to order the other party, slap him to wake him up, and see clearly whether the environment he is in is as gentle as imagined.

Kevin was angry at first, and his face instantly looked like a cooked lobster. He felt that his protective coat had been stripped away by the other party, and his dignity had been trampled on. He even wanted to grab Xu Jia's collar and tell the other party that it was not because of your words that he It would not have reached the point where it is today.

But the next moment, he used his remaining rationality to realize that he might indeed be as the other party said, that he had only this option, and this path was provided by the other party. In a sense, he had to thank Xu Jia. .

"Xu, we are allies. If I lose anything, it will not be easy for you. And we work so closely together, you have to help me..." Kevin tried to play the emotional card.

He has stood in the position of president for so long that he has not calmed down to think about it for a long time. His position does not seem to be that stable. There are many people behind Contense's ascension. After all, every change means benefits. The re-cutting of the cake.

He was mercilessly interrupted by Xu Jia, who said in a deep voice: "I'm just helping you now. I know you may blame me in your heart, thinking that it was your cooperation with me that got you to this point. But in fact, we have also experienced different experiences. There are few moments of success, right? With Contense’s mentality, even if he doesn’t threaten you now, he will still be a serious problem for you in the future.”

"So what you have to do now is not to complain or ask for help, but to fight for the last chance of survival as I said and hand over the IP of The Flash to him. If he takes over, what will be the benefit to me? Think about it clearly Who is your friend and who is your enemy? Then think about whether you should listen to me or not."

Such Kevin may not be the best Warner president, but he will be Jiaxing's best partner.

Through this critical rescue, Xu Jia believes that it will leave a deep mark on Kevin's heart and will come in handy in the future.

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