Let you invest, you support half of the entertainment industry?

Chapter 797: Even if you risk your life, take photos

Jiaxing Restaurant.

After seeing the long-lost boss finally come again.

The chefs in the entire restaurant tried their best and the dishes were sumptuous.

However, there were only two people in the huge box, Xu Jia and Wang Baoqiang.

"Director Chen will be here soon. I have already sent him a message. We can talk about the new project you are planning to shoot first. I can also check and fill in the gaps for you based on my personal vision and experience." Xu Jiaxiao road.

After this moment of contact, coupled with Xu Jia's previous comfort to him, Wang Baoqiang felt much more relaxed.

Wang Baoqiang responded with a simple smile and said: "I came up with the idea for a new movie after hearing someone's story. I wonder if you know about the 'Fighting Orphans' that shocked the country last year. Over there in Sichuan Province There is a fighting club founder named Enbo. He managed to bring a group of children out of the mountains, and then taught them the means and methods to survive. However, after it was later exposed, everyone misunderstood his story. intention."

"After I learned about this story, I was very touched. This script is very dramatic, but I don't know the extent of it. But don't worry, I will use all my energy and effort to make this movie. , I am willing to sign a military order with you, and if there is no profit in the end, I am willing to bear the loss."

Halfway through, he realized that he seemed to be timid, as the last movie cast too great a shadow on him.

But in order to make a comeback, he doesn't mind betting the rest of his career, provided of course that someone gives him the chance.

But now, it is difficult for him to even have this opportunity.

"There is no need for a military order. If every director is like you, wouldn't it mean that the film studio has become a sure-profit investment? The industry has been in chaos for a long time. I am not that kind of person. If you want to invest in movies, then do it well. Psychological preparation for losing money, what would a producer do without this preparation?”

Xu Jia shook his head and rejected Wang Baoqiang's military order. It was nothing more than a gambling agreement. Yang Mi won the bet, but there were many people who lost the bet. Zhang Guoli was still very old because of the gambling agreement and he still has to come to the stage to preside over it.

Even if Zhou Xingxing signed a gambling agreement, he was forced to the point where he gave up his artistic ethics. Later, he produced "The New King of Comedy" without changing the ingredients. Wang Baoqiang, who starred at the time, was also the star of "Havoc in Tianzhu". " failed and planned to make some money back through filming. The two hit it off immediately.

Of course, this was all in the past life. With Xu Jia's involvement in this life, Master Xing's artistic integrity has been preserved. At least for now, the public still feels that they owe a movie ticket.

"Based on the real events you mentioned, first of all, make sure that the film type is a drama. This type is not popular in the box office market. In addition, do the protagonists related to this event agree to film? This is also a question. Don't wait until it is released. If a commotion occurs, it will be too late." Xu Jia raised two key questions, especially if the last question is not resolved, the movie will be like planting a time bomb.

However, after Wang Baoqiang heard Xu Jia's question, instead of being discouraged, he cheered up.

He is not afraid of questioning, but he is afraid that no one cares about it, which means that the filmmaker has no intention of investing at all. As a saying goes, the buyer is the one who criticizes, and it is obvious that the other party has the intention to invest.

"I will add some comedy elements to the movie. It will definitely not be as deliberate as "Havoc in Tianzhu". The tone will still be based on the spirit of great love shown in real events. If I have to say the advantages, I can only say My sincerity will be fully reflected to the audience. If they accept it, then this movie will not be in vain." The more Wang Baoqiang said, the more guilty he became.

It seems that according to his own statement, the box office prospects are still not very competitive. He has been in the film industry for so many years, and of course he knows how difficult it is for feature films to win the box office.

Why don't the audience choose to watch it on the computer, but spend money to watch a feature film in the cinema? This is different from science fiction and comedy. The former is worth the price because of the special effects, while the latter is for everyone to laugh and be happy together. It's twice as easy, and even if it's a thriller, having a girlfriend can also enhance the relationship.

But for a feature film, it is difficult for a group of people to truly empathize with it in a movie theater. After all, it is a public place, and occasional noises can easily interrupt thoughts.

After thinking for a moment, he could only add: "I have communicated with Enbo, including his apprentices, and they all agreed to the movie adaptation. They also hope that everyone can see the situation of the children in the mountains and the relief of Enbo. Misunderstanding on the body.”

This means that he does not have a perfect solution to the former problem, but the latter problem has now been solved.

Xu Jia nodded, not surprised that the other party was guilty. Anyone who was ridiculed by the crowd in his last movie would have more or less low self-esteem in the next one.

Even someone as proud as Jiang Wen still has to compromise for the market after experiencing box office failure.

As for those filmmakers who have backbone and are unyielding, 80% have been eliminated, and the remaining 19% have failed to compromise. Only a handful of them can break through the worldly prison through their amazing talents, but this kind of genius is rarer than successful movies. .

"In this way, you don't have to think about how to please the audience. All you have to do is polish the movie. As for the script, we have a professional team here. They will help you incorporate the elements that the movie should have. When the time comes, we will promote it Jiaxing will also do it all, which means we will let the audience into the cinema, but whether we can keep them and whether we can let them leave after they leave, this is your task." Xu Jia said.

He didn't need PUA Wang Baoqiang at all. The other party's self-esteem had already hit rock bottom. What he wanted to do now was to help the other party boost their confidence.

"You mean, you agreed to invest in my movie?" Wang Baoqiang grasped the key point, with surprise and disbelief in his eyes.

"Of course, in my eyes, you have always been Jiaxing's friend."

Xu Jia's ears twitched, then he paused and continued: "Besides, Director Chen came to me specifically for your matter before. I will definitely sell this face."

The next moment, there was a knock on the box door, and then Chen Sicheng's figure appeared after he pushed it open.

"Mr. Xu's words are very polite. How much is my face worth? The value of Baoqiang's project lies there. By the way, Baoqiang thanked Mr. Xu quickly." Chen Sicheng winked at Wang Baoqiang.

The latter quickly stood up and held the tea cup: "Mr. Xu, I'm not very good at talking, so just watch it. I risked my life to make this movie."

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