Let you print cards, not let you kill gods

Chapter 221 The sea beast has arrived, surrender to the sea!

At the bottom of the deep sea not far from Dragon Island, Melia endured the pain of magic backlash and stared angrily at the man opposite.

Here is Gudis City, the capital of the Sea Clan.

This was once the happiest city in the entire sea, where countless people of the sea roamed freely.

Today, however, the city is occupied by fear and bloodshed.

Just this morning, Sea Tribe General Bayard launched a rebellion. The rebels fought all the way into Gudis City. They seemed to be blessed by some powerful force. Even the most elite troops of the Sea Tribe could not harm them in the slightest.

The most important thing is that during this process, except for the royal family's personal guards, all the troops were watching everything silently.

They were already dissatisfied with Melia's behavior of leading the Sea Tribe to surrender to Chisara.

The sea race is the freest creature in the world, how can it submit to other races?

"Bayard, do you know what you are doing?!" Melia held the scepter in her hand. After her father became seriously ill, she has been holding the scepter of the Sea Tribe. "You are rebelling!"

"Rebellion? Haha, a royal family that cannot protect its own race has no value in existing." Bayard opened his arms and grinned.

"Protection? What you mean by protection is sacrificing the entire sea clan to Zevo?!"

"You are not allowed to call Poseidon by his first name!" Bayard roared loudly.

Melia looked at Bayard and showed a mocking smile: "As expected, it is indeed so."

As the de facto leader of the Sea Clan, she has long been aware of this trend of thought within the Sea Clan.

After dusk, all the gods began to revive, and Poseidon was no exception.

As the most steadfast believers in Poseidon, the Sea Tribe would naturally not miss this trend.

However, as the royal family of the sea tribe, the mermaids have always suppressed this trend of thought.

Because they know very well what kind of disaster this trend of thought will bring.

Aldin, the greatest king in the history of the Sea Tribe, was harmed by this trend of thought and was killed by the Holy Maiden of Dusk.

When Melia took over the scepter of the Sea Tribe from her father, the mermaids were at their wits end with this trend of thought.

"Never piss Dusk off."

This was Aldin's request to his descendants before his death.

"You are dragging the entire sea clan into the abyss."

"If you want to blame, blame you for making a stupid choice." Bayard laughed, "Surrender to the Dragon Clan? We have the vastest sea! We have endless resources! The great Poseidon will also protect us! Before you The moment it surrenders without a fight, you have already lost everything!”

"That's because we know it well." Meria said coldly, "If you take refuge in the Dragon Clan, you can still survive, but if you welcome back the Poseidon, you will be destroyed."

Poseidon has never been the protector of the sea people.

In His eyes, the sea is His property, and all resources and wealth, and everything in the sea, are His private property.

Sea Clan?

The moment He returns completely, they are no longer His believers, but a group of thieves who steal His property.

In Zewo's era, the Sea Tribe was miserable. In the eyes of Poseidon, they were not even slaves, but just a group of consumables for collecting resources.

When they can do no more, Engrem appears.

Eat them and squeeze out the last bit of value.

Countless compatriots have become food for the sea monster Engrem.

It was under such circumstances that Martina ran away.

She firmly believes in the legends of the sea tribe:

When the sea abandons us,

Go ashore.

There are heroes out there.

He will save us.

Even if it overturns the entire sea.

Then, the scary man came back with Martina.

In the eyes of the sea people, Aldin is the greatest king, and Martina is the savior.

Therefore, even if thousands of years have passed, there is still a temple of Martina in Gudis City. However, because of Aldin's past experience, they no longer arranged any divine position for Martina.

Melia coughed and struggled to stay afloat.

On her tail, the originally beautiful scales peeled off in large swaths, revealing patches of red flesh.

"You have no idea of ​​the terror of Poseidon." Melia said loudly, "You will regret your decision today!"

Could Aldin not know Vivian's hatred of gods?

But so what?

Poseidon is not really dead.

As long as the belief in Poseidon still exists, Poseidon will always return one day.

The Sea Clan does not want that kind of terrifying world to return again, so the best way is to replace the old Sea God with a new Sea God, usurp the Sea God's throne, and completely kill the original Sea God.

Therefore, Aldin, the hero who led the sea people to fight against Poseidon, finally voluntarily stepped onto the altar.

Although he failed, the sea remembered his contribution to the sea people.

It was Aldin's efforts that delayed the time of Poseidon's resurrection by a thousand years.

"Regret? Hahahaha! When the great Lord Zevo revives, the whole sea will cheer!"

Bayard pointed to the southeast: "Look! Poseidon's mount, the invincible sea beast Engrem will carry Poseidon's temple to Gudis."

"At that time, we will offer you as a sacrifice to the great Poseidon!"

"The master of the sea will awaken again in Gudis!"

"At that time, those hateful dragons will also become Engrem's food!"

As soon as Bayard finished speaking, a loud sound resounded throughout Gudis City.

His face suddenly showed a look of joy, and he raised his head and looked toward the southeast.

At the edge of his vision, a dark shadow loomed.

"Look! Lord Engrem has answered my call!"

"The sea monster has arrived, you should surrender to the sea!"

Bayard said ecstatically, waving his arms excitedly to his men.

The roar of the beast was getting closer.

One can already see the outline of Engrem.

However, what is a little strange is that this legendary and powerful sea beast seems to have a cold white light shining on its back.

Bayard did not doubt his presence.

Just think of it as part of Engrem.

"Lord Engrem!" Bayard came up impatiently, wanting to greet Poseidon's apostle in person, "Gudis is ready! Poseidon's coming ceremony can be started at any time."

However, before he could finish his words, Engrem let out a roar.

This time, Bayard finally judged that it was a roar of pain.

Why does Engrem suffer.

Bayard looked forward incomprehensibly.


White flame!

The sky-wide flames enveloped the entire back of the giant beast.

Its body trembled and twisted with burning pain.

And in this flame, the temple of Poseidon that once appeared in his dream was looming.


Engrem fell towards Gudis.

Accompanied by strong vibrations and painful roars, the entire city of Gudis fell into chaos.

The flames spread from Engrem's body, but it had no intention of harming the buildings in Gudis City. It just stared at the rebels and burned them.

This flame is igniting the faith of Poseidon.

"Hey! Safe landing! I said, you should trust my driving skills!"

A lovely female voice came from the flames.

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