Let you print cards, not let you kill gods

Chapter 275 We must ban cards immediately!

Wang Ming returned to the Magic City Exploration Bureau and immediately found the director Wu Ziqin.

"I remember that not long ago, a batch of life cards from the Dawn Continent were just included in the card library, right?" Wang Ming asked.

Wu Ziqin said: "Well, there is a batch, which is still under review. They are life cards contributed by a new colleague."

Having said this, he sighed with a little loss: "It's a pity that his soul card died in a sudden catastrophe not long ago."

"Show me those cards." Wang Ming said.

"What? Because Shen Sui's cards are very powerful, do you think the life cards in World No. 1 are also very strong?" Wu Ziqin said with a smile, "But I have to explain first, even members of the Exploration Bureau want to use the card library to To get the life card, you have to follow the process."

Wang Ming waved his hand and said, "Stop talking nonsense and hurry up."

"You guy, you don't respect the elderly at all." Wu Ziqin said angrily, but he also saw Wang Ming's anxiety and opened the authority to call up the new life card that was being reviewed by Wang Ming.

Wang Ming squinted his eyes and looked at the life cards one by one.

In fact, Zhang Fang had shown these cards to him some time ago, and said that the quality of the new cards was very good, and joked that he wanted to enrich himself.

At that time, Wang Ming didn't pay much attention and just glanced at it casually.

However, when he accidentally glanced into Shen Sui's room today, the familiar feeling made Wang Ming very concerned.

This is it.

Wang Ming's hand sliding the screen stopped on a card.

[Breaking Insect Catastrophe].

"This is the catastrophe that took away the life of his soul card." Wu Ziqin took a look and said, "A young elf who had a great future and was expected to become the captain of the Elf Guard Team."

Wang Ming nodded and then enlarged the picture with two fingers.

In the center of the card is a huge sphere wrapped by countless black insects, and there are countless insects flying towards the sphere.

In the corner that was not filled with insects, Wang Ming saw the woman floating inside.

Although her face was a little blurry, it was somewhat similar to the woman he saw in Shen Sui's room.

The only difference is that the woman in Shen Sui's room is wearing ancient Hanfu and her hair seems to be black.

It seems I guessed wrong?

That’s right, how is that possible.

How could individuals from another world pass through the barriers of this world so easily?

"You don't seem to be looking at the card?" Wu Ziqin seemed to see Wang Ming's thoughts and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"Just to clear up some doubts in my mind." Wang Mingdao said, but did not tell Wu Ziqin what he was thinking. After all, it was just his unfounded guess.

As people within the system, there are some things that we cannot say casually, especially members of the Exploration Bureau. A casual word may very well change the fate of an ordinary person.

"Speaking of which, it's almost time to release the new month's banned card list, right?" Wang Ming asked, "How is the Life Card Association sorting it out?"

After a series of beatings, the Life Card Association has almost become a good baby of the Exploration Bureau, and the banned card list has also been modified under the will of the Exploration Bureau.

"It's ready to be announced." Wu Ziqin wiped his glasses, "Speaking of this, if you have the opportunity to go to Shen Sui, you'd better remind him. Of course, this system should be extended to all fate card masters in the future."


Wu Ziqin took out a piece of paper from the drawer, handed it to Wang Ming, and said: "After review, this is the list of life cards in Shen Sui's deck that are likely to enter the banned card list. Please help me forward it to Shen Sui, let him make plans early. His cooldown period for banned cards has not passed yet, so these cards will not enter the banned card list for the time being. Even if it passes, you still need to check whether the position on the list is sufficient. It will be based on priorities and life card masters. Listed in order of rank. But they are all likely to be banned. If these cards are crucial to his build, let him find replacement cards as soon as possible."

After a pause, Wu Ziqin continued: "What Director Zhang means is that the card ban system is a key measure to balance the field. There is nothing wrong with the system itself and should not be abolished, but the implementation process needs to be adjusted, and the compensation provisions must also be implemented. Revise."

Wu Ziqin pointed to the document beside him: "You can take a look. This is a new card ban rule that is planned to be tested in the Magic City. If the implementation results are satisfactory, it will be promoted nationwide in the future."

Wang Ming opened the document with a hint of curiosity.

The new ban card system still retains the reporting system, but the Life Card Association no longer reviews the content of the report. Instead, one thousand Life Card Masters are randomly selected from all the Life Card Masters in the country to judge the content of the report. Only one hundred More than 70% of the fate card masters decided that this card should become a banned card, and then it will enter the card banning process.

After the decision is made to enter the card ban process, the card ban list is not immediately entered.

The Life Card Association will inform the owner of the Life Card that the Life Card has entered the ban process and give him a buffer period of at least one month.

Moreover, before being put on the list, the auditor will conduct at least five duels with the owner for final review. If it is found that the strength is not enough to be listed, it will be removed from the list.

The fate card master who receives the notice can use this notice to redeem the compensation for the banned card in advance.

There are two types of compensation content.

One is monetary compensation or tax exemption.

The other is to randomly select a card from the exploration board's card library with a star rating no higher than the original life card.

"It seems reasonable." Wang Ming looked through the pile of documents, and then glanced at Shen Sui's card that was about to be added to the banned card list.

[Sacrificial Doll·Aida].

[Vivian’s hairpin].

"Damn it. There are ten of them." Wang Ming was stunned when he saw the card list, "Are you planning to destroy Shen Sui's deck?"

Wu Ziqin smiled bitterly and said: "We have eliminated thirteen cards. It was originally more exaggerated. I don't know what happened to this guy's life card. Each one looks so fake."

"Are you sure this is restricting him?" Wang Ming glanced at Wu Ziqin and said, "There are some cards in our card library that are more powerful than his."

"It's an attitude." Wu Ziqin said, "As for him getting more powerful cards from the Exploration Card Library, there's nothing he can do about it. It doesn't violate any rules, does it? And he's not the only one. It’s a human’s privilege, if other people have the ability to put so many cards on the banned card list, they can do the same.”

"So, why does he have so many cards for review?" Wang Ming said in disbelief, "Isn't it about the new system?"

"His cards have been reported a lot." Wu Ziqin said, "The fact that he became the champion of the Magic City Duel Conference has touched the sensitive nerves of many people."

"I just hope Shen Sui can do better." Wang Ming shook his head and said, "Desensitize these guys."

"I think it shouldn't be difficult." Wu Ziqin said with a smile, "Those guys have to get used to the fact that the game is not under their control sooner or later."

One more chapter

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